
ɡōnɡ zhènɡ yuán zé
  • justice;principle of fairness
  1. 作为一种特殊的诉讼外纠纷解决机制,行政性ADR应注意贯彻以下几项基本原则:自愿原则、及时原则、程序公正原则。

    Being a special non-juridical dispute resolution mechanism , administrative ADR is subject to the following fundamental principles : voluntary application , prompt settlement and due process .

  2. 刑事诉讼推行程序公正原则初探

    First Approach to Criminal Suit 's Pursuing Procedural Justice PROGRAMMED REQUESTS

  3. 管理道德必须体现尊重原则、公正原则、利益原则;

    Administration should reflect principles of respect , justice and benefit .

  4. 论职务晋升的激励作用与公正原则

    Incentive Effects and Importance of Organizational Justice in Promotion Decisions

  5. 行政许可违背公平公正原则等问题。

    Administrative license 's violation of the principles of openness and fairness .

  6. 听证程序,最早源自英国的自然公正原则,表现为通过程序的正义来实现结果的公正。

    It shows to realize fair result by just procedure .

  7. 公共政策的价值目标与公正原则

    The Value Object and Justice Principles of Public Policy

  8. 第四章:当代社会发展中公正原则的实现。公正原则还只是观念上的公正和形式上的公正,要想变成事实上的公正,还需要一定的条件、中介。

    The fourth chapter : the realization of justice in I modern society .

  9. 现代管理的公正原则及其实现

    The Justice Principle of Modern Management and Its Realization

  10. 实现行政程序法公正原则的制度设计

    The Institutional Design of the Principle of Justice Concerning the Administrative Procedural Law

  11. 真正的公正原则只有贡献原则(包括德才原则)。

    Real justice principle is contribution principle ( including merit and ability principle ) .

  12. 本文认为征地补偿与安置政策应该遵循公平合理原则和社会公正原则,当前我国征地补偿的总体思路和具体方案为:(1)征地补偿区分征用补偿和征收补偿。

    The land expropriation compensation policy should follow the principle of equity and justice .

  13. 第二部分主要是对自然公正原则的演进和功能作了系统的阐述。

    Secondly the article is about the origin of the rule of natural justice .

  14. 社会主义和谐社会的公正原则

    On Justice Principle of Socialist Harmonious Society

  15. 至于该理论的归责机制主张,同样违背了自然公正原则。

    The claim of the mechanism of responsibility attribute violated the natural and fair principle .

  16. 论客观公正原则

    On the Objective and Impartial Principle

  17. 招投标活动公开、公平、公正原则探析

    An analysis on the public , equal and fair in the bid and inviting bid activities

  18. 人道主义、公正原则是现代家庭养老的主要伦理基础。

    The main ethical thought of modern family service for the aged is humanitarianism and equity .

  19. 以最大幸福主义的最高道德标准为公正原则。

    And it takes the highest moral standards of maximum happiness as the principle of justice .

  20. 公开、公平、公正原则在规划许可实践中的适用性

    The Application of the Principle of Openness , Justice and Fairness in the Practice of Planning License

  21. 立法回避制度的法理基础是自然公正原则。

    The legal basis of challenge system is the principle of " Natural Justice " in legislation .

  22. 医患纠纷的解决应当遵循公开、公平、公正原则。

    The settlement of medical disputes shall base on the principle of justice , fairness and openness .

  23. 浅议建设工程招投标的公开、公平、公正原则

    A Brief Comment on the " Open , Equitable Just Principle " for Tenders Bids of Construction Programs

  24. 我国现行对农村土地征收的具体做法有悖于社会公正原则。

    The concrete method of the expropriation of rural soil in our country is contrary to social equity .

  25. 不起诉制度的现状已经有悖于诉讼经济原则、效率原则、公正原则的要求。

    The current situation of non-prosecution disobliges the requests of economical , efficient and equitable principles of suit .

  26. 最后,克隆人违背了伦理学三原则即不伤害原则、公正原则、自主原则。

    And lastly , human-cloning breaches 3-principles of ethnics ( inoffensive principle , just principle and independent principle ) .

  27. 在当代中国,客观公正原则的法理基础和法律依据则主要有四个方面。

    In present China , the jurisprudential background and legal basis of objective and impartial principle has four elements .

  28. 结果尊重原则、有利、不伤害原则和公正原则是艾滋病流行病学研究中的重要原则。

    RESULTS The important principles in the epidemiological study of AIDS are respect , beneficence / nonmaleficence and justice principles .

  29. 第二,作为利害关系人的专家证人,他们可以使自然公正原则切实发挥作用;

    Secondly , as a witness of the interested party , the expert can fully apply the natural justice principle .

  30. 英国普通法传统的自然公正原则是正当程序理念的发展根源。

    British common law tradition of " natural justice " is " due process " development of the concept roots .