
huán jìnɡ shì fànɡ
  • environment release
  1. 转基因技术的发展为利用外源基因培育优良品种提供了新的途径,目前国内外已培育出多个高抗水稻害虫的转基因水稻材料,并获准进入中间试验和环境释放。

    The development of transgenic technology provides a new path to breed new varieties with exogenous genes , now many transgenic rice materials resistant to pests have been bred around the world , and some have been approved into median experiment and environment release .

  2. 转Bt基因荧光假单胞菌工程菌在河北省的环境释放及跟踪监测

    Release and Detection of Engineered Pseudomonas fluorescens Strains with Bt cry Genes in Hebei

  3. 转Bt基因作物的环境释放对土壤及其根系微生物生态的影响研究主要集中在旱田作物,至今未见有关水田转Bt基因水稻对土壤及水稻根系微生物生态安全和风险性研究报导。

    Little is known about the potential impacts of the environmental release of Bt transgenic rice on soil microbiota and their processes .

  4. 氚渗透及氚安全的分析表明,通过CHHCSBTBM以及辅助系统向环境释放的氚可控制在ITER的氚安全限度内。

    Tritium release to the environment from CH HCSB TBM is well controlled below the tritium safety limit of ITER , according to the tritium permeation and tritium safety analysis .

  5. 表达致PWD和ED大肠杆菌保护性抗原基因的重组菌的中间试验、环境释放试验及我国部分养殖猪种F18受体基因型的检测

    The Efficacy of Recombinant Strain Expressing the Major Protective Antigens of Shiga-like Toxigenic Escherichia Coli Causing PWD / ED on Trial and Genotyping of PWD / ED Suspected Pigs Bearing F18 Fimbria Receptors

  6. GMOs的环境释放可能对人类和生物安全产生影响,在其产品的包装运输、贮存、使用过程中也可能产生环境风险。

    Environmental Release of Genetically Modified Organisms ( GMOs ) possibly bring influence to human beings and biosafety , and bring environmental risk in their packing , transporting , reserving , using of the products .

  7. 猪白介素-4重组表达质粒在小鼠体内的组织分布及环境释放安全性

    Primary evaluation on tissue distribution and environment biosafety of recombinant expression plasmid of swine IL-4 in mice

  8. 正常运行工况下气载放射性流出物向环境释放量的计算是环境影响评价的基础。

    Normal Pregnancy The calculations of the release of airborne radioactive effluence to environment are bases of environmental impact assessment .

  9. 现实源项主要用于电厂每年平均向环境释放的放射性总量的估计。

    Realistic source term is primarily used for the estimate of the total annual radioactivity release from nuclear power plants .

  10. 分析了油和煤的原材料输入和环境释放输出清单,并对清单分析数据进行整理;

    Analysed the oil and coal raw material input and environmental release output data inventory , collated and analysed the inventory ;

  11. 无论它们依靠什么导航,它们都能找到回家的路,即使他们是在陌生环境释放。

    Whatever method they rely on , the birds find their way home even when they 're released in unfamiliar surroundings .

  12. 转基因逃逸是转基因作物环境释放的主要潜在生态风险。

    Transgene escape is a main concern about potential ecological impacts of releasing genetically engineered crops ( GECs ) into the environment .

  13. 目前已经获得了纯合稳定的转基因株系,并在河南农业科学院小麦所进行了环境释放试验。

    Till now , homozygous transgenic lines stably in genetics have been developed , and environmental release experiment is being carried out .

  14. 与此同时,转基因植物向环境释放后可能带来的生态风险问题也越来越受到人们的重视。

    At the same time , an increasing attention is paid for the ecological risk brought about by the release of transgenic plants .

  15. 任何国家或地区迄今为止都没有转基因蚊子环境释放的清晰或具体的管理规定或指导方针。

    No clear or specific regulations or guidelines are yet in place for the environmental release of GM mosquitoes within any country or region .

  16. 文摘:风险评估是转基因生物环境释放依法管理的一项重要内容,也是生物安全研究的核心内容之一。

    Abstract : risk assessment constitutes an important part in legally controlling of environmental release of transgenic organisms and is a core subject in biosafety research .

  17. 我国城市生活垃圾90%以上采用填埋的方式进行处置,每年向环境释放的垃圾填埋气达100万吨以上,对填埋气的污染控制和资源化回收利用是急待解决的重要问题。

    Pollution control of landfill gas and its recovery is a urgent problem in China , because over 90 % municipal solid waste were disposed by landfill .

  18. 核电站安全壳是防止放射性物质向环境释放的大体积预应力混凝土筒壳结构,是特殊环境条件下的重点防护目标。

    Nuclear power plant containment shell is a large-volume pre-stressed reinforced concrete silo-shell structure to prevent radioactivity , and is the most important protected object in special condition .

  19. 总之,由于人们的生理活动,可以向周围环境释放很多污物,有的是生物体,也有的是化学物质。

    In fine , because of people physiology activity , can release to surroundings environment a lot of filths , have plenty of the living creature , also have plenty of the chemistry material .

  20. 根据中国转基因油菜研究和环境释放的现状,对中国环境条件下转基因油菜的生存竞争能力、基因扩散风险以及对生物多样性影响等环境安全问题进行了分析。

    In view of the current status of research and environmental release of transgenic rapeseed worldwide , the environmental risk was assessed focusing on competitive survival ability , gene dispersal and biodiversity impact of transgenic rapeseed in China .

  21. 说明了重水堆核电站氚生成的途径,核电站设计中控制氚向环境释放的措施以及排放到环境中的氚对居民所致的剂量等公众关注的问题。

    The issues drawing people 's attention , such as ways of CANDU plant tritium generation , measures to control tritium release to environment in the design of nuclear power plants as well as public dose due to tritium released to the environment are presented .

  22. 本文在分析和比较国内外有关转基因生物风险评估方法的基础上,结合作者近年来对转基因生物风险评估的专题研究,对转基因生物环境释放风险评估的基本原则和一般模式进行了全面的描述。

    The paper dealt with the description of the principles and general risk assessment model for the environmental release of transgenic organisms on the basis of analysing and comparing the various methods on risk assessment , in combination with the past research results of the authors .

  23. 环境释放生态后效的评估是转基因生物资源开发利用过程中很重要的一个环节,水平基因转移对生物资源利用的潜在危胁近年来日益受到人们的关注。

    Evaluating the ecological influence of Genetic Modified Organisms ( GMOs ) after releasing to environments plays a key role in their development and utilization . The hazards coming from Horizontal Gene Transfer ( HGT ) in utilization of biological resources grow more and more interest .

  24. 停产后废砷场堆放的矿渣和窑壁灰,将每年按其可溶性砷含量约40%持续向环境释放。以水型污染为主,主要通过食物链而进入人体。

    After stopping produc - tion , the soluble arsenic in slages and the kilns ashs , was be - ing continuously released with the amounted 40 % of arsenic content each year correspondingly , mainly in water , entering the human body through the food chain .

  25. pH对沉积物中重金属再释放的影响中,四种重金属均在酸性环境中释放快,随着pH升高,释放速率逐渐变慢直至趋于平衡。

    Four kinds of heavy metals in acidic environment were releasing faster , as pH rising , release rate increased slowly gradually until the equilibrium trends .

  26. 他们提到,这项研究已经承诺要给4000多名支持者分发种子,这或许是“有史以来第一次将一种号称'合成生物'的有机体有意地在全世界进行环境性释放”。Kickstarter让批评者向项目组织者表达他们的担心。

    They note that the project has pledged to deliver seeds to many of its 4000 contributors , making it perhaps the " first-ever intentional environmental release of an avowedly ' synthetic biology ' organism anywhere in the world . " Kickstarter told the critics to take up their concerns with the project 's organizers .

  27. 伊斯塔斯说咒骂帮助她在安全的环境下释放负面情绪。

    Istace said swearing helped release hernegative emotions in a safe environment .

  28. 噢,恐怕我得换个新的工作环境来释放创造力了。

    Oh , I 'm afraid I need a new working environment to release the creative power .

  29. 但是,人们越来越担忧胶料向环境中释放锌的影响。

    However , there is growing awareness on the impact of the release of zinc to the environment .

  30. 我们需要从舒适的环境中释放自我,超越我们自身的能力,去探索新的机会,寻求更大的成功。

    We need to free ourselves from our comfort zone to explore new opportunities and find success beyond our capacity . 2 .