
  • Boiled corn;Poached Corn
  1. 结果表明,与对照组相比,煮玉米比例不影响各类饲料采食量、DMI、乳中脂肪、蛋白、乳糖、SNF、固形物含量和乳密度。

    DMI , percent of milk fat , protein , lactose , and SNF , and milk density were not affected by treatments .

  2. 然后我们会煮玉米粥,而且我真的这样想,我会与你分享。

    Then we would cook cornmeal porridge , and I mean it , of which I 'll share with you .

  3. 在一次煮玉米粥时,我用叉子在沸腾的粥里翻搅,想看看粥好了没有。

    Once I was cooking some corn and stuck my fork in the boiling water to see if the corn was ready .

  4. 你也可以尝试用委婉无害的语言替换掉爆粗时常说的一些话,当你下次在工作中遇到麻烦而大喊“苦难的豆煮玉米”时,同事都会被你逗乐的。

    You could also try substituting innocent words . Everyone will be laughing for real when you yell " Suffering Succotash ! " next time something goes wrong at work .

  5. 我觉得肚子饿了。但因为我们已经年满15岁,不能独自上街,所以我找了一个小女孩帮我买了一穗煮玉米。

    I was hungry but because we were fifteen we could no longer go outside to the street , so I got one of the small girls to buy me a corn cob .

  6. 例如,如果你想用性溶液处理玉米去做玉米粉圆饼,传统方法是煮玉米时加入石灰石,接下来把玉米放在外面凉一晚,然后再去磨坊将它磨成粉。

    For example , when you nixtamalize corn to make tortillas , the traditional recipe is to boil the corn with limestone , let it sit overnight outside , then grind it at the mill .

  7. 在从首都科伦坡开往康提的三小时旅行中,亚帕靠边停车两次,让我下车看看路边卖的本地腰果和小块煮玉米,它们都非常美味。

    On the three-hour drive from the capital city , Colombo , to Kandy , Mr. Yapa pulled over twice so that I could visit roadside stands selling delicious locally grown cashews and boiled corn on the cob .

  8. 你上一次煮红辣椒和玉米面包的时候。

    Last time you made your chili and corn bread .