
  • 网络sterol;steroid;Srerols
  1. 昆虫需要外界来源的固醇类。

    Insects need an external source of sterols .

  2. 由于大豆中还富含优质脂肪、纤维和能有效降低胆固醇的植物固醇类,大豆类食物对心脏健康也大有裨益。

    Soybean products are great for heart health , thanks to their good fats , fiber , and cholesterol-lowering plant sterols .

  3. 固醇类药物在高中生中的受欢迎程度急速串升。

    Steroids soared in popularity among high school students .

  4. 睾酮是一种19碳甾体固醇类化合物是雄性激素中活性最强的一种。

    Testosterone is a kind of19carbon steroid compound which the most active com-positions .

  5. 将肾上腺皮质内固醇类药氢化可的松与抗病毒药阿昔洛韦相结合制成复方乳膏制剂,可以减轻单纯疱疹病毒相关的免疫介导的皮肤炎症反应,从而显著提高治疗复发性单纯性唇疱疹的疗效。

    The addition of a topical corticosteroid hydrocortisone to an antiviral acyclovir has been hypothesized to improve the clinical effect of herpes simplex labialis by decreasing the HSV-related immune-mediated inflammatory skin reaction .

  6. 胆固醇是机体内重要的固醇类物质,它具有多种多样的生理功能,但是体内过多的胆固醇却是引起冠心病、动脉硬化和心肌梗塞的危险因素之一。

    Cholesterol is an important sterol in organism and it exhibited many physiologic function , but too much cholesterol in vivo is one of the dangerous factors that cause coronary artery disease , arteriosclerosis and heart infarction .

  7. 非那甾胺属氮杂固醇类药物,是一种新型的5α还原酶抑制剂,主要用于治疗良性前列腺增生及男性型脱发。

    Finasteride is the first of a new class of 5a-reductase inhibitors which belongs to a 4-aza-3-oxosteroid compound and has been extensively used for treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia ( BPH ) and androgenetic alopecia ( AGA ) .

  8. 目的:对结构相似的10种类固醇激素类药物进行定性鉴别。

    Objective : To identify 10 steroid hormones which have similar structures .

  9. 孕酮是人体内的一种类固醇激素类物质,其对于神经系统类疾病的治疗作用已经为广大的学者所认可。

    Progesterone is one of steroid hormones in the human body . The curative effect of progesterone on nervous system diseases is widely recognized by majority of scholars .