
rè hé
  • thermonuclear
热核[rè hé]
  1. 惯性约束核聚变(Inertialconfinementfusion,ICF)是实现可控热核聚变的途径之一。

    Inertial confinement fusion ( ICF ) is an alternative way to achieving controlled thermonuclear fusion .

  2. 苹果已故老板SteveJobs承诺将向android对苹果系统性的抄袭发起热核战争。

    Apple 's late boss , Steve Jobs , promised thermonuclear war against what he saw as Android 's systematic copying of Apple features .

  3. 受控热核聚变装置软X射线反演成像探测研究

    Detective studies of soft X-ray tomography on controlled thermonuclear fusion device

  4. Heisenberg群上热核及Green核的渐近性

    Asymptotics for some heat kernel and green kernel on the Heisenberg Group

  5. ICF的最终目标是要实现高温高密度热核点火。

    Ignition under high temperature and density is the ultimate destination of ICF .

  6. 35MeV/u~(40)Ar+~(197)Au反应中热核的统计发射研究

    Statistical Emission of Hot Nuclei in the 35MeV / u ~ ( 40 ) Ar + ~ ( 197 ) Au Nuclear Reaction

  7. 高温高密度热核点火是ICF研究的核心问题。

    High temperature and high density of thermonuclear ignition is the core issue in ICF research field .

  8. 用于热核巨共振研究的大面积BGO闪烁探测器

    Large area BGO scintillator detectors for the study of hot nuclei GDR

  9. 国际热核实验反应堆(ITER)真空室的设计介绍

    Iter ( International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor ) - feat vacuum vessel design presentation

  10. 国际热核实验堆ITERFEAT设计已完成。

    New design details for the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor , ITER-FEAT , have been completed .

  11. 惯性约束核聚变(Inertialconfinementfusion,ICF)是当前核聚变研究的主要方向之一,对人类和平利用热核能意义重大。

    Inertial confinement fusion ( ICF ) is the main direction of nuclear fusion research which is significant in peaceful use of nuclear energy for human .

  12. 一个碳氧白矮星可以通过洛希瓣物质交流或者通过星风从其伴星吸积物质,从而增加自身质量,最终由于不稳定的热核燃烧而发生Ia型超新星爆炸。

    A carbon-oxygen white dwarf may explode as Type Ia supernova by accreting matter from its company via either Roche lobe overflow or wind .

  13. 它在惯性约束热核聚变(ICF)、超新星动力学等领域都有着广泛的应用背景和重要的研究价值。

    It has widely application background and important research value for Inertial confinement thermonuclear fusion ( ICF ), Supernova dynamics and so on .

  14. 神光III激光装置是我国在建的一项重大的工程项目,其作用是在实验室条件下产生高能量激光,从而驱动热核聚变。

    The SG-III Laser driver facility now under construction is a significant project in China , it is used to start thermonuclear reaction by generating high power laser beams under laboratory conditions .

  15. 国际热核反应堆就是我们所熟知的托克马克装置。当Zeta反应堆开始工作的时候,俄国人就发明这个形状像甜甜圈的家伙。

    ITER is what is known as a tokamak , a doughnut-shaped device invented in Russia at about the same time Zeta was active .

  16. 国际热核实验反应堆(ITER)是建造中的世界上最大的聚变反应堆,目前选址已确定在法国的卡达拉奇。

    ITER will be the largest fusion experimental reactor in the world . This is an international cooperative project .

  17. J-TEXT托卡马克是用来研究热核聚变的实验装置。

    J-TEXT Tokamak is an experimental facility designed for fusion research .

  18. AGB星氦燃烧壳层源出现非稳定热核反应的判据

    The Criterion of the Unstable Thermonuclear Reaction in the Helium Burning Shell of a Thermal Pulsation AGB Star

  19. 当前国际热核实验堆(ITER)的建造对推动聚变材料研究起着关键作用。

    The construction of International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor ( ITER ) makes a great effect on fusion materials research and development .

  20. 根据劳森判据,激光聚变过程中,燃料面密度ρR≥0.4g/cm~2时才有可能实现热核点火。

    According to Lawson criterion , during the laser fusion process , Fuel areal density ρ R ≥ 0.4g/cm2 when will it be possible to achieve thermonuclear ignition .

  21. 带边紧流形上热核的Harnack不等式

    Heat kernel Riemannian Manifold , Harnack Inequality

  22. 试验包层模块(TBM)是国际热核聚变实验堆(ITER)的关键核心组件,其设计涉及多学科综合优化分析。

    Test Blanket Module ( TBM ) is a key component of the International Thermonuclear Experi-mental Reactor ( ITER ) . Its design involves multi-disciplinary optimization analysis .

  23. 神光III装置是我国在建的大型惯性约束聚变(Inertialconfinementfusion,ICF)激光装置,目的是在实验室条件下以强激光作为驱动源实现热核聚变。

    SG-III is a large-scale Inertial Confinement Fusion ( ICF ) laser facility of our country in construction , which takes strong laser as the drive source in the laboratorial environment to implement heat nuclear fusion .

  24. 电镜负染、切片观察,酶切、PCR扩增及测序鉴定的结果表明表达犬瘟热核蛋白基因的重组犬2型腺病毒构建成功,表达的核蛋白分子量为58kDa。

    We demonstrated that a recombinant canine adenovirus type-2 expressing nucleocapsid protein of canine distemper virus was successfully constructed and observed by electron microscopy , enzyme digestion , PCR and sequencing . The molecular mass of nucleocapsid protein was 58 kDa .

  25. 能源是人类生活中不可缺少的重要资源,惯性约束聚变(Inertialconfinementfusion)是实现可控热核聚变的主要途径之一,在能源、国防、基础科学研究等方面有着重要意义。

    Energy source is indispensable for huma life , Inertial Confinement Fusion ( ICF ) is an important path to realize controlled heat nuclear fusion . It has important significance for energy source , national defence and basic research .

  26. 国际热核聚变实验堆(ITER)被誉为地球上的人造太阳,将从根本上解决困扰人类的能源问题。

    International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor ( ITER ) known as a " artificial sun " on earth will entirely solve the energy problem puzzled mankind forever .

  27. 本文研究了经典的Heisenberg型群&四元Heisenberg群和CayleyHeisenberg群上的热核及其应用问题。

    In this thesis we investigate the heat kernels and their applications of the classical Heisenberg type groups which are the quaternionic Heisenberg groups and Cayley Heisenberg groups .

  28. ITER(国际热核聚变实验实验堆)是规划建设中的一个为验证全尺寸可控核聚变技术的可行性而设计的国际托卡马克实验堆。

    ITER ( International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor ) is a planning international Tokamak reactor designed to demonstrate the feasibility of the full dimensions controlled nuclear fusion technology .

  29. 国际热核聚变实验堆(ITER)计划中,包层模块等关键部件表面需要制备阻氚涂层,以防止氚渗透。

    In the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor ( ITER ) project , tritium permeation barrier is necessary on the surface of TBM ( Test Blanket Module ) .

  30. 位于普罗旺斯的国际热核聚变实验堆(简称为ITER)计划于2035年开始输送能源。

    Located in Provence , the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor - or ITER , for short - is expected to start delivering energy in the year 2035 .