
  • 网络Company Management;Senior Management;C-Suite
  1. 公司管理层经常认为,过程是只用书写一次,之后完全准照的东西。

    Too often company management thinks of process as something that is written down once and then simply followed .

  2. H公司管理层意识到,企业间的竞争实际上是人力资源的竞争,人力资源管理是现代企业管理中至关重要的环节,但人力资源管理中的种种问题恰恰是老国企的顽疾。

    H company management consciousness , the enterprise competition between the competition is actually human resources , the human resource management is very important in modern enterprise management of the link , but the human resources management of various problems is the old state-owned enterprises ill .

  3. 岛津彰说:大家都知道,3D是公司管理层最关注的项目。

    Everyone knew that 3D was a top management priority , he says .

  4. 有鉴于这一转变,《财富》(Fortune)杂志采访了凯利和伍德,并总结出七个新高管职位,这些职位将会使未来的公司管理层更加完善。

    In light of this transformation , Fortune talked to Carey and Wood and created a list of the seven executives that will round out the new C-Suite .

  5. 如今,丹•埃克森则明智地要求公司管理层不可小视埃隆•穆斯克和他旗下的特斯拉汽车(Tesla)。

    Dan akerson correctly showed his fellow executives that they better not take Elon Musk or Tesla ( tsla ) lightly .

  6. 公司管理层在推出新的手机平台、黑莓10(BlackBerry10)的同时宣布了这项决定,希望藉此重振式微的品牌。

    Executives made the announcement in tandem with its new mobile platform , blackberry 10 , hoping that they could revitalize the declining brand .

  7. 管理层收购(MBO)在中国已有近十年的发展历史。我国上市公司管理层收购(MBO)的规范运作研究

    We have been experiencing the management buyout ( MBO ) for almost one decade in China . A Study on Normative Operation of Management Buyout of China 's Listed Companies

  8. 同时,通过总结分析上市公司管理层融资收购实施状况与方案的设计思路和操作方法,揭示出目前MBO实践中的主要问题、障碍和风险。

    Through an analysis of the line of thinking when listed companies implement MBO and their ways of doing so , the author uncovers the major problems , obstacles and risks in implementing MBO .

  9. 实施MBO必然会导致一定的法律后果:若收购不成功,公司管理层就有可能被公司解聘,且再次收购也会受到限制;

    Several legal consequence will be caused certainly by the implementation of MBO : If it does not succeed , the administration and supervision authorities of the company will be discharged probably and it 's limited to buy-out again ;

  10. 在实践中,目标公司管理层有时与外来投资者组成投资集团来实施MBO,以降低收购成本,分散投资风险。

    In practice , goal management teams usually implement MBO by uniting with outside investor sometimes , in order to reduce the cost of purchasing , disperse the investment riskIn practice , MBO is a topic of the extremely hot dispute .

  11. 为了更好地服务客户同时降低运营成本,公司管理层在2007年11月决定分别在美洲、亚洲、欧洲建立3个SSC,集中原来分散在各个国家的后台职能机构。

    In order to offer better service and reduce the operation cost , the management team decided to set up 3 SSC in America , Asia and Europe . It centralizes some of the back office functions scattered in separate countries .

  12. 管理层收购(MBO)是目标公司管理层利用借贷资本收购,进而控制,重组目标公司,获取预期收益的一种特殊形式的杠杆收购。

    Management Buy-outs is abbreviated to MBO . Through employing capital by loan , and in order to get expected profit from controlling or even reforming the Goal Company , MBO was carried as a especial type of LBO ( Leveraged Buy-outs ) by the manager of the Goal Company .

  13. 公司管理层的每一位成员都做出了杰出的贡献。

    Each member of the corporate team has demonstrated outstanding dedication .

  14. 公司管理层是否让您了解他对您的期望和要求?

    Did the manager let you know the demand to you ?

  15. 这家公司管理层太多。

    There were too many layers of management in the company .

  16. 上市公司管理层股权激励机制分析

    Analysis of Stock-based Compensation Award for Executives of Listed Companies

  17. 对我国上市公司管理层收购定价问题的研究

    Research on Making Price of Management Buy-outs for Listed Company in China

  18. 问:要达到你的目标,需要公司管理层在哪些方面提供支持?

    What kind of administrative support did you need to get there ?

  19. 供电公司管理层人才培训的需求分析

    Demand Analysis of Managerial Personnel Training of Electric Power Companies

  20. 公司管理层讨论与分析信息披露的影响因素&基于深沪223家上市公司经验证据的探讨

    An empirical analysis of management discussion and analysis disclosure

  21. 二是上市公司管理层披露虚假信息;

    Management team of listed company coined false information ;

  22. 一些理由表明,股东对公司管理层的控制应该适度。

    There are reasons to keep shareholders ' control over company management modest .

  23. 上市公司管理层持股的激励效用及影响因素

    Influencing factors of managerial ownership and effectiveness of stimulation

  24. 我国国有上市公司管理层收购的效应分析

    The Performance Study on MBO of State - owned Listed Companies in China

  25. 上市公司管理层报酬&绩效敏感度评估

    Evaluation of Pay-performance Sensitivity of Executives of Listed Companies

  26. 负责公司管理层会日程安排、资料准备及会议记录;

    Be responsible for scheduling management meeting , preparing document and taking meeting minutes .

  27. 公司管理层激励契约,从来都是各种契约的集合。

    The company management incentive contracts are a series of contract of the set .

  28. 正因为如此,上市公司管理层利用自身优势对盈余信息进行操控的现象非常普遍。

    Just because of this , the phenomena of earnings manipulation is very general .

  29. 公司管理层操纵盈余管理的动机和程度都将对应计利润质量产生影响。

    The corporate governance structure and the operating condition have grate influence on accruals quality .

  30. 轧辊管理一般可分为公司管理层和现场操作层。

    Roller management can be classified to company management level and onsite operation management level .