
  • 网络crime conversion
  1. 犯罪转化的每一种情景都被囊括于立法之内并被明文规定,是不现实也是不必要的。

    Crime conversion each situation are included in legislation and be expressly provided , is unrealistic and unnecessary .

  2. 犯罪转化现象源于哲学上的矛盾论,普遍存在于犯罪领域。

    The phenomenon of crime conversion comes from antinomy in the philosophy , so it occurs generally in the domain of crime .

  3. 犯罪转化论要

    On Several Problems of Crime Transformation

  4. 我国的立法机关应及时采取立法措施,将我国参加的国际条约中规定的犯罪转化为国内法的规定。

    At the same time the legislature should take legislation measures in time to turn the crime stated in international treaty into Chinese domestic law rule .

  5. 犯罪转化成立的前提条件是时空上的同一或延续;实质条件是行为人主客观方面同时变化,而且突破原罪的犯罪构成转而符合另一新罪;

    The precondition of crime conversion is the same or continued space time , and the essential condition is the transformation in both subjective and objective aspects .

  6. 犯罪转化是普遍存在的法律现象,而转化犯这一概念则是我国刑法学者的首创。

    The crime conversion is a widespread and existent phenomenon in criminal law . And the converted crime was initiated by Chinese scholars as the notional category of criminal law .

  7. 修改伤残一语,去掉关于犯罪转化的规定,直接规定为刑讯逼供罪,按照情节的加重情形提高法定刑。

    Change , " disabled " a phrase to remove the provisions on criminal conversion , a direct requirement for the crime of torture , according to the circumstances of the aggravating circumstances to improve Legal Sentence .

  8. 我们不能忽视事实转化的大范围存在,也更要加强在罪数形态领域中对事实转化的一罪行为的判断和研究,使得对犯罪转化的探讨更加具有开放性和自为性。

    We cannot ignore the fact that transformed a lot , also must strengthen in the form of numbers of crimes in the field of transformation of a crime fact judgment and study , make the crime conversion of a more open and autonomy .

  9. 共同犯罪的转化犯问题研究&以转化型抢劫为视角

    Research on the transformation of a common crime committed & transformed robbery in perspective

  10. 论聚众犯罪的转化犯

    About the Conversion of Mass Crime

  11. 抢劫罪是一种性质严重的刑事犯罪,转化型抢劫罪较典型抢劫罪而言更具复杂性。

    Robbery is the violent crime with serious nature ; transformed robbery has more complexity than a typical robbery .

  12. 学界对转化型抢劫罪的研究较深入,转化型抢劫罪的基础行为应为三种特定的犯罪,转化条件应是特定的主观目的与特定的时空条件与行为条件。

    Transforming robbery is lucubrated in our field . The initial action of transforming robbery should be three kinds of specific crimes .

  13. 转化犯的新视野事实转化的展开共同犯罪的转化犯问题研究以转化型抢劫为视角

    New Viewpoint on Transitional Form of Crime ; Research on the transformation of a common crime committed & transformed robbery in perspective

  14. 聚众犯罪的转化犯在司法实践中是一个较为疑难的问题,主要原因是没有运用正确的理论加以指导。

    The conversion of mass crime is a difficult problem in judicatory practice , as it does not bring to bear accurate theory to guide .

  15. 共同犯罪中的转化犯是转化犯在共同犯罪中的特殊表现形态。

    The transformation of a common crime committed is transformed into a common crime committed in the special manifestations .

  16. 挪用公款后犯意转化,既不是罪过形式的转化,也不是犯罪目的的转化,而是犯罪故意的转化,即由挪用的故意转化为占有的故意。

    The mens rea transformation after misappropriation of public funds is that of criminal intent , namely from misappropriation intent to possession intent .

  17. 试谈青少年犯罪动机的恶性转化

    The use Of Violence By Juvenile Delinquents & On The Vicious Conversion Of The Motives Of The Juvenile Delinquency

  18. 强化起来的犯罪意识支配犯罪动机转化为犯罪行为。

    The fortified criminal consciousness will lead the criminal motivation into criminal acts .

  19. 基于前文的分析,转化犯从主观心态的角度可以分为故意心态犯罪向故意心态犯罪的转化、过失心态犯罪向故意心态犯罪的转化两类。

    According to the subjective attitude , we can divide the transforming crime into two kinds , namely intentional crime transfers to intentional crime and negligent crime transfers to intentional crime .

  20. 第二阶段,当犯罪意图与具体的犯罪手段和侵害目标相结合,犯罪主体经过内心的动机斗争后下定决心要实施犯罪时,犯罪意图就转化为犯罪目的,并进而形成犯罪决意。

    On the second stage , when the criminal intention is combined with detailed criminal means and targeted goals and the criminal has finally determined to commit crime after psychological struggle , his criminal intention turns to be criminal purpose and then to be criminal determination .

  21. 聚众犯罪的概念和范围标准的重新设置扩大了传统意义上的聚众犯罪的范围,将一部分组织类犯罪纳入到聚众犯罪的范围之中,并且聚众犯罪的转化犯也属于聚众犯罪。

    The concept and scope of the gathering crime re-set the standard expands the scope of tradition gathering crime and part of organized group of criminals and transforming crime are incorporated into the gathering crime .