
  • 网络Public Procurement
  1. 政府采购(governmentprocurement),又称为集中采购或公共采购,起源于十九世纪初的西方经济发达国家,到如今已经有着二百多年的历史。

    Government Procurement ( Government Procurement ), also known as " centralized procurement " or " public procurement ", originated in the early nineteenth century , Western developed countries , to now have had two hundred years of history .

  2. 我们正在研究公共采购法,他表示。

    We are looking at public procurement law , he said .

  3. 公共采购合同订立程序的归结与思考

    Thinking and Development of the Signing of Public Procurement Contracts

  4. 现在该邀请行为已成为公共采购部门的一件投诉案。

    The decision is now with public purchasing authority as a complain case .

  5. 扩大和完善公共采购的几点思考

    Thoughts on Enlarging and Improving Public Purchase

  6. 公共采购的法律法规是欧洲共同市场的一个重要组成部分。

    The regulation of public procurement has been an instrumental component of the EU Common market .

  7. 公共采购显得尤其肮脏-虽然没有像在一些老欧洲的国家里那样显著。

    Public procurement is notably dirty-though not noticeably worse than in some countries of old Europe .

  8. 本文就国外公共采购法律体系的主要特点及对我国公共采购立法的启示谈点管蠡之见。

    This paper discusses main characteristics of foreign purchase law system and enlightenment on domestic public purchase legislation .

  9. 她最杰出的成就就是在反腐败方面的成果,在她任下所有的公共采购合同现在都在网上公布。

    Her strongest legacy will be her anti-corruption effort , under which all public-procurement contracts are now published online .

  10. 招标、投标制度最早是作为一种公共采购或集中采购的形式出现的。

    Tendering and bidding system , first appeared as a " public procurement " or " centralized procurement " .

  11. 鉴于公共采购法术语的差异性,对每个术语的解释都给出了其所在的法律和条文环境出处。

    Given the varieties and differences of the terminology in different legal instruments , the contexts of terms are carefully given .

  12. 中国面临的更加重大的挑战在于,中国需要解决商品、服务、投资和公共采购领域存在的与贸易相关的国内监管的高壁垒。

    China 's more substantial challenge is to tackle high trade-related domestic regulatory barriers in goods , services , investment and public procurement .

  13. 诺丁汉大学公共采购研究员王平说,知识产权保护是一个长期过程。

    Wang Ping , a researcher on public procurement with the University of Nottingham , says IPR protection has been a long process .

  14. 与其他国家相比,在公共采购领域,美国联邦政府采购法更深层次地影响着中小企业的发展。

    Compared to other countries in the area of public procurement , Federal Government Procurement Law deeper impact on the development of small business .

  15. 罗马条约、欧盟采购指令和《政府采购协议》对公共采购中的歧视性采购政策进行了法律的控制,然而上述条约和法律也有不尽完善的地方,需要作进一步探讨。

    Roman Treaty , EU-purchase Orders and Government Purchase Agreement have given legal control towards discriminative purchase policy , but they are imperfect and need discussing .

  16. 前期工作包括通过扩大在金融管理和公共采购过程中的参与和开放,提高这些地区改善金融管理和公共采购的能力。

    Early work has involved boosting the capacity of the regions to improve financial management and public procurement by bring greater participation and openness to these processes .

  17. 不过,盖特纳承认,中国已经改变了去年出台的所谓本土创新规则。一些跨国公司称,这些规则把它们排除在公共采购合同之外。

    Mr Geithner acknowledged , however , that China had changed so-called indigenous innovation rules introduced last year , which multinationals claimed would exclude them from public procurement contracts .

  18. 在智利、印度、墨西哥、韩国,具有透明度的电子采购系统减少了公共采购的成本,节省了数十亿美元的政府开支。

    In Chile , India , Mexico , and Korea , for example , transparent E procurement systems have cut the costs of public procurement , and saved literally billions of dollars in government expenditures .

  19. 政府采购不仅是指具体的采购过程,而且是采购政策、采购程序、采购过程及采购管理的总称,是一种公共采购管理的制度。

    Governmental procurement does not only mean physical process of procurement , it also bear the concepts of procurement policies , procurement procedure and procurement process and procurement management . It is a set of institutions of public procurement management .

  20. 本部分对世贸组织的《政府采购协议》、联合国的《示范法》、欧盟的《公共采购指令》以及美、日、韩三国的政府采购监督机制进行了详细的对比说明。

    In this part , the author gives a detailed comparative description of Government Procurement Agreement of WTO , the Model Law of United Nations , the Public Purchase Order of European Union , and the government procurement systems of America , Japan and South Korea .

  21. WTO关于公共项目采购的条款中并没有限制当地政府歧视外国供应商的权力。

    WTO rules on public procurement do not restrict the ability of local governments to discriminate against foreign suppliers .

  22. 公共服务采购:政府与民间互动的桥梁

    The Purchase of Public Service : Bridge Connecting Government and the Society

  23. 作为创新政策工具的公共技术采购

    Public technology procurement as an instrument of innovation policies

  24. 以欧盟及法国法为借鉴建立我国的绿色公共工程采购法律机制

    From European and French environment law , the construction of the public contact of works in China

  25. 公共技术采购在欧美发达国家被作为优秀的技术创新政策工具而得到广泛使用。

    Public technology procurement ( PTP ) is widely used as an excel instrument of technology innovation policies in American and European advanced countries .

  26. 政府采购是一种公共性采购,其基本目标是通过加强公共支出管理,提高公共支出效率。

    Government procurement is a kind of public purchase , whose basic goal is to improve the efficiency of the public expenditure through strengthening public expenditure management .

  27. 政府绿色采购制度是指通过法律手段,规范公共部门的采购行为,实施政府预期环境保护目标的制度。

    Government green purchase system is a rule which regulates public department purchase to realize the aim of government-anticipated environmental protection through legal means .

  28. 通过了这一严格检测和评估方案的产品将获得正式认可,从而具备由公共部门进行采购的资格。

    Products that make it through this rigorous scheme of testing and evaluation earn a seal of approval that makes them eligible for public sector procurement .

  29. 办理采购人员于不违反本法规定之范围内,得基于公共利益、采购效益或专业判断之考虑,为适当之采购决定。

    The procurement personnel may base on the consideration of public interest , procurement efficiency or professional judgment to make an appropriate procurement decision , to the extent not contrary to the provisions of this act .

  30. 绍兴轻纺ASP公共服务平台的采购服务研究与开发

    Research and Development of Procurement Service on Shaoxing Textile ASP Common Service Platform