
  • 网络EIS;environmental impact report;environmental impact statement;EIR
  1. 法院所面临的问题是:是否要求住房和城市开发部门提供环境影响报告书。

    The issue before the Court was whether HUD was required to file an EIS .

  2. 该因素的相关性在于,若没有这种有意义的资料,环境影响报告书本身就毫无意义。

    This factor was relevant because without such meaningful information the EIS itself would be pointless .

  3. 按照法律要求,美国农业部在重新规定作物种类之前没有执行环境影响报告书(EIS)。

    USDA failed to conduct an environmental impact statement ( EIS ), as required by law , before deregulating the crop .

  4. 关于编写放射性物质运输环境影响报告书需要注意的问题

    Some issues on environmental impact report of radioactive material transport

  5. 环境影响报告书(表)质量评定探讨

    A Probe into Appraisal to the Quality of Reports on Environmental Impact

  6. 如何编写建设项目环境影响报告书的工程分析篇章

    Proposals on Compiling the Section of Engineering Analysis in Report of EIA

  7. 我知,但我还要写环境影响报告。

    I know , but I have to write an environmental impact report .

  8. 福建省环境影响报告书编制现状

    Status Quo of Drawing up Fujian Environmental Impact Statement

  9. 加强环境影响报告书基础资料和原始数据的审核工作

    Strengthening Examination and Verification of Basic Information and Primitive Data of Environmental Impact Statement

  10. 根椐联邦和州的法律规定,在许多情况下都要求提供环境影响报告书。

    Environmental impact reports are required under many circumstances by federal and state law .

  11. 环境影响报告书是实施环境影响评价制度的一项重要内容。

    Environmental impact report is an important content in enforcing environmental impact assessment system .

  12. 专项规划环境影响报告书审查听证制度的实践与完善&以大连西部通道环评审查听证案为例

    Practice and Perfection of the Special Programs ' Environmental Impact Statement Review Hearing System

  13. 环境影响报告书、表审批程序的探讨

    An Approach to the Procedure for Examination and Approval of Environmental Impact Statement and List

  14. 大气环境影响报告书生成器的探讨

    Research on Atmospheric Environmental Impact Report Generator

  15. 我们一直关心的是环境影响报告书的内容及必要性。

    Thus far , we have been concerned with the contents and necessity for an EIS .

  16. 关于环境影响报告书编写初探福建省环境影响报告书编制现状

    Probe into the Compilation of Environment Influence Report Status Quo of Drawing up Fujian Environmental Impact Statement

  17. 90年代从事土地开发的企业必须向各级政府递交环境影响报告。

    In the1990s , developers were required to file environmental impact reports with various levels of government .

  18. 确定环境影响报告书的范围基本上是决定该报告书的准确主题是什么。

    Determining the scope of the EIS essentially decides what the precise subject-matter of the EIS will be .

  19. 需要考虑的第一个问题是,机构是否需要编写环境影响报告书。

    The first issue to be considered is whether an agency needs to prepare any EIS at all .

  20. 环境影响报告书的内容

    Content of the EIS

  21. 法庭还认为,环境影响报告书必须讨论所有合理的替代办法产生的环境后果。

    The court also held that the EIS must discuss the environmental effects of all the reasonable alternatives .

  22. 法令表明,在确定环境影响报告书确有必要之前,必须满足三个要求。

    A reading of the statute indicates that three requirements must be met before an EIS is necessary .

  23. 考虑到这一背景,我们可以着手详细考虑环境影响报告书的规定。

    With this background in mind , we can turn to a detailed consideration of the EIS requirement .

  24. 在类似的案例中,在起诉似乎可能的情况下,机构可能倾向于准备一份环境影响报告书。

    In close cases , agencies may tend to prepare an EIS , at least if litigation seems likely .

  25. 此外,他们可能准备环境影响报告书和环境问题,如公共土地利用规划研究。

    In addition , they may prepare environmental impact statements and studies on environmental issues such as public land-use planning .

  26. 如果复审通过这一过程,做好环境影响报告书往往更加简便。

    Rather than go through this process , it is often simpler just to go ahead and prepare the EIS .

  27. 法院称,农业部需要提供一个完整的甜菜对环境影响报告。

    The court said the Agriculture Department needed to perform a complete study of the environmental effects of the sugar beets .

  28. 然而,在着手讨论环境影响报告书规定之前,有必要回顾一下《国家环境政策法》的其他一些条款。

    Before turning to the EIS requirement , however , it is worth reviewing some of the other provisions of NEPA .

  29. 一旦做出结论,需要一个环境影响报告书,紧接着的问题便是如何确定环境影响报告书的范围。

    Once it has been concluded that an EIS is required , the next question is the scope of the EIS .

  30. 同时,还可能扩展到更加广阔的法规报告需求,比如税务、劳务、环境影响报告。

    It will also likely spread with wider , regulated reporting requirements , such as for tax , labor and environmental impact reports .