
  • 网络nitrogenase activity
  1. 根据固氮酶活性、分泌IAA能力等初筛出15株固氮菌,用于固氮菌盆栽单接种试验。

    On the basis of nitrogenase activity and IAA secretion , 15 strains of nitrogen fixing bacteria were selected for single-inoculation pot test .

  2. 相思根瘤菌培养基优化及其固氮酶活性研究

    Study of Medium Optimization of Acacia Rhizobium and Nitrogenase Activity

  3. 应用群分解BHMO程序,研究了含S2的固氮酶活性中心模型和N2的络合活化模式。

    In the present work , disulfide linkage-containing model of N2-ase active-center and probable coordination modes are studied by a group decomposition EHMO computation program .

  4. 固氮酶活性中心J系化学模拟物的合成、结构和性质研究

    Studies on Synthesis , Structure and Properties of a Model Compound of J System Chemistry of Active Center of Nitrogenase

  5. 以反应初速度计,其比活达4.1moleC2H4/分·moleMo,约为固氮酶活性的1%。

    Its specific activity is 4.1 mole C_2H_4 / min · mole Mo which is about 1 % of the activity of natural nitrogenase .

  6. 乙炔还原法测定出低固氮酶活性(0.17~3.43nMC2H4/株/小时);

    A low nitrogenase activity of the nodules was determined by acetylene-reduction method ( 0.17 ~ 3.43nMC_2H_4 / plant / hour );

  7. 固氮酶活性中心MoKEXAFS谱拟合的初步探讨

    Preliminary Investigation of MoK EXAFS Curve fitting for Active Site of Nitrogenase

  8. 这都表明,水分胁迫对根瘤呼吸活性及ATP产生的抑制可解释干旱条件下固氮酶活性的下降。

    These results suggest that it may be through the decrease in respiration rate and thereby that in the supply of ATP that drought stress inhibits ARA of nodules .

  9. 固氮酶活性中心模型的EHMO研究

    EHMO Study of Nitrogenase Active-center Model

  10. 根瘤固氮酶活性以施用2mgSe/kg土的处理为最大,比对照增加了49.41%。

    Root nodule nitrogen-fixing fermentation activity was higher with of application of 2.0 mg Se / kg soil , where it was 49.41 % higher than in control plot .

  11. 经固氮酶活性测定,PA19、PA2和PK1菌株具有较强的固氮酶活性。

    The results showed that PA19 , PA2 and PK1 strains had high nitrogenase activities .

  12. Rhodopseudomonascapsulata固氮酶活性对氨的敏感性及谷氨酰胺合成酶(GS)活性的变化在很大程度上受菌龄和氮素营养的影响。

    Both sensitivity of nitrogenase in response to NH_4 ~ + and the level of glutamine synthetase ( GS ) activity depend upon either the culture age or the N-nutrient states of Rhodopseudomonas capsulata .

  13. 固氮酶活性和放氢活性之间呈正相关性,固氮酶活性越高,放氢活性也越高。

    As the nitrogenase activity increased , hydrogen production increased accordingly .

  14. 缺钼大豆的光合作用和固氮酶活性降低。

    The photosynthesis and the azotaseactivity were decreased in Mo deficient soybean .

  15. 沼泽红假单胞菌固氮酶活性的调节

    Regulation of nitrogenase activity in intact cell of Rhodopseudomonas palustris

  16. 短时间高温对蓝藻Anabaena7120固氮酶活性的影响

    Effect of high temperature on nitrogenase activity of blue-green algal Anabaena 7120

  17. 源库对不同生长习性大豆固氮酶活性的影响

    Effect of source-sink manipulations on dinitrogen-fixing activity of different growth habit soybeans

  18. 蓝藻Anabaena7120固氮酶活性表达和生理条件的关系

    Relationship between nitrogenase activity expression and physiological conditions in blue-green algae Anabaena 7120

  19. 固氮酶活性中心模型化合物的合成和性质的研究&一种具有生物组合活性的原子簇化合物

    Synthesis and property study of a model compound of active center of Nitrogenase

  20. 大豆种子蛋白质含量与固氮酶活性和硝酸还原酶活性的关系

    Correlation between soybean seed protein content and nitrogenase activity and nitrate reductase activity

  21. 满江红的微量元素与固氮酶活性

    Micronutrients and activity of nitrogenase in Azolla

  22. 自生条件下根瘤菌固氮酶活性的表达

    Expression of nitrogenase activity in free-living Rhizobium

  23. 一种测定根瘤固氮酶活性的开放式气路系统及其应用

    An open flow gas exchange system used to measure nitrogenase activity of nodules and its application

  24. 固氮酶活性中心模型和铁钼辅基模拟体合成的研究进展

    Recent Progress in the Study of Model of Nitrogenase Active center and Synthesis of FeMo-CO Modelling Compounds

  25. 与低氮处理相比,其他处理的根瘤固氮酶活性较弱。

    With the compared to low nitrogen , other treatments got the weak of nitrogenase activity of nodules .

  26. 同时大多数新品种具有较高的根瘤固氮酶活性和较大的幼茎段酰脲含量。

    Meanwhile , the new cultivars have higher nodule nitrogenase activity , higher ureide contents in young stems .

  27. 国槐、剌槐幼苗根系固氮酶活性的研究

    A Study of the Nitrogenase Activity Associated with the Root Systems of Seedlings of Sophora japonica and Robinia pseudoacacia

  28. 粪产碱菌在厌氧条件下还具有需硝酸盐的固氮酶活性。

    The utilization of nitrite is not restricted by ammonia in the bacterium under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions .

  29. 由木麻黄(CasuarinaeguisetifoliaL)根瘤中分离的内生菌FrankiaspCel517菌株,可在以丙酸为碳源的限定培养基中表现出较高的固氮酶活性。

    Frankia sp Cel 517 can show higher nitrogenase activity in a defined medium containing propionic acid as C_source .

  30. 大豆叶片光合速率和根瘤固氮酶活性及幼茎和荚皮酰脲含量均呈显著正相关。

    There were obvious positive correlations between leaf photosynthetic rate , nodule nitrogen activity and ureide contents in young stems .