
  • Faye Wong;Eyes On Me
  1. (口)照片我拍了一张王菲的好照片。(int.)嗯。

    shot ( n. ) I got a great shot of Faye Wong .

  2. 一直觉得王菲很特别。

    I always think Faye Wong is a special woman .

  3. 作为中国当代流行乐坛知名度最高的歌手,王菲受到苏格兰双生鸟乐团(CocteauTwins)的影响,并将其另类风格与中国传统的抒情歌谣相结合。

    As the most famous singer on China ` s contemporary pop scene , Wong combines alternative styles , influenced by the Scottish group Cocteau Twins , with more traditional Chinese lyrical ballads .

  4. 咱们去看王菲的演唱会!

    A : Let 's go to Faye Wang 's concert !

  5. 王菲和窦唯的婚姻为她带来了快乐。

    Faye and Dou Wei 's marriage brought her great happiness .

  6. 2005年,王菲与李亚鹏结婚后便选择隐退。

    Wong withdrew from the limelight after she married Li in 2005 .

  7. 表面冷漠的王菲内心却渴望着爱。

    Seemingly aloof , Faye is always longing for love .

  8. 没有人像王菲这样得到如此多的关注。

    No one gets so much attention like Faye Wong .

  9. 这是王菲的小时候模样,可爱吗?

    This is little faye wong , does she cute ?

  10. 之后,王菲带女儿前往美国接受整形手术。

    Later Wong flew her daughter to the United States for plastic surgery .

  11. 我拍了一张王菲的好照片。

    I got a great shot of Faye Wong .

  12. 大旗网和王菲也在考虑上诉。

    Daqi and Wang are also considering appeals .

  13. 不管消息准确与否,可以确定的是:王菲回来了!

    No matter what , one thing 's for sure : She 's back !

  14. 你说听不懂王菲的歌,无病呻吟。

    You do not know how to listen to the songs of Faye Wong , Mobingshenjin .

  15. 该报称,王菲已经虔心学佛数年,可能会选择出家。

    The newspaper said Wong has been studying Buddhism for years and might become a nun .

  16. 王菲的离婚微博刚刚发布一小时,粉丝转发量就达到了10万次以上。

    Fans reposted her Sina Weibo micro blog announcement more than 100,000 times in the first hour .

  17. 或许你们会觉得很无聊,但我还是要把握机会去看王菲和刘德华,哇哈哈。

    It was quite boring but I got to see Faye Wong and Andy Lau , Wahaha .

  18. 同年,王菲李亚鹏夫妇成立嫣然天使基金会,致力于为广大唇腭裂儿童提供医疗救助。

    The couple founded the Smile Angel Foundation , a charity for Chinese children with cleft palates .

  19. 《新京报》报道称,据知情人士透露,王菲与李亚鹏的婚姻早在一年前便已出现危机。

    Beijing News cited an " insider " as saying the couple 's problems began a year ago .

  20. 一旦你听王菲的歌,你就会爱上她。虽然听不懂歌词。

    Once you listened to Faye'songs , you would love her , even if you don'know the lyrics .

  21. 据李健称,二人都非常欣赏彼此的音乐,而《传奇》也是王菲亲自挑选的一首歌曲。

    According to Li , they admire each other ` s music and Wong chose the song herself .

  22. 失眠的午夜,静静地听王菲的《流年》,躺在黑暗里。淡淡地,独属她的忧伤和盼望。

    Insomnia midnight , listen quietly to Faye Wong 's " Guang Liu Nian ", lying in the darkness .

  23. 王菲的先生李亚鹏承认他们的女儿生来就得了兔唇。这话要怎么掰?

    Li Yapeng , who is Faye Wong 's husband , admitted that their daughter was born with harelip .

  24. 实际比赛中田佳/王菲与阿德里安娜/谢尔达的体能分配比较

    A Comparative Study on the Physical Ability Distribution Between Tianjia / Wangfei and Adriana / Shelda in Actual Competition

  25. 只有王菲能有如此空绝的歌喉来演绎如此细致的感情。

    Only Faye Wong will never have such a voice to air such a detailed interpretation of the feelings .

  26. 到了《重庆森林》,他的脸,和他注视王菲是的那种样子,让我真的喜欢上了他。

    Something about his face and the way he watched Faye Wong 's character made me really like him .

  27. 声明中称:我们尊重李亚鹏先生和王菲女士选择了各自的人生轨迹,嫣然事业将不会停歇。

    We respect their decision toward different paths of life and the foundation will work as usual , it said .

  28. 她说,王菲李亚鹏夫妇很努力地经营这段婚姻,但价值观不同没办法。

    She said the couple tried hard to fix their marriage , but the differences in their values were irreconcilable .

  29. 这部电影的片尾曲《你在终点等我》由天后王菲演唱。

    Waiting for Me , the movie 's ending song , was sung by Chinese Queen of Pop Faye Wong .

  30. 是的,孙楠、那英和王菲都到了,并且他们唱了所有他们流行的歌曲。

    Yes , Sun Nan , Na Ying and Wang Fei were there and they sang all their popular songs .