
  • 网络A Doll's House;doll house;A Dolls House;DOLLHOUSE;Nora Helmer
  1. 本季剧目包括易卜生(Ibsen)的《玩偶之家》(ADoll’sHouse)和普契尼(Puccini)的《托斯卡》(Tosca)。

    This season 's productions include Ibsen 's " A Doll 's House " and Puccini 's " Tosca . "

  2. 陌生与困境&《玩偶之家》新解

    Strangeness and Predicament & Some New Understanding of A Doll 's House

  3. 挪威剧作家HenrikIbsen的玩偶之家,描写的是一个崩溃中的中产阶级的婚姻,是一个现代悲剧的样本。

    Doll 's House ( 1879 ) by the Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen , which depicts the breakdown of a middle-class marriage , is an example of a more contemporary tragedy .

  4. 你在那个玩偶之家的时间比我们都长

    You were in that dollhouse longer than any of us .

  5. 论《玩偶之家》中玩偶的双重性

    On the Dual Nature of the Doll in the Family of Doll

  6. 地狱是A的玩偶之家中一个很孤独的洞

    Hell is a very lonely hole in A 's dollhouse

  7. 我们都看到警察救莎拉出玩偶之家了

    We all saw Sara when they brought her out of the Dollhouse .

  8. 剧中的所有角色都是生活在玩偶之家的玩具。

    In it , the characters are all toys living in a doll house .

  9. 当初在那个玩偶之家时查尔斯真正想要的就是

    That 's what Charles really wanted to do to us in that dollhouse ...

  10. 女性主义、个人主义,还是资本主义?&谈对易卜生《玩偶之家》的误读

    Feminism , Individualism or Capitalism ?: On Misreading of Ibsen 's A Doll 's House

  11. 玩偶之家以及被折磨的事

    the dollhouse , and being tortured .

  12. 论五四时期对《玩偶之家》的误读

    On the Misreading of A Doll 's House in the Period of the May 4th Movement

  13. 自《玩偶之家》问世以来,娜拉一直是中西方评论家关注的焦点人物。

    Nora has always been a controversial character much discussed by both Eastern and Western critics .

  14. 他是在为女儿制作玩偶之家后开始微雕事业的。

    He began carving out his career in miniatures after making furniture for his daughters dolls house .

  15. 翻译的政治与接受的可能&五四启蒙话语中的《玩偶之家》

    POLITICS OF TRANSLATION AND THE POSSIBILITY OF ACCEPTANCE A Doll s House in May-Fourth Enlightenment Discourses ;

  16. 她走出了房子,毫不犹豫地、决然地砰地一声关上了玩偶之家的大门。

    She went out and with irrevocable finality , slammed the door of her doll house Behind her .

  17. 不同的人生,相同的命运:两位女主人翁《玩偶之家》中娜拉与《匹格梅利翁》中伊莉莎的对比研究

    Different Life , Same Destiny : A Comparative Analysis of Two Heroines Nora in a Doll 's House and Eliza in Pygmalion

  18. 仰赖借贷与债务过活的家庭生活,毫无自由或美言。&易卜生《玩偶之家》。

    There can be no freedom or beauty about a home life that depends on borrowing and debt . & Ibsen A Doll 's House .

  19. 大卫爱德华兹曾在苏格兰国家交响乐团演奏大提琴,后来当他发现玩偶之家微型玩具市场缺口后就放弃了了自己的音乐事业。

    David Edwards , who once played cello in the Scottish National Orchestra , gave up his professional music career to make dolls house miniatures when he realised there was a gap in the market .

  20. 大卫·爱德华兹曾在苏格兰国家交响乐团演奏大提琴,后来当他发现玩偶之家微型玩具市场缺口后就放弃了了自己的音乐事业。

    David Edwards , who once played cello in the Scottish National Orchestra , gave up his professional music career to make doll 's house miniatures when he realised there was a gap in the market .

  21. 阐明《玩偶之家》中所反映出来女权主义的特点,进而对女权主义形成的原因及后期的发展作进一步阐述,并提出了女权主义的现实意义。

    Based on the novel itself , this article discusses the feminist characteristics reflected in The Family of Toys , and then further expounds the causes and later development of feminism as well as its realistic significance .

  22. 《玩偶之家》、《群鬼》和《海上夫人》是易卜生戏剧中比较集中探讨婚姻中男女地位和关系问题的戏剧。

    " A Doll 's House "( 1879 )," Ghosts "( 1881 ) and " The Lady from the Sea "( 1888 ) by Henrik Ibsen ( 1828-1906 ) are a series of dramas which focus on the exploration of the status and nexuses of wedlock men and women .