
ɡōnɡ sī xínɡ xiànɡ
  • corporate image;corporate identity
  1. 这树立起了一种强有力的公司形象。

    This established a strong corporate image .

  2. 在香港,ISO9000认证已获得广泛采纳,并已伸延至服务行业,藉以提高公司形象。

    In Hong Kong , the ISO 9000 certification has been widely adopted and extended to service industries for the sole purpose of enhancing corporate image .

  3. 如果你想提高酒店VI设计公司形象和支持的字符或吉祥物的企业品牌战略的话,我们可以帮你实现这个目标!

    If you want to enhance your company image and support your corporate branding with a character or mascot based strategy then we can help you achieve that goal !

  4. 过去一年,高盛(GoldmanSachs)管理层一直在试图重塑公司形象,让这家总是被视为华尔街流氓的公司看起来不再像过去那么风险重重。

    In the last year or so , Goldman Sachs executives have tried to portray their firm , often seen as a Wall Street Swashbuckler , as a lot less risky than it used to be .

  5. 不管怎么说,阴差阳错的经典误导例子非伯鲁提(Berluti)莫属,它已大大“背离”了自己赖以成名的设计另类但启迪无限创意的品牌公司形象。

    Anyway wanting a textbook example of misguided decisions should look no further than Berluti , which has drifted far from being a house of eccentric but enlightened creativity .

  6. 难道这种善于便服的着装规定不会损害公司形象吗?

    Won 't the relaxed dress code damage the company image ?

  7. 我在帮助你提高你的公司形象。

    I 'm helping you raise your profile in the company .

  8. 但是,你渴望得到的公司形象也与此有关。

    But your desired company image has an impact here , too .

  9. 如何在国际媒体上提升您的公司形象?

    How to Promote Your Company Image Through International Media ?

  10. 打造公司形象与园艺十分相似。

    Creating a company image is similar to gardening .

  11. 严重破坏我公司形象,造成了恶劣影响。

    Severe damage to the company 's image and caused a bad influence .

  12. 噢,那条''蛇''只在乎公司形象。

    Oh that snake only cares about corporate image .

  13. 客户看到的是你的整个公司形象,不管你愿不愿意。

    Customers see your organization , whether you want them to or not .

  14. 他们下了很大力气改变公司形象。

    They have done a lot to change the profile of their company .

  15. 唯一比我们公司形象还重要的事

    You see , the only thing larger than our company 's image problem

  16. 高昂起我们的头,自豪地宣讲我们的作品,随时随地提升我们的公司形象。

    Keep your heads up , merchandise our work and build our profile everywhere .

  17. 初次之外,这也是一个宣传我们公司形象的机会。

    Besides , this is also a chance to publicise the image of our company .

  18. 现有的公司形象可以通过有计划的、相应的营销策略来改变打造。

    Established company images can be changed and shaped through planned , consistent marketing strategies .

  19. 在23周年之际,全新的外服公司形象标识体系开始酝酿使用。

    At the 23rd anniversary of SFSC , the bran-new corporate image system is brewed .

  20. 我的目标是重塑公司形象

    My goal is to re-brand our image

  21. 有人甚至把沃尔玛改善公司形象的努力也拿来大加嘲讽。

    Some even scoff at the store ´ s efforts to spruce up its image .

  22. 这并不是简单的为了提高公司形象。

    It is not for company image .

  23. 在外进行招聘工作时,树立良好的公司形象,并正确阐释公司业务理念及文化。

    Establish good image outside during hiring and interpret company business philosophy and culture correctly .

  24. 它是对公司形象的全面体现,一张名片包含太多的信息。

    it 's a whole statement of your company 's image - it says a lot .

  25. 你认为我们能对依靠他改善公司形象充满信心吗?

    Do you think we can confidently rely on him to improve the image of the company ?

  26. 新的办公地址代表了更加专业的公司形象,给我们的中国区雇员提供了更好的工作环境。

    The new office presents a more professional image and improved working environment for our China staff .

  27. 重塑公司形象

    into rehabilitating our corporate image

  28. 不过腾讯表示,有必要修复公司形象所受的损害。

    However , Tencent said it saw the need to repair the damage to its corporate image .

  29. 书写拙劣,语法错误和其他错误是损坏公司形象的另一个因素。

    Another poor reflection on your company is bad writing , grammatical errors , and other mistakes .

  30. 电话英语是提升企业员工及公司形象的绝佳方式。

    Telephone English is an excellent way to improve your staff 's effectiveness and your company 's image .