
Yān jīng dà xué
  • Yenching University
  1. 燕京大学历史学会初探

    The Study on the History Society of Yenching University

  2. 双峰对峙&燕京大学宗教学院与金陵神学院之比较

    A Comparative Study of Yenching University School of Religion and Nanking Theological Seminary

  3. 本课题即是关于抗日战争时期燕京大学的一个个案研究。

    This topic is a case study of Yenching University in the period of Anti-Japanese War .

  4. 燕大历史学会是燕京大学历史学系师生共同参与组织的史学研究组织,与燕大历史学系相表里。

    History Society of Yenching University was a research organization of teachers and students from History Department of Yenching University .

  5. 毕业于燕京大学文学院,并先后赴美、英等国留学。

    After graduating from the School of Humanities of Yenching University , he went to study in the United States and Britain .

  6. 不过,我明白,他们是要带我到红楼,我的几位在燕京大学当教授的朋友已经在前一天被带到那里去了。

    But I knew they were taking me to the " red building ", where several of my friends among the Yenching professors had been taken the previous day .

  7. 我们在燕京大学的生活,紧紧包围在舍监的爱好与信仰范围内,以致我这些年几乎没有受到外界的影响。

    Our life in Yenching campus was so circumscribed by the scope of Mother 's tastes and beliefs that I was exposed to very few outside influences in those years .

  8. 燕京大学社会学系成立之初以美籍教师为主体,培养目标、课程设置、教材等都有着浓厚的西方特征。

    In the early days Department of Sociology , Yanjing University , was mainly staffed with American teachers and the objectives of training , programs of courses and textbooks were thickly characteristic of the West .

  9. 参加会议的六所高校并非都有史学会的组织,只有北平大学、清华大学、北平师范大学和燕京大学四所学校有史学会组织,而且燕京大学历史学会是1928年秋刚刚重建的。

    Among the six universities that joined the History Society in Peking , only four had their own history societies , and the History Society of Yenching University was restored no more than half a year ago .

  10. 本课题分为这两个时期对燕大进行考察,以期见微知著,为诸位展现这段特殊时期燕京大学的风貌。

    This topic is divided into two periods to carry on the inspection to Yenching University , in order to see small clue , to show the style and features of Yenching University during this special time .

  11. 20世纪20年代后,作为教会大学早期代表的圣约翰大学和和后期代表的燕京大学,面对中国变革中的社会选择了不同的发展道路。

    After 20 's of 20 centuries , St. John 's University and Yenching University , who were Christian colleges ' representatives in early years and later years respectively , chose different ways to develop while facing the changing society of China .

  12. 1920年至1937年陈氏担任燕京大学数学系主任期间,推动了该系的数学史教学及研究。

    He served as Chairman of the Department of Mathematics at Yench - ing University from 1920 to 1937.In addition to mathematics , Ch'en Tsai Hsin was concerned about the teaching and studying of history of Chinese mathematics very much during this period .