- hydrothermal solution

Preliminary EXPEIRMENTAL study of the type of migration of uranium in hydrothermal solution
Its materials might come from both magmas and host rocks , indicating that it was formed when the ichor ( or hydrothermal solution ) replaced the Devonian siliceous shale and so on .
The Si , Fe and Mn rich hydrothermal oxides are very common in modern seafloor hydrothermal systems .
PH increases and CO2 , H2S and other gases diffuse as the temperature is decreasing because of the boiling .
Rare earth element and strontium-neodymium isotope characteristics of hydrothermal chimney in Jade area in the Okinawa Trough
S , H , O and Pb isotopes show that the ore-forming fluid and ( metallogenic ) material come from magmatic hydrothermal fluids .
Formation Mechanism of the Growth Forms of SiO_2 and SnO_2 under Hydrothermal Conditions
Two sediment cores from the hydrothermal fields near the EPR 13 ° N were chosen for systematic elemental geochemical analysis .
On the Moller 's ' Tb / Ca-Tb / La diagram , fluorite from the granite falls into the hydrothermal field , whereas fluorite .
Agreed that the study area good exploration potential for looking for volcanic-related epithermal Pb and Zn deposits and Mo polymetallic mine closely related to porphyry deposits .
A study on the formation mechanism of REE ( nb , ti ) _2o_6-type minerals in the hydrothermal system based on the experiment on hydroxide coprecipitation
The deposited hydrothermal minerals are richer in Ce and Eu than the solution , and a second fractionation between HREE and LREE occurs during the process of minerals deposition .
O measurement , sea beam ? OBS and submersible measurements are all the survey methods to study the modern hydrothermal activities .
In combination with FTIR data , it is found that there exists crystallized wa-ter in the tunnel of tourmaline which belongs to the pegmatitic or hydrothermal type .
Application of hydrothermal diamond anvil cell to geology and the experiment in synthesis of methane hydrates
Te and Se are enriched in those deposits which relate with alkali-magma activities , Cd in those deposits which occur in crystalline basement mylonite , and Tl in Carlin-type gold deposits .
Pb-Zn and Au-Ag mineralizations as the representative of Qixing lead and zinc deposit are related to postmagmatic hydrothermal and structural .
It is assumed that iron might have been transported by solutions in the form of carbonyl complexes such as Na_2 Fe ( CO ) _4 .
Studies on Direct-contact Vaporization between Coolant and Hot Viscous Liquid in Analogy Hele-Shaw Cell
Deep-sea micro-organisms live in the high-pressure , low temperature ( some regions in high-temperature such as hydrothermal mouth ), anaerobic , extreme pH , high salt concentration , high metal concentrations , no light , oligotrophic , high-halogen and other special extreme enviroment .
The principle of the binary determined classification of the gold deposits is that the rock type , in which the gold deposits occurred , as the first foundation , and the metallogenic temperature as the second one .
Original Co-deposits of Pule and Hengdong in northeast Hunan occurred in tectonic , hydrothermal , altered rock zone of the lower plate of main fracture belt F2 , Changping fracture zone .
As an instance , the hydrothermal venting plume on the Juan de Fuca Ridge has been simulated and the simulated results are fairly consistent with Baker 's imputed data on surveying .
XW uranium deposit is a large hydrothermal uranium deposit localized in fault zones within granites .
All these typomorphic characteristics are helpful for the further development of the Nanhua As-Tl deposit , but also for prospecting of realgar-bearing hydrothermal deposits , especially those of As , Hg , Tl , Sb , Au , etc.
Hydrothermal processes at seafloor spreading centers are of great importance to base metal mineralization , and many of which have been found to be rich in associated Au or Au-Ag : Some localities can be delimited as independent gold orebody .
The Babaoshan gold-silver deposit in Cathaysian oldland is 140 ± 5Ma old originated from volcanic hydrothermal ore-formation .
Deep-sea hydrothermal activities and hydrothermal products which were found dur-ing nearly 20 cruises in the past 26 years of DSDP / ODP are introduced .
Acidic components with high temperature ( H 2 S , SO 2 , HF , HCl and so on ) and transitional metal elements in the volcanic hydrothermal fluid may promote the bond fission of C-O and C-S in kerogen , and has catalytic action on hydrocarbon generation .
Analyses of structural pattern of this regional fault system and mineralization features of uranium ore deposits hosted in the strike slip faults of various scales indicate that Mesozoic Cenozoic hydrothermal uranium mineralization was directly controlled by NNE trending strike slip faulting .