
  • 网络copyright owner;copyright holder
  1. 演绎权是版权人一项非常重要的经济权利。

    It is a very important economic right of copyright holder to have derivative works right .

  2. 版权人不保证或声明本网站展示的资料是否正确、全面或是最新数据。

    The copyright holder does not guarantee or claim that the information on this Web site is accurate , complete or up-to-date .

  3. 及附有版权人姓名的符号c。

    Or the symbol ( c ) followed by the name of the copyright owner .

  4. 其形式有单词copyright或缩写copr.及附有版权人姓名的符号c。

    It takes the form of the word " copyright " or the abbreviation copr . , or the symbol ( c ) followed by the name of the copyright owner .

  5. 首先,版权人可以使用DRM避免版权法中在其看来对其不利的限制和例外的适用,这就严重的冲击了版权法中旧有的利益平衡机制。

    First , copyright owners can use DRMs to avoid the application of limitations and exceptions of copyright law , which seriously challenged the balance mechanisms in copyright law .

  6. 此外,为了防止规避技术措施的行为造成DRM的保护目的不能实现,版权人还在全球范围内推进反规避立法(技术措施立法和权利管理信息立法)的通过。

    In addition , in order to prevent circumvention of technological measures which can defeat the protection function of DRMs , copyright owners seeked to worldwide anti-circumvention rules ( include rights management information rules and technical measures rules ) .

  7. 版权人与UGC网站在一对一协议安排、立法建议以及经济收益方面以开放的态度进行合作,才会使得利益最大化,最终实现双方共赢。

    Copyright owners and UGC sites shall cooperate with each other with an open mind in one-on-one agreement arrangements , legislative proposals , as well as economic benefits in order to make the maximum benefits and ultimately win-win .

  8. 版权人可以转让他们的权利给其他人。

    Owners of copyrights may assign their ownership to others .

  9. 网络环境下版权人精神权利保护基本原则探析

    Probing into Basical Principles of Moral Right Protection in Cyberspace

  10. 我们邀你担当初级版权人。

    We 're offering you the position of junior copywriter .

  11. 这是出版商和其他美国版权人的失败。

    That 's a defeat for publishers and other U.S. copyright holders .

  12. 复制权和传播权是版权人享有的基本权利。

    The right of reproduction and communication is a basic of that th .

  13. 由于有技术措施作为合同条款实施的保证,版权人在设定接触和使用规则时就更为随心所欲。

    With the protect of technical measures , copyright owners can set rules more arbitrarily .

  14. 软件版权人的权利分为精神权利和财产权利。

    The rights of copyright owner are divided into owner personal right and property right .

  15. 第三如果要向读者提供数字化作品的拷贝,必须经过版权人的授权。

    Third , it must be authorized if the library provides the reader with digital copy .

  16. 网络数字技术的发展使版权人和网络服务提供者之间的侵权纠纷不断发生。

    There are always tort disputes on copyright between Internet service provider and Internet content provider .

  17. 数字图书馆建设中版权人、图书馆、读者之间的利益平衡

    On Profit Balance of Copyright Owners , Libraries and Readers in the Building of Digital Library

  18. 当然,百度希望与版权人和作家达成满意的解决方案。

    Baidu , of course , wants to reach a content agreement with copyright holders and writers .

  19. 因此,如何平衡版权人与社会公众之间的利益关系,就成为现代版权法的重要使命。

    Therefore , how to balance the interests has become an important mission of the modern copyright law .

  20. 版权人可以采取的技术措施是多种多样的,依据不同的标准可以进行不同的分类。

    Technical measures of copyright person can take is various , according to the different standards for different classification .

  21. 这些反规避立法授予了版权人新的权利,并且大大扩张了技术开发商和设备生产商的责任范围。

    The anti-circumvention rules granted new rights to copyright owners , and expanded the legal liability of technology developers and equipment manufacturers .

  22. 有人主张废除甚至限制合理使用以维护版权人在数字时代的利益;

    Some propose limiting , even abolishing the proper use system in order to protect the benefits of the writers in the digital era ;

  23. 实践表明,对技术措施的法律保护,极大地维护了版权人利益,抑制了猖獗的版权侵权市场。

    Practices show that the protection of technological measures can inhibit the trend of copyright infringements and greatly protect the interests of copyright holders .

  24. 在网络环境下复制呈现出许多新的特点,这使得版权人对作品复制权的控制能力下降。

    Under internet circumstances , the reproduction takes on many new features , which make the copyright owner difficult to control the reproduction right .

  25. 版权人的精神权利和财产权利在网络空间面临着巨大的威胁,版权侵权行为层出不穷。

    Many infringements of copyright happened on the Internet mat both the moral rights and property rights of the copyright owner have been greatly threatened .

  26. 通过以上制度设计以达到促进技术进步、公共利益和版权人利益之间的均衡。

    Through these system reforming , it would reach the balance of improving the development of technology , public interests and interests of copyright owner .

  27. 网页快照侵犯的是版权人的信息网络传播权,是对信息网络传播权的直接侵犯,无需主观过错。

    Cache infringes the Information Network Transmission Right of copyright owners , which is a direct infringement to Information Network Transmission Right without any subjective faults .

  28. 如果真像有些学者所说的那样,在网络空间消灭版权人的精神权利保护,那就会导致一损俱损的后果。

    It would bring about such a like-for-like consequences that all suffer if we eliminate copyrighters ' moral right protection in cyberspace as some scholars have preached .

  29. 复制权是版权人一项重要的财产权利,也是版权立法的一项主要问题。

    The reproduction right is one of the most important property rights of the copyright owners , and one of the main issues in copyright legislation as well .

  30. 然后从理论层面和经济层面分析确立网络环境下版权人精神权利保护的正当性和必要性(第二章)。

    In the second part , the author expounds the justification and indispensability to establish and protect copyrighters ' moral right in cyberspace from theoretical and economic perspectives .