
hàn diǎn
  • Solder joint;welding spot;soldered dot
焊点 [hàn diǎn]
  • [soldered dot] 把铅皮固定在木工上的装置,在用铅皮覆盖的坚板上作一小孔,用宽缘螺丝把铅皮固定在孔中,再在里面填充焊料

焊点[hàn diǎn]
  1. 从U-I曲线图上能得到焊点焊接过程的电压和电流瞬时曲线图,从能量角度建模分析,可以反映出对应焊点焊接过程中能量的变化程度。

    In the U-I curve , the instantaneous voltage and current curve diagram about welding spot was got during welding process , and the change degree of energy for welding quality in the view of the energy .

  2. 用应力函数的方法得到焊点附近应力集中的分布情况,并以Swift-Hill屈服准则为判据,确定了单向拉伸时焊点附近产生塑性变形的力能条件。

    The distribution of stress around the welding spot is obtained by adopting stress function . The stress , which can make the plastically deforming area appear around the welding spot , is determined on the base of Swift-Hill yield criterion .

  3. X射线焊点无损检测技术的现状与发展

    Situation and Developments of X-ray Inspection Technique for PCB Solder Joints

  4. 基于视觉技术的WireBonding中焊点质量的自动检测方法

    A Method of Automatic Visual Inspection for Wire Bonding Bonds

  5. 钎料中Cu含量为1.0wt%时,焊点的剪切强度最大。

    The shear strength is highest when Cu content is 1.0wt % .

  6. 倒装焊器件尺寸参数对低k层及焊点的影响

    Effects of the Size Parameters of Flip-chip Device on Low-K Layer and Solder Joints Reliability

  7. 镧对Cu6Sn5长大驱动力及焊点可靠性的影响

    Effect of Lanthanum on Driving Force for Cu_6Sn_5 Growth and Improvement of Solder Joint Reliability

  8. 共晶SnBi/Cu焊点界面处Bi的偏析

    Bi segregation at interface of the eutectic snbi / cu solder joint

  9. J形引线焊点可靠性有限元分析

    Finite element analysis on reliability of soldered joint of J-lead

  10. 功率循环下CSP封装结构焊点的寿命预测分析

    Solder joint fatigue life predictions for CSP package under power cycling

  11. 控制中心采用可编程控制器(PLC)和触摸式液晶显示人机界面,可实现平面复杂焊点的全自动焊接。

    The PLC and the touch pane are used in the equipment , so the complex welding can be carried out automatically .

  12. CSP器件无铅焊点可靠性的有限元分析

    Finite element analysis on reliability of lead-free soldered joints for CSP device

  13. 基于2D投影的BGA焊点X射线检测缺陷图像处理方法

    BGA Solder Joint Defects Image Processing Method Based on 2D Imaging by Radiographic Real Time Testing

  14. 因此,由本研究结果中显示,Pt垫层是一极具潜力之焊点垫层材料。

    Hence these results showed that the Pt pad had a potential to be applied for solder joints .

  15. 利用SEM,TEM,XRD分析了共晶SnBi/Cu焊点经120℃时效7d后界面组织结构的变化。

    The interfacial microstructure of eutectic SnBi / Cu interconnect was examined by SEM , TEM and XRD .

  16. 随着尺寸的进一步微型化和载荷严酷化,集成电路(IC)封装焊点必将遭遇原子迁移这一可靠性瓶颈。

    With further miniaturization and harsh service loading , solder joint of integrated circuit ( IC ) will suffer the atomic migration .

  17. MCM焊点形态研究方法探讨

    The Study on MCM ′ s Solder Joint Shape

  18. IMC的过度生长,会严重恶化了焊点的拉伸强度。

    Excessive growth of IMC will seriously deteriorate the tensile strength of solder joints .

  19. BGA焊点空洞对信号传输性能的影响

    Effect of BGA Solder Joint Void on Signal Transmission Performance

  20. 提出了一种基于PCA的多元质量控制与诊断的过程模型,结合电子装配行业表面贴装工艺中焊点质量控制进行了实例研究。

    A case study in the solder joints quality control is given to illustrate the use of the proposed process model .

  21. 采用Ansys软件建立BGA倒装芯片模型考察焊点的热应力。

    BGA flip chip model was established based on Ansys software to investigate thermal stress in the solder joints .

  22. BGA焊点的缺陷分析与工艺改进

    Defect Analysis and Process Improvement of BGA Solder Joint

  23. BGA焊点的失效分析及热应力模拟

    The Invalidity Analysis and Thermal Stress / Strain Simulation of BGA Solder Ball

  24. 采用破坏性拉力试验和焊点接触电阻测量两种方法测试Pt-Pd-Ag三元合金导体的粗Al丝超声键合的性能。

    The performances of ultrasonic bounding between thick Al and Pt Pd Ag conductors are analyzed by measuring the tensile strength and the weld contact resistance .

  25. 工艺条件对BGA焊点电性能的影响

    The Effect of Process Condition on Electrical Property of Solder Joint in BGA Assemble

  26. 运用BP网络技术,建立起一套键合质量预报系统,对金丝键合焊点强度进行模拟和预测。

    By using BP network technology , a prediction system of the quality of wire bonding is established . The pull strength of bonds were simulated and predicted with the system .

  27. PBGA焊点形态参数对热疲劳寿命的影响

    The Effects of PBGA Solder Evolving Parameters on Thermal Fatigue Life

  28. 采用非线性有限元方法,分析了CSP封装形式的焊点在给定功率循环下的应力应变。

    The three-dimensional nonlinear finite element modeling is used to analyze stress-strain response of solder joint under certain power cycling loading condition .

  29. 键合点根部损伤是Al丝超声键合工艺中最常见的问题,严重的根部损伤不仅使焊点的键合强度降低,甚至会使键合点失效。

    Bond heel cracks are one of the most common problems in Al wire ultrasonic bonding process . Bad bond heel cracks impair bond strength , even lead to the failure in bond .

  30. 基于田口法的PBGA器件焊点可靠性分析

    Reliability analysis of PBGA soldered joints based on Taguchi method