
gōng chēng
  • nominal;rated;indicated
公称 [gōng chēng]
  • [nominal] 机器性能、图样尺寸等的规格或标准

公称[gōng chēng]
  1. 公称管道规格(NPS)是一种北美用于压力管道的管道规格标准。

    Nominal Pipe Size ( NPS ) is a set of standard pipe sizes used for pressure piping in North America .

  2. 管道规格使用两个无纲量的编号来表示:公称管道尺寸规格(NPS)及抗拉强度(SCH)。

    Pipe size is specified with two non-dimensional numbers : a Nominal Pipe Size ( NPS ) and a schedule ( SCH ) .

  3. 如何确定非标规格API钢丝绳的公称破断拉力值

    On Determing the Breaking Force of Nonstandard Size API Steel Wire Rope

  4. 论文针对不同粉胶比、不同最大公称粒径集料、使用不同沥青对Am、Ap值变化影响进行了研究,得出了相关规律。

    For the using different ratio of filler bitumen , different nominal maximum size of aggregate , different asphalt , the paper analyzed thoroughly the influence to AM , AP , then get some related rule .

  5. 对中压燃气管道,若公称直径不大于200mm,采用PE管;

    For middle-pressure gas pipeline , the PE pipe is used if the nominal diameter does not exceed 200 mm ;

  6. 提出了摆动活齿传动中心齿轮量柱距测量法,推导出计算量柱直径dp、量柱距公称值M的方程式;

    A measurement method of gauge pin distance about center gear of swing oscillating tooth drive , and the equation for calculating the gauge pin diameter dp and nominal pin distance M are derived .

  7. 在钢厂的循环发电工程中,各钢厂利用公称直径d≥200mm的大型调节阀对混合煤气进行压力控制。

    Steel mills using waste gas in combined cycle power project , steel mills use the nominal diameter ≥ 200mm of large control valve to control pressure of the mixed gas .

  8. 采用20MPa的充气压力,蓄能器皮囊在最大工作压力下体积变化小于公称体积的75%,仍有较大的补压余量。

    When precharge pressure is 20 MPa , bladder volume change is less than 75 % of nominal volume under maximum working pressure , while some compensation margin is still preserved .

  9. 应用传热、传热速率和能量三大平衡和优化设计原理,设计了抚钢的变压器功率7000kVA的公称10t电弧炉的管式水冷挂渣护壁。

    The Pipe-type water-cooled Panel for a 10 ton , 7000 kVA electric Arc Furnace at Fushun Steel WOrks has been designed by using the balances of heat , heat transfer rate and energy 1 and the principle of optimum design .

  10. 本文介绍了确定电弧炉质心位置及倾动力矩的分部计算方法,并以一台公称容量为5t改造成实际容量为19t的电炉作实例进行计算。

    The article gives the method for determining the centroid position and tilting moment of arc furnaces , then gives an example of a furnace with nominal capacity 5t which has been reformed to with actual capacity 19t .

  11. J41N型PN40钢制截止阀:手动、法兰连接、直通式、阀座密封面材料为尼龙塑料、公称压力PN40、阀体材料为碳素钢的截止阀。

    J41N Type PN40 steel globe valves : manual , flanged , straight-through , the valve seat sealing surface material as nylon plastic , nominal pressure PN40 , carbon steel valve body material cut-off valve .

  12. 结合工程实例,对公称管径≥500mm的大管径直埋热水管道的安装方式、设计理论及设计要点进行了探讨,对大管径直埋热水管道的设计、施工提出了建议。

    The installation mode , design theory and design essentials of directly buried hot-water pipeline with nominal diameter of equal to or greater than 500 mm are discussed , and suggestions on the design and installation of directly buried hot-water pipeline with large diameter are offered .

  13. 采用公称尺寸设计法设计异型轧辊孔型

    Application of Nominal Dimension Method to Design Groove of Shaped Roll

  14. 确定球磨机公称尺寸的新方法

    New method to determine a ball mill 's nominal size

  15. 立窑单位截面积产量钢丝绳公称横截面积

    Production of shaft kiln for unit cross section nominal cross-section of rope

  16. GB/T17587.2-1998滚珠丝杠副第2部分:公称直径和公称导程公制系列

    Ball screws Part 2 : Nominal diameters and nominal leads Metric series

  17. 船舶主机轴系交变扭矩与扭振测试装置GB/T3507-1983机械式联轴器公称扭矩系列

    Device of shaft alternative torque and torsional vibration test of marine main engine

  18. GB/T7996-1987搪玻璃容器公称容积与公称直径

    Nominal volume and nominal diameter for glass-lined vessel

  19. 在设计中选择保护层公称厚度时,应该考虑这一标准。

    It should be considered when choosing the value of nominal cover for design .

  20. 切削层公称横截面积在体型方面,对称就是美。

    Nominal cross-sectional area of the cut In bodily form , symmetry is beauty .

  21. 电磁阀公称压力应超过管内最高工作压力。

    Nominal pressure solenoid valve should be more than the maximum working pressure tube .

  22. 什么是公称倒角尺寸?

    What is the nominal chamfer size ?

  23. 具有价格低及公称直径不受到限制的特点。

    The utility model has the advantages of low price and non-limitation of nominal diameter .

  24. 晶粒的弗里特直径、平均截距、公称直径之间关系的研究

    Investigation of the Relations among Frit Diameter , Average Intercept and Nominal Diameter of Crystall Grain

  25. 研究还表明,四通换阀公称容量与工作方式(制冷、供热)有关。

    The experiments also show that the reversing valve capacity is related to the working mode .

  26. O形圈压缩密封的公称槽深、公称压缩量和公称压缩率的计算

    Calculation for Normal Groove Depth , Normal Compression and Normal Compression Ratio of O-ring Compression Seal

  27. 与阀门将要安装的管道的公称通径相同。

    Same as the nominal size of the pipe into which the valve will be installed .

  28. 对公称容积相同但计算容积不同的油罐,其设计高度应有所区别。

    The height of different actual volume tank at uniform nominal volume should be a little different .

  29. GB/T9019-1988压力容器公称直径

    Nominal diameter of pressure vessel

  30. GB/T1048-1990管道元件公称压力

    Nominal pressure for pipe components