
  • 网络reified consciousness
  1. 只有运用马克思主义的崭新的本体论方法才能进行科学的日常生活批判,破除日常生活的物化意识,超越日常生活的直接性,把理论与实践真正地统一起来。

    It shows that only by using a new ontological method of Marxism can we conduct scientific criticism , break away from reified ideology , surpass the directness of ordinary life and eventually form a real unity of practice and theory .

  2. 物化了性别意识的女性主义写作。

    Feminism writing with objectified-sexual - consciousness .

  3. 体育考古学作为一门新兴的学科体系和研究方法,通过丰富的史前文物资料的分析,在相当的程度上把人类原始运动生存物化形态的体育意识和体育行为的基本线索提供出来了。

    As a new subject system and study method , sport archaeology reveals the basic cue of sport mind and sport action of people 's original sport existential forms to some extent .

  4. 卢卡奇对物化现象与概念的阐释,以及对物化意识的批评,贯穿这本书的始终,其中《物化和无产阶级》深入探讨了上述两个问题。

    Lukacs ' explanation on the " materialization " phenomenon and concept , as well as to objectify conscious criticism , through this book from beginning to end , wherein the " materialization " and the thorough discussion of the above two issues .

  5. 面对资本主义物化普遍化的现实,卢卡奇提出超越物化和物化意识的策略&恢复总体性。

    Facing with the reality of absolute Reification , Lukacs Gyorgy gave out a solution , that was to restore Totality .