
  • 网络management;Modern Management;modern administration
  1. 现代管理理论认为,管理的三大职能是:计划(Planning)、控制(Controlling)和决策(Decision-making)。

    The modern management theory suggests three major functions of management : Planning , Controlling and Decision-making .

  2. ERP与现代管理思想及ERP的未来发展

    Studying on ERP and Modern Management Thoughts and Their Development Tendency in the Future

  3. ERP(EnterpriseResourcePlanning)是企业信息化和建立现代管理制度的重要组成部分,它体现了供应链的管理思想。

    ERP ( Enterprise Resource Planning ) is a substantial part of the informationization and establishment of the modem management system in an enterprise .

  4. 阐述了企业资源计划(ERP)与其它现代管理思想之间的关系及其未来发展趋势。

    This paper is mainly about the relationship between Enterprise Resource Planning ( ERP ) and modern management thoughts , and their development tendency in the future .

  5. 构筑现代管理平台提升核心竞争能力

    Constructing the modern managing platform , advancing the core competitive ability

  6. 现代管理学原理在班集体建设中的运用

    Application of Modern Management Principles in the Construction of Class Collective

  7. 现代管理方法在计划管理中的综合应用

    The comprehension application of modern management methods to planning management

  8. 健康体检现代管理模式的探讨

    Discussion of working mode of management in healthy physical examination

  9. 二是现代管理技术的应用。

    The other involves the application of modern management technology .

  10. 我国灾害现代管理模式的构想

    Conception of the Modern Disaster Management Mode in China

  11. 现代管理理论与资源人管理模式

    Modern Management Theory and the Resource-man Management Mode

  12. 现代管理实践中几个环节浅析

    My Tender Analysis of Practice of Modern Management

  13. 现代管理与现代管理逻辑思维

    Modern Management and Modern Management Logical Thought

  14. 第三方物流的发展需要信息技术和现代管理技术的支持。

    The development of 3PL needs the support of Information technology and modern management technology .

  15. 现代管理学从学科体系和具体内容方面,都渗透着系统分析的观点或方法。

    There are viewpoints and methods of system analysis through out the modern management science .

  16. 信息技术和现代管理变革

    Information Technology and Modern Management Transformation

  17. 现代管理与传统文化资源

    Modern Management and Traditional Culture Resources

  18. 现代管理理论与图书馆管理

    Modern Management Theory and Library Management

  19. 公共关系与现代管理

    Public Relation and Modern Management

  20. 供需链与现代管理

    Supply chain and modern management

  21. 知识经济与现代管理者

    Knowledge-based economy and modern managers

  22. 现代管理与辩证逻辑

    Modern management and dialectical logic

  23. 建设学习型组织是现代管理学的一个崭新理论。

    It is a novel theory to set up learning organizations in the field of modern management .

  24. 可见以人为本也是医院建设与发展的现代管理理念。

    As a result , human-based concept is also modern management concept of hospital construction and development .

  25. 如何在工程建设中引入和发挥监理制,并用现代管理理论、系统科学和控制科学的思想及方法使设备工程监理科学化是一个值得研究的问题。

    So it is well worth of researching that how to introduce and efficiently use equipment engineering supervision in engineering construction .

  26. 产业集群的形成有其规律性,其发展壮大是以现代管理理论为基础的。

    The formation of industry cluster has its own formulae , and its development is based on the modern administrative theory .

  27. 这种管理思想时至今日仍有着重大影响,在现代管理中有着重要地位。

    This kind of management thought still has major impact even to this day , there are important positions in modern management .

  28. 可广泛的应用于电、水、气等公用事业部门,是现代管理的发展趋势之一。

    AMRS can be used in the water supply department , electric power system , gas supply network and such public departments .

  29. 管理人才的知识结构问题,是现代管理科学中的一个重要命题。

    How wide a scope of knowledge should a manager have ? This is an important project in the modern management science .

  30. 员工激励正是以此为目标,并成为现代管理中最重要、最基本、也是最困难的职能。

    That is the objective of employees ' motivation , and motivation has become the most important , radical and difficult function .