
huán jìnɡ fǎ ɡuī
  • Environmental regulations;environmental legislation
  1. 我们从没发起过环境法规

    We haven 't sponsored any environmental legislation .

  2. 论保证环境法规的实施

    On the Implementation of Environmental Legislation

  3. 中国的环境法规较为宽松,因而PVC生产成本极富竞争力,而发达国家的污染控制与能源消耗标准较高。

    China 's loose environmental regulations enable the industry to make PVC at very competitive costs , while developed countries enforce higher standards for pollution control and energy consumption .

  4. 五是ISO14000与地区环境法规之间的一致性问题有待解决;

    The consistency between the ISO 14000 and the local environmental rules ;

  5. 随着环境法规对涂料的挥发性有机化合物(VOC)含量的限制,高性能与低VOC含量相结合的水性聚氨酯涂料成为涂料技术发展的趋势。

    With the restrictions of environment regulations on volatile organic compounds ( VOC ) in coatings , waterborne polyurethane paints , in which high performance combined with low VOC value , become developed trends of coatings technology .

  6. 在日益严格的环境法规的约束和绿色贸易壁垒的限制下,实施ISO14001体系并通过认证是机电产品制造企业长期发展和提高竞争力的必然选择。

    Confined to the more strictly environmental law and green trade bulwark , it is necessary for mechatronics manufacturing to carrying out ISO 14001 and pass the certification in order to improve the competitive strength and develop permanently .

  7. 由于更加严格的环境法规,柴油超深度脱硫(<15ppm)已成为非常紧迫而急需解决的世界性研究课题。

    Ultra-deep desulfurization of fuel oils has become an environmentally urgent subject worldwide due to very stringent environmental regulations that limit the sulfur levels in diesel fuels to less than 15 ppm .

  8. 违反环境法规的公司将受到严厉惩处。

    There are severe penalties for companies who breach environmental laws .

  9. 这主要是因为低工资和宽松的环境法规。

    This is mainly because of lower wages and lenient environmental regulations .

  10. 政府不久将颁布哪些环境法规呢?

    What environment-related laws the government will enact next ?

  11. 她的努力加大了针对拆船业的环境法规的监管力度。

    Her efforts have led to stronger environmental rules governing the ship-breaking industry .

  12. 须立即实施新环境法规以阻止全球变暖。

    New environmental regulations need to come into force to stop global warming .

  13. 浅谈环境法规与标准课程建设

    Taking a Peek on the Construction of the Environmental Law and Standard Course

  14. 环境法规对无铅以及无卤电子产业的影响

    Environmental Regulations in Lead-free and Halogen-free Electronic

  15. 承包商将遵守科威特国家的安全法规和环境法规。

    The contractor will abide by the state laws of Kuwait on safety and environment .

  16. 环境法规如此混乱不堪的根源实际上就是法院。

    The courts , in fact , are the source of the worst uncertainty surrounding environmental regulation .

  17. 联邦政府的环境法规必须使用有限的某项具体权力。

    Environmental regulation by the federal government must utilize one of a limited group of specific powers .

  18. 环境法规和利益相关方对环境意识的增强要求电子设备中不应含有铅。

    Environmental regulations and stronger environmental awareness from stakeholders are forcing the elimination of lead from electronic equipment .

  19. 危险品和受控化学废弃物的处置,不得不符合地方环境法规的规定。

    Disposal of hazardous or controlled chemical waste must be performed in accordance with local environmental and Regulatory codes .

  20. 较基进的「击法」将大把钞票投资科技发展与环境法规,让脱钩率超过现行体制下的脱钩率。

    The more aggressive Crash Program pours money into technological development and environmental regulations that speed decoupling beyond its business-as-usual rate .

  21. 作为人类现代环保运动的开端,地球日活动推动了多个国家环境法规的建立。

    Be mankind the initialzing of the modern environmental movement , the Earth day activity pushed many establishments of national environment lawses .

  22. 聚合物水泥防水涂料是涂料水性化发展的方向,也是对环境法规的日益重视的体现。

    Polymer-cement waterproof coating is one of the developing directions of water-borne coatings , and it 's the embodiment of environmental concern .

  23. 同时,从环境法规、新型国家会计体系2个方面,展望了国际社会环境管理的前景。

    Netherlands , Japan were presented from three aspects : environmental management planning , environmental law , and new system of national accounting .

  24. 机会将是最好的发展强大的技术和沟通技巧和知识,环境法规和规章的景观建筑师。

    Opportunities will be best for landscape architects who develop strong technical and communication skills and a knowledge of environmental codes and regulations .

  25. 这项大范围的合作显示出了目前汽车制造商所承受的压力,为遵守更为严格的环境法规,他们投资数十亿美元开发电池动力汽车。

    The broad-based cooperation shows the strains on carmakers as they invest billions of dollars to develop battery-powered vehicles to comply with tighter environmental regulations .

  26. 及时告知并提供投资商所有关于任一项环境法规的书面通知,指示或口头要求。

    Announce and provide all copy to the Investor any notices immediately , instructions , or the verbal commands in one of all environmental regulations .

  27. 中国商报在周二发表报道称,针对稀土部门的更加严格的环境法规也有望明年出台。

    Tougher environmental regulations for the rare earth sector are also expected to be unveiled next year , the China Business News reported on Tuesday .

  28. 如果企业对风险是充分厌恶的,则证明了有效的预算平衡契约是存在的,并且能够有效地激励企业遵守环境法规。

    If the polluters are sufficiently risk averse , it is proved that a budget-balancing contract exits , which can effectively encourage polluters to abide by .

  29. 环境法规的绪论可以包含认可资产受损及由此而记录的损失价值的职责。

    The introduction of environmental laws and regulations may involve an obligation to recognize impairment of assets and consequently a need to write-down the carrying value .

  30. 王志平表示,中国水电密切关注非洲环境法规,并否认公司选择项目以拓展中国外交政策目标。

    Mr Wang said Sinohydro paid close attention to its environmental rules , and denied that it selected projects to further China 's foreign policy aims .