
  • 网络Coal mine goaf;coal-mining area;old coal mining area
  1. 煤矿采空区积水的开发前景分析

    Analyses on Exploiting Prospect of Water in Old Coal Mining Area

  2. 阳泉市煤矿采空区地质因素对公路的破坏

    Geological factors of old coal mining area caused the failure of highway in Yangquan

  3. 利用EH-4确定煤矿采空区的边界

    Determination of Coal Mine Gob Edges by EH-4 System

  4. 煤矿采空区500kV输电线路设计的探讨

    Inquisition into Design of 500 kV Transmission Lines Routed in Emptied Area of Coal Mine

  5. 750kV送电线路经过煤矿采空区的处理措施

    On treatment measures for 750 kV power transmission sequence through old coal-mine areas

  6. 综合物探技术在煤矿采空区勘查中的应用研究

    Application of integrated geophysics in the survey of coal mined-out area

  7. 煤矿采空区下组煤三维地震勘探技术

    3D seismic exploration technology for lower coal group in gob area

  8. 煤矿采空区油气管道安全保护与管理

    Safety Protection and Management of Oil-Gas Pipeline in Coal Minded Area

  9. 新集煤矿采空区氢气来源判别试验研究

    Experimental Study of Hydrogen Source Determination in Gob of Xinji Coal Mine

  10. 活性炭测氡法在煤矿采空区探测中的应用

    Application of active carbon radon measurement in detection of coal mined-out area

  11. 煤矸石填充煤矿采空区的环境影响试验研究

    Experiment study of environmental impact during underground filling the goaf with gangues

  12. 煤矿采空区探测效果研究

    Research on prospecting effect for gob area of coal mines

  13. 对煤矿采空区土地开发评估指标体系的研究

    On the index system for coal mining goaf land developing-utilization suitability evaluation

  14. 高速公路下伏煤矿采空区病害分析及其防治措施

    Hazards Analysis of Goafs Underlying Highway and the Controlling Measurements

  15. 隧道下煤矿采空区处治方案及支护

    Handling plan maintenance of blank area in colliery under tunnel

  16. 煤矿采空区及塌陷区的地球物理探查

    The geophysical exploration about exhausted area and sinking area in coal mine

  17. 煤矿采空区贮灰场地基结构设计

    Design of ground structure of coal mining goaf ash storage

  18. 高密度电法在地下煤矿采空区探测中的应用

    The Application of High Definition Electricity Method in Coal Mine Empty Area

  19. 山西煤矿采空区勘察与处治设计

    Survey and disposal design of coal gob area in Shanxi

  20. 煤矿采空区路基钻孔注浆试验与施工

    Experiment and Construction of Boring and Grouting on Roadbeds in Mine Goafs

  21. 论煤矿采空区积水的综合利用

    Discussion on the Comprehensive Utilization of the Goaf Hydrops of Coal Mine

  22. 黄陵矿业集团一号煤矿采空区瓦斯来源探讨

    Discussion on the methane source of No. 1 coalmine of Huangling mining group

  23. 人工地震影像法在煤矿采空区的应用

    Application of man-made earthquake wave vertical reflection method in the coal mine gap

  24. 煤矿采空区兴建大中型水泥厂的工程实践

    Construction Practice on Building Large and Medium Cement Plants at Exploited Coal Mine

  25. 高速公路下煤矿采空区变形分析及其治理

    Deformation analysis and treating measures to gob areas of coal mine under freeway

  26. 测氡在煤矿采空区的应用

    The Application of Radon Measurement in the Mined-out Area

  27. 小煤矿采空区积水透水事故原因及对策

    Causation and Countermoves of Water Inrush from Gob Area Impoundment in Small Mines

  28. 乌达煤矿采空区煤自燃影响因素评价分析

    Evaluation and Analysis Influential Factors of Coal Spontaneous Combustion in Wuda Mine Goaf

  29. 煤矿采空区流沙隧道开挖与支护技术

    On the shifting sand tunnel excavation in mined zones and the supporting technique

  30. 瞬态瑞雷波法在地表探测煤矿采空区位置中的应用

    Application of Instantaneous Rayleigh Wave Method in Detecting Goaf of Coal Mine Surface