
yá qiān
  • toothpick;dentiscalprum;books and scroll
牙签 [yá qiān]
  • (1) [toothpick]

  • (2) 饭后用以剔牙的细尖木签

  • (3) 用象牙制成的图书标签

  • 牙签万轴(形容藏书很多)

  • (4) [books and scroll] 借指书籍画卷

  • 架上牙签堆满,案头笔墨纵横。--《画图缘》

牙签[yá qiān]
  1. 细枝的另一端被削尖用作牙签。

    The other end of the twig is sharpened into a sharp point to use as a toothpick

  2. 他用牙签剔牙。

    He picked his teeth with a toothpick .

  3. (用一根牙签测试你的蛋糕是不是烤好了,把它插入蛋糕顶部,如果拔出来后是干净的,就说明烤好了!)

    Test your cake with a toothpick – insert it into the top of the cake . If the toothpick comes out clean , it ’ s done !

  4. 45岁的斯坦利·海耶斯·芒罗(StanleyHayesMunro)来自纽约的雪城(Syracuse),是一位牙签雕塑工程师。

    Stanley Hayes Munro , 45 , from Syracuse , New York , is a toothpick engineer .

  5. 现在,他通过成功搭建迪拜哈利法塔(BurjKahlifa)的巨大牙签雕塑,创下最高牙签模型的世界记录。

    Now , he has won the world record for the tallest toothpick structure with a mammoth sculpture of the Burj Kahlifa , Dubai .

  6. 结果实验样本中,除了1例牙刷和2例牙签未能STR位点的正确分型外,其余各无关个体口腔粘膜脱落细胞载体均可以得到与标准血痕阳性相同的STR基因型。

    Results A toothbrush and 2 toothpicks from one volunteer failed to confirm STR locus typing , but the ratios of DNA typing accounted for a percentage of 98 % in 200 such carrier samples by standard bloodstain genotypes .

  7. 该机印刷功能同ZK-4B筷袋机,可网点套印、三边压花粘合,每袋可包一条或两条牙签。

    This machine has the same printing function with ZK-4B chopstick making machine , with mesh points overprint and three-sided embossing and agglutination , one or two toothpicks in one bag .

  8. 我们在一起看上去像一个橄榄和一根牙签。

    We 'll look like an olive and a toothpick together .

  9. 和他比起来,温斯顿的像牙签。

    He was probably a Casanova compared to poor old winston .

  10. 朝鲜制造的牙签,用的是刺猬的刺。

    North Korean-made toothpicks crafted out of the spines of hedgehogs .

  11. 你或许可以用牙签制作微雕,以熬过这段时间。

    You might pass the time constructing miniatures from the toothpicks .

  12. 德州理查笑得几乎弄掉牙签。

    Richard from Texas laughs so hard he almost loses his toothpick .

  13. 我喜欢使用牙线而非牙签。

    I like to use dental floss rather than toothpick .

  14. 这只老虎需要一根牙签来剔他的牙齿。

    The tiger needs a toothpick to pick his teeth .

  15. 这座共包括50个建筑的牙签城耗时两年完成。

    It took two years to build and has50 buildings .

  16. 在饭桌上使用牙签是另一种标准的做法。

    The use of toothpicks at a table is another standard practice .

  17. 牙签的新用途有多少种?

    How many new uses of a toothpick can you think of ?

  18. 有些人在用餐之后会以牙签清洁牙齿。

    Some people clean their teeth with toothpicks after meals .

  19. 这个餐厅向顾客提供免费的纸巾和牙签。

    The restaurant supplies complimentary tissues and toothpicks to customers .

  20. 喷气织机采用组合踏盘生产牙签条的研究利用组合踏盘织造灯芯条织物

    Weaving Technology of " Striped Plain " with Compound Tappet on Air-jet Loom

  21. 一种一体成型的牙签盒。

    The utility model relates to an integrally-formed toothpick-box .

  22. 眼睛酸涩想用牙签支撑着眼皮不下落。

    Eyes sour se want to use toothpicks supporting the eyelid not falling .

  23. 唱针也不如用过的牙签好几多。

    And the gramophone needle is not as good as a used toothpick .

  24. 不要擤鼻涕或用牙签剔牙。

    Don 't blow your nose or use a toothpick at the table .

  25. 可否给他一些牙签?

    Can we just get him some toothpicks ?

  26. 他站起来像座山,用整棵树当牙签。

    He stands tall as a mountain , and uses whole trees for toothpicks .

  27. 查尔斯用牙签清洁牙齿。

    Charles cleaned his teeth with a toothpick .

  28. 他正用一根牙签剔除牙齿间的饭渣。

    He is removing bits of food stuck between the teeth with a toothpick .

  29. 然而牙签却是另一回事了。

    Toothpicks , however , are another story .

  30. 我就放了些牙签。

    I just put the toothpicks in .