
  • 网络Crime;crime drama;crime film;Crime movie;criminal
  1. 汤姆在AMC的迷你剧《夜班经理》中的扮演一名退役士兵乔纳森·派因,担任酒店经理的他受雇成为了间谍。抖森因在这部犯罪片中的精彩表现,从11位影星中脱颖而出,受邀进行这次的杂志封面拍摄。

    Tom , who plays Jonathan Pine - a soldier-turned-hotel manager-turned spy - in the AMC miniseries The Night Manager , was one of the 11 stars chosen to bare all for the magazine 's shoot thanks to his performance in the crime drama .

  2. 影片类型:情节剧、喜剧、动作片、犯罪片、警匪片、传记、音乐动画剧、心理恐怖片

    Genres : Drama , Comedy , Action , Crime Drama , Gangster Film , Biography , Animated Musical , Psychological Thriller

  3. 曹保平的犯罪片悬疑感更强,能直击人的灵魂。

    Cao 's crime story has a stronger drive , and at its heart it attempts to plumb the depths of the human psyche .

  4. 布鲁克林犯罪片《动物营救》于春季上映,这是他的最后一部影片,汤姆·哈迪和劳米·拉佩斯也参演了此部电影,甘多菲尼在这部电影中饰演一位酒吧老板。

    Brooklyn crime movie " Animal Rescue , " filmed this spring and was his final film , starring Tom Hardy and Noomi Rapace , with Gandolfini playing a bar owner .

  5. 男主角布拉德·皮特继续在洛杉矶好莱坞拍摄犯罪片《好莱坞往事》,他看上去精神不错。

    And leading man Brad Pitt certainly proved to be in good spirits on Tuesday , as he continued to film crime drama Once Upon A Time in Hollywood in Los Angeles .

  6. 《我是僵尸》的每一集都犯罪片,却比犯罪片更诡异:首先发生刑事案件,然后开始调查,经历一波三折,最后谜案得解。

    Each episode plays out like a quirkier version of the average crime drama : There 's a crime , there 's an investigation , there 's a twist , and then the mystery is solved .

  7. 有些编剧就想出了各种歪主意:曾有位导演拍了部设定在香港的犯罪片,然后称这个故事发生于1997年之前——那时香港不还是被邪恶的大英帝国统治嘛。于是就过审了。

    Some screenwriters have managed through cunning : One director squeaked a crime movie set in Hong Kong past the censors afterclaiming the action took place before the transfer in 1997 , while the territory was still under the rule of those evil Brits .

  8. 犯罪故事片及西部影片通常有许多暴力和流血的内容。

    Crime movies and westerns usually have lots of blood and thunder .

  9. 发行于2013年的《炫富帮》是一部语带讽刺的犯罪剧情片,记录了一帮好莱坞山高中生的冒险,他们偷到了当地名人的家里。

    Released in 2013 , The Bling Ring is a satirical crime drama that chronicles the adventures of Hollywood Hills high schoolers who burgle the homes of local celebrities .

  10. 导演理查德·林克莱特涉猎广泛,从儿童喜剧(《摇滚学校》、《少棒闯天下》)到迷幻科幻动画片(《黑暗扫描仪》),从爱情三部曲(《爱在黎明破晓前》及其续集)到真实犯罪文献片(《伯尼》)。

    Richard Linklater has a vastly varied filmography , ranging from children 's comedies ( School of Rock , Bad News Bears ) to psychedelic sci-fi cartoons ( A Scanner Darkly ) , and from romantic trilogies ( Before Sunrise and its sequels ) to true-crime docudramas ( Bernie ) .

  11. 今年7天长假的最大赢家当属犯罪动作片《湄公河行动》,该片以5.31亿元的票房胜出其他影片,击败了假期前三天的票房冠军《从你的全世界路过》。

    This year 's seven day holiday biggest winner , crime action film " Operation Mekong , " soared above the competition with a 531 million yuan box office , beating out " I Belonged to You , " which was the box office champion during the first three days of the holiday period .

  12. 比较英美电视的形式有何异同,集中探讨某一特定类型,如犯罪连续剧、幻片、景喜剧等。

    Compare British versus American forms of television , centering on a single genre : crime series , science fiction , situation comedy .

  13. 他影响了不止一代人,参演喜剧片无数从犯罪惊悚片到科幻片,以他独一无二的荒诞式幽默为标志。

    He has influenced more than a generation of Chinese with a long list of comedy films , ranging from crime thrillers to sci-fi , featuring a trademark display of his nonsensical sense of humor .