
  • 网络solid waste pollution
  1. 浦东新区固体废物污染现状及防治对策

    Solid Waste Pollution and Control Countermeasure in Pudong New Area

  2. 中美固体废物污染防治法律制度的比较

    Comparison of Legal System on Solid Waste Pollution Harness Between China and USA

  3. 济南市固体废物污染防治规划方法

    Methodology research of urban solid waste pollution prevention and control planning

  4. 噪声污染和固体废物污染随着社会高速发展而变得日益加剧。

    With the rapidly development of society , it has become increasingly intensified .

  5. 广东省固体废物污染状况及防治对策

    The Situation and Preventive Measures of Pollution of the Solid Waster Materials in Guangdong

  6. 小龙潭电厂工业固体废物污染及综合利用效益分析

    Industrial Solid Waste Pollution and Benefit Effect Analysis of Xiaolongtan Reservoir Electric Power Plant

  7. 固体废物污染状况分析与废物资源化的思考

    Analysis and Consideration for the Contaminative Status and Resource of Solid Waste in China

  8. 我国农村固体废物污染防治法律制度研究

    Study on the Chinese Legal System of Preventing the Pollution of Solid Wastes in Rural Areas

  9. 中国与中亚对固体废物污染环境犯罪的国际刑法控制研究

    The Study on International Criminal Law Controlling of the Solid Waste Pollution Environmental Crime between China and Central Asia

  10. 固体废物污染与其它环境污染不同,具有综合性、长期性和潜在性。

    The solid waste pollution is different from other environmental pollution , it is comprehensive , long-term , and potential .

  11. 随着社会工业、交通运输、城市建筑的不断发展,噪声污染已和大气污染、水污染、固体废物污染并列为四大污染。

    With the development of industries , transportation and construction , noise pollution has been one of the four pollutions .

  12. 防治固体废物污染的对策是:加强立法,严格执法;

    The preventive measures of pollution of the solid waster materials are : making laws and enforcing the law strictly ;

  13. 最后,本文提出了完善我国农村固体废物污染环境防治法律制度的相关建议。

    In this paper , the last of Chinese rural areas to improve solid waste pollution prevention-related recommendations of the legal system .

  14. 《固体废物污染环境防治法(修订草案)》第三次提交审议。

    A draft revision to the law on the prevention and control of environmental pollution by solid waste returned for its third review .

  15. (五)擅自关闭、闲置或者拆除固体废物污染环境防治设施、场所的;

    Closing , leaving idle or dismantling installations or sites for the prevention and control of environmental pollution by solid waste without authorization ;

  16. 固体废物污染已经和水污染、大气污染、噪声污染一起成为四大污染公害。

    Solid waste pollution has already become one of the four major public hazards with water pollution , air pollution , noise pollution .

  17. 钻屑属于石油钻井污染中的固体废物污染,是废弃钻井完井液固液分离后产生的对石油钻井无用的固相。

    Drill cuttings belongs to the solid waste pollution , which is the useless solid phase of the waste drilling fluid after solid-liquid separation .

  18. 第七十一条受到固体废物污染损害的单位和个人,有权要求依法赔偿损失。

    Article 71 Units and individuals that have suffered damage caused by solid waste pollution shall have the right to claim compensation according to law .

  19. 前言:广东省固体废物污染严重,其原因在于法律法规不完善;

    The pollution of the solid waster materials is serious in Guangdong , which is subject to such factors as : imperfect rules of law ;

  20. 固体废物污染海洋环境的防治和放射性固体废物污染环境的防治不适用本法。

    This Law shall not apply to the prevention and control of marine environmental pollution by solid waste or of environmental pollution by radioactive solid waste .

  21. 不论是从国际趋势看,还是从国内固体废物污染的现状来说,生产者责任延伸制度是我国经济可持续发展的重要保障。

    From both the outside tendency and the inside state of Solid waste pollution , " EPR " is the necessary safeguard for the economic sustainable development .

  22. 仿真预测结果表明在以后的发展时间里,该地区的空气质量将会有所好转,工业废水和工业固体废物污染较重。

    Simulation results show that the development of the next period , the region will be improved air quality , industrial wastewater and solid waste pollution heavy industry .

  23. 第二条本法适用于中华人民共和国境内固体废物污染环境的防治。

    Article 2 This Law shall apply to the prevention and control of environmental pollution by solid waste within the territory of the People 's Republic of China .

  24. 遵循国家颁布的《中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境防治法》,对工业固体废物中危险废物处理处置技术和方法进行系统研究,推荐采用安全填埋法处置工业危险废物。

    According to the national law of solid wastes environmental pollution control , a systematic study has been made on the treatment and disposal technology for industrial hazardous wastes .

  25. 减少报废汽车造成的固体废物污染和加强再生资源的循环利用是汽车工业可持续发展的新主题之一。

    The decrease of solid waste pollution made by end of life vehicles and the recycle utilization of renewable resources are the new theme of sustainable development of automotive industry .

  26. 第一条为了防治固体废物污染环境,保障人体健康,促进社会主义现代化建设的发展,制定本法。

    Article 1 This Law is enacted for the purpose of preventing and controlling environmental pollution by solid waste , safeguarding human health and promoting the development of socialist modernization drive .

  27. 结果表明,混合燃烧盐酸水解残渣和煤的有型燃料,不仅解决了大量残渣给环境带来的固体废物污染,而且能综合利用废物和煤炭资源,降低锅炉燃烧中污染物的排放。

    Results showed that co-combustion of residue and coal which not only solves solid waste pollution of residue but also comprehensively utilizes waste and coal has the potential to reduce pollutants emission in furnace .

  28. 城市中的固体废物污染问题伴随着城市的扩展、工业化进程和市民生活水平不断提高而逐步成为危害环境的主要因素之一。

    The problem of solid pollution in cities is going to become into one of the main elements following the spread of cities , the improvement of industry and the improvement of life standard .

  29. 对固体废物污染环境防治设施的验收应当与对主体工程的验收同时进行。

    The installations for the prevention and control of environmental pollution by solid waste must be checked and accepted at the same time as the main part of the project is checked and accepted .

  30. 我国《固体废物污染环境防治法》(以下简称《固废法》)自1996年4月1日颁布实施8年来,在实际工作中面临了许多新的问题。

    Since April 1,1996 , Environmental Pollution Prevention and Control Law of Solid Wastes has been enforced in China for 8 years . But in actual work , the law faces a number of problems .