
Apple Inc has lost exclusivity on the use of the " iPhone " trademark in China and has to share it with a Beijing-based leather products maker .
ATG have had exclusive access to that scientific evidence and can reveal that it literally reveals the hand – and fingerprint – of the artist in the work .
We believe that the gen 6 Kameyama facility has been exclusively taken over for Apple purposes with apple purchasing $ 500m to $ 1B of equipment for the manufacturing of iPad 3 and iPhone 5 LTE displays .
This applies mainly to vacation and resort homes , where a number of people purchase and own the right use the home exclusively for a specified period of time , usually measured in weeks and months .
Its eulogistic associations have so far overshadowed ~ all the rest of its meaning that both parties claim the sole right to use it , and determinists today insist that they alone are freedom 's champions .