
dú shēng nǚ
  • Only child;only daughter;singleton
独生女 [dú shēng nǚ]
  • [only daughter;singleton] 唯一的女孩

独生女[dú shēng nǚ]
  1. 她是他们的独生女。

    She 's their only daughter .

  2. 镇长的独生女也从屋子里跑出来跟着他。

    The only daughter of the mayor ran out of the house and followed him .

  3. 想想康迪赖斯(condirice)吧,她也许是全球最有权力的独生女了。

    Think of condi rice , probably the most powerful only in the world .

  4. 她是药剂师厄让·许勒尔(EugèneSchueller)的独生女。1907年,许勒尔在自己巴黎公寓的厨房里创造了一种被他称为Auréale的染发剂。

    She was the only child of Eug è ne Schueller , a chemist who , in the kitchen of his Paris apartment in 1907 , created a hair dye he called Aur é ale .

  5. 她是独生女,就要离开家了。

    She 's an only child . She 's leaving home .

  6. 1922年他和乔治五世国王的独生女玛丽公主结婚。

    In1922he married Princess mary , only daughter of King George v.

  7. 他娶了国王的独生女为妻。

    With this he received the king 's daughter in marriage .

  8. 中国的计划生育政策与都市独生女的赋权

    China 's One-Child Policy and the Empowerment of Urban Daughters

  9. 你必须知道我是个独生女。

    It 's important to know that I 'm an only child .

  10. 明天晚上之后,你就变成独生女啦。

    After tomorrow night , you are going to be an only child .

  11. 她是个独生女,所以备受关爱。

    As an only child she got special attention .

  12. 如果按爸爸的想法他的独生女

    If papa had his way , his only daughter

  13. 没有。我是独生女。

    No , I am an only daughter .

  14. 独生女产妇生活自理能力的影响因素分析

    Factors Influencing Self-care Ability in Single-daughter Puerpera

  15. 难道郝维仙小姐是独生女吗?

    Miss Havisham was an only child ?

  16. 我母亲是独生女。

    My mother was an only child .

  17. 是的,我知道你父母很富有,你还是独生女.

    Yes , I know your parents are rich and you are an only chirld .

  18. 我是独生女;我知道没有我他们会有失落感。

    I 'm an only child , and I knew they 'd be lost without me .

  19. 虽然迪斯尼版的贝尔是独生女,但在传统故事中,她是有兄弟姐妹的。

    Though Disney 's Belle is an only child , in the classic tale she has siblings .

  20. 很久很久以前,在一个小村庄里住着一位裁缝师和他的独生女。

    Once upon a time in a small village , a dressmaker lived with his only daughter .

  21. 默茜·钱特小姐正快步走去加入她们,她是他父亲家邻居的独生女。

    Walking quickly to join them was Miss Mercy Chant , only daughter of his father 's neighbour .

  22. 我是家中的独生女,但我可不是那种被宠坏的孩子。

    I am the only child in the family ; however , I am not the so-called spoiled child .

  23. 小时候我是家里的独生女,是威斯康新州农村的一个非常普通的女孩。那时我特别想要的就是妹妹。

    An only child , a perfectly ordinary little girl in rural Wisconsin , I wanted sisters more than anything .

  24. 在他教的那些小姐中,有一位叫卡特琳娜的,是一位荷兰富农的独生女。

    One of the girls Ichabod teaches Katrina who is the only daughter come from a rich family in Holand .

  25. 尽管她是家里的独生女。她的父母也从不溺爱她。

    Despite the fact that she is the only child in her family , she is never babied by her parents .

  26. 最后国王宣布:谁若能捕获或者杀死那头野猪,他就能娶国王的独生女为妻。

    Finally the king proclaimed that whoever could capture or kill the wild boar should have his only daughter in marriage .

  27. 在较不发达的河南省,独生女家庭就医时可享受20%优惠。

    In Henan , one of the less developed provinces , single-girl families receive a 20 per cent discount on medical care .

  28. 柔熙是一家广告公司所有人的独生女,拥有独立个性,从事广告策划。

    Yoo Hee has independent personality and is the only daughter of the owner of an advertisement company and is working as an advertisement planner .

  29. 章子怡在片中饰演武学高手宫二,宫二是北方一位八卦掌宗师的独生女。

    The film also stars Zhang Ziyi as Gong Er , a skilled kung fu expert and the daughter of a martial-arts master from northern China .

  30. 这位美国太空署第一位天文学部门主管的南西·格蕾丝·罗曼,1925年出生于田纳西州纳什维尔。作为一名教师和一名科学家的独生女,她很快就对太空感到着迷。

    Roman 's fascination with space began not long after she was born in Nashville , Tennessee in 1925 , the only child of a teacher and a scientist .