
huán tài píng yáng dì zhèn dài
  • circum-Pacific seismic belt
环太平洋地震带[huán tài píng yáng dì zhèn dài]
  1. 喀什台环太平洋地震带地震记录特征

    Characteristics of the earthquakes in the Circum-Pacific seismic belt recorded by Kashi Seismostation

  2. 摘要:人类已经在地震频发的今天留下了太多的痛苦记忆,特别作为地处欧亚地震带和环太平洋地震带之间、地震多发的中国。

    ABSTRACT : Nowadays , frequent earthquakes bring too many painful memories to Humans , especially to china , which country is located between Eurasian seismic belt and the Circum-Pacific seismic belt area .

  3. 印尼位于通常所说的环太平洋地震带,是多个板块交界处,经常发生地震。

    Indonesia is on the so-called Pacific Ring of Fire where several tectonic plates meet and often cause earthquakes .

  4. 河北省位于环太平洋地震带,是我国地震灾害多发,灾害死伤人数最多,损失最重的省份。

    Sitting on the circum-Pacific Ocean seismic belt , Hebei Province is one of the most earthquake disaster-prone provinces in our country .

  5. 我国地理位置处在环太平洋地震带与欧亚地震带之间,是一个地震多发国家。

    The geographical position of our country lies between the circum-pacific seismic belt and the Eurasian seismic zone , so it is an earthquake-prone country .

  6. 台湾位于环太平洋地震带,不仅陆上地震频繁,发生在海外的地震也不少,但其中仅有极少数的海底地震曾引起海啸。

    Taiwan lies on the circum Pacific seismic belt , earthquakes occur frequently not only on the land area , but also in the open sea ;

  7. 我国地处于世界两大地震带&欧亚地震带与环太平洋地震带之间,是个地震灾害严重的国家。

    China locates between the two major seismic belts in the world & the Eurasian seismic belt and the circum-Pacific seimic belt , thus , it is a serious seismic damage nation .

  8. 我国处在世界环太平洋地震带和南亚地中海两大地震带的交汇地区,是世界上地震发生较为严重的国家之一。

    Our country , which is one of the graveness earthquake taking place nations , locates in the joint of tow earthquake cinctures that are the Pacific Ocean and the South Mediterranean in the world .

  9. 地震是人类所面临的重大自然灾害之一,我国地处环太平洋地震带与欧亚地震带交汇处,历来地震活动频繁。

    Earthquakes are one of the major natural disasters which human beings face , our country is located in interchange central Pacific seismic zone and the Eurasian seismic belt , having always the frequent earthquake activity .

  10. 国家地震局发表声明称,即使强震较多的现象可能还会持续,但大多数地震将发生在环太平洋地震带。

    But even if the upward trend continues , a majority of the coming earthquakes will take place on the Pacific Rim , the area around the edge of the Pacific Ocean , according to a statement published by the earthquake administration .

  11. 根据喀什地震台记录的环太平洋地震带地震资料,分析和总结了该台记录环太平洋地震带上不同地区、不同震源深度和不同震级地震的震相特征。

    According to the records of Kashi station about the earthquakes in the Circum Pacific seismic belt , the phase characteristics of the earthquakes that occurred in different region , focal depth and with different magnitude along the Circum Pacific seismic belt are analysed .

  12. 他们处于环太平洋火山地震带上,在这个区域经常发生海底地震。

    They lie on the Pacific'Ring of Fire ' , where submarine earthquakes are fairly common .

  13. 新西兰位于通常所说的环太平洋火山地震带的南端,太平洋板块与印度&澳大利亚板块交界处地壳以上的区域。

    New Zealand lies at the southern end of the so-called Pacific Ring of Fire , and above an area of the Earth 's crust where the Pacific Plate converges with the Indo-Australian Plate .

  14. 这两个国家都位于所谓的火环,即形状似马蹄的环太平洋地震带内,这里地震多发而且火山活动频繁。

    The two nations are located on what 's called " the Ring of Fire , a horseshoe shape line around the Pacific Ocean where there 's a lot of earthquake and volcanic activity .

  15. 新西兰地处所谓的“太平洋火环”断裂带,这是巨大的环太平洋地震带。

    New Zealand sits on the so-called Pacific Ring of Fire , a vast area of unpredictable seismic activity .