
jiāo diǎn
  • focus;focal point;centre;central issue;black spot
焦点 [jiāo diǎn]
  • (1) [focus]

  • (2) 比喻问题的关键或争论、注意力的集中点

  • 争论的焦点

  • (3) 辐射线(如光、热、声)会聚或由此发散(或看来好像发散)的一点

焦点[jiāo diǎn]
  1. 过去一个月,人们在Instagram平台上使用#口罩妆标签发的帖子超1.4万条,证明眼睛已经成为我们面部的焦点。

    Instagram has also seen over 14000 posts using the hashtag \# maskmakeup over the past month , proving that eyes have become the focal point of our faces .

  2. 在把LED灯作最后的接线之前,一定要把灯先暂时固定著,找到最好的聚焦点。

    Before doing the final wiring of the LED , it was necessary to hook it up temporarily to find the best focal point .

  3. 等议会重开的时候,这个问题将成为焦点。

    The issue will come under the spotlight when parliament reassembles .

  4. 这是会议上关注的主要焦点。

    It was the main focus of attention at the meeting .

  5. 近几个月来,这个议题一直是关注的焦点。

    This issue has had a high profile in recent months .

  6. 有必要使讨论的焦点更加集中。

    There is a need to sharpen the focus of the discussion .

  7. 我们需要转换一下辩论的焦点。

    We need to shift the focus of this debate .

  8. 这次事件使校园暴力成为焦点问题。

    The incident brought the problem of violence in schools into sharp focus .

  9. 议论的焦点是她是否应对自己的行为负责任。

    What is at issue is whether she was responsible for her actions .

  10. 必须使这个问题成为焦点。

    The issue must be brought into sharper focus .

  11. 不要模糊焦点。

    Don 't confuse the issue .

  12. 核扩散重新成为国际事务的关注焦点。

    Nuclear proliferation has returned to centre stage in international affairs .

  13. 此次会议可能有助于将关注焦点放在经济上。

    The conference may help to focus attention on the economy .

  14. 《焦点》杂志的政治立场可以称为中间偏右。

    The political slant at Focus can be described as centre-right

  15. 萨尔瓦多在20世纪80年代初首次成为世人关注的新闻焦点。

    El Salvador first hit the world headlines at the beginning of the 1980s

  16. 她总是人们关注的焦点,其他演职人员对此已经习以为常。

    The rest of the cast was used to her being the centre of attention

  17. 这个新体制是争议的焦点。

    The new system is the focus of controversy

  18. 韦布又重新成为焦点。

    Webb is back in the spotlight .

  19. 这场争论的焦点是具体的会计技术。

    The debate revolves around specific accounting techniques

  20. 许多报纸都把关注的焦点放到围绕外交部长出现的争议上。

    Many of the papers focus their attention on the controversy surrounding the Foreign Secretary .

  21. 经济将会成为今天工会代表大会会议上的焦点。

    The economy will come under the spotlight today at the conference of the Trades Union Congress .

  22. 在一次离奇的比赛中,裁判给11名队员记名警告,把一名队员罚下场,成了全场关注的焦点。

    The referee took centre stage as 11 players were booked and one sent off in a bizarre game

  23. 从他对那次会面的报告中可以明显看出你正把怀疑的焦点转向赫希先生。

    It seemed obvious from his report of that meeting that you were trying to focus suspicion on Mr Hirsch .

  24. 对成了父亲和哥哥紧张关系的焦点,尼娜有点幸灾乐祸。

    Nina took a kind of dark pleasure in being the focus of the tension between her father and her brother .

  25. 结果,尽管博客圈继续扩大,但仅有少数的博客有可能脱颖而出,成为关注的焦点。

    Consequently , even as the blogosphere continues to expand , only a few blogs are likely to emerge as focal points .

  26. 如果照相机焦点不对准,照片就会模糊。

    If the camera is not brought into focus , the photo will be blurred .

  27. 她是大家注意的焦点。

    She was the focus of everyone 's attention .

  28. 多年来,那个岛屿一直是我们两国之间争执的焦点。

    The island has been a bone of contention between our two countries .

  29. 他调整显微镜的镜片以定焦点。

    He focuses the lens of a microscope .

  30. 玛丽故意穿了件低领衣,因为她知道这会使她成为人们注意的焦点。

    Mary wore a low-cut dress by design because she knew it would make her the centre of attention .