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shā chē
  • brake;put on the brakes;firmly fasten a load (on a vehicle);firmly fasten a load;lash down the load;stop car
煞车 [shā chē]
  • (1) [put on the brakes]∶刹车

  • (2) [firmly fasten a load (on a vehicle)]∶用绳子把车上装载的东西紧勒在车上

  • 煞行李

煞车[shā chē]
  1. 煞车不灵。

    The brake doesn 't grip properly .

  2. 用DRB,观察煞车警告灯状态。

    With the drb , read the brake warning lamp status .

  3. 驾驶没有煞车的汽车确是愚不可及。

    It is insanity to drive a car without any brakes .

  4. 我用左靴猛踩他的煞车脚。

    I slashed at his brake foot with my left boot .

  5. 煞车液污染是指橡皮部件的肿胀和损坏。

    Indications of fluid contamination are swollen or deteriorated rubber parts .

  6. 来告诉我们,卡尔说:我踏在煞车制上。

    Tell them . ce : I stepped on the brakes .

  7. 有乱流现象时,使用身体移动会比使用煞车来的多。

    In turbulence body shift should make more work than brakes .

  8. 煞车失灵了,他的车子一下子撞到了树上。

    The brakes failed and his ear crashed into a tree .

  9. 司机只是碰了碰煞车,车子就突然歪向了一边。

    The driver just touched the brake and the car swerved .

  10. 他使劲踩下煞车踏板以避免撞车

    He push hard on the brake pedal to avoid a collision

  11. 安装连接总泵至组合阀的煞车管线。

    Install brake lines that connect master cylinder to combination valve .

  12. 你难道不知道哪一个才是煞车板吗?

    Don 't you know which one the brake pedal is ?

  13. 你离开车子前,务必把手煞车煞

    Be sure the handbrake is on before you leave the car

  14. 计程车嘎地煞车停下。显示停止中断处理程序

    The taxi squealed to a halt . display stop interrupt handler

  15. 高沸点能防止煞车系统中形成的蒸气,提高煞车系统的效能。

    Prevents formation of deposits and keeps the braking system clean .

  16. 我们得装新的煞车踏板。

    We have to put in a new brake pedal .

  17. 先是门关不上,接着煞车又不行。

    First the doors wouldn 't close , then the brakes failed .

  18. 他确保煞车故障已被完全排除。

    He made sure the brake had been fully released .

  19. 很多的维修费用都花在了更换煞车方面。

    A lot of the cost of maintenance go into renew brake .

  20. 他及时煞车,避免了一次事故。

    He braked his car just in time to avoid an accident .

  21. 在涉过深水坑后煞车失灵

    Brakes do not hold after driving through deep water puddles

  22. 我的车子在我开的时候煞车失灵了。

    My car brakes went out on me when I was driving .

  23. 关闭开关,断开低煞车液位开关接头。**

    Key off , disconnect the low brake fluid level switch connector .

  24. 我试图煞车,结果我们向一侧滑到沟里

    I tried to brake and we skidded into the ditch

  25. 煞车不起作用(失灵)了,所以发生了车祸。

    The brakes wouldn 't act , so there was an accident .

  26. 踏下并保持煞车踏板在使用位置。

    Press and hold brake pedal in applied position .

  27. 把手煞车放掉,我们就要可以准备出发了。

    Release the parking brake , and we 're almost ready to go .

  28. 除非遇上紧急情况,否则不可突然煞车。

    Do not brake sharply except in an emergency .

  29. 向转向节上安装煞车分火头护罩。

    Install the brake rotor shield to the knuckle .

  30. 放开手煞车,断开煞车油液位高开关接头。

    Release the park brake , disconnect the brake fluid level switch connector .
