
  • 网络coral thicket
  1. 我像一条小鱼潜翔在波斯湾的珊瑚丛。

    I dived as a fish among the corals of Persia Gulf .

  2. 一天晚上,一条小鱼正在珊瑚丛下面睡觉,上帝出现在他梦中。

    One night a baby fish was sleeping under some coral when God appeared to him in a dream .

  3. 于是雪白的花瓣缩人它们的朱红匣中去了,花朵在我眼前消失了,珊瑚丛随即转变为一大团的石圆丘。

    The white petals retracted into their red sheaths , the flowers vanished before my eyes , and the bush changed into a chunk of stony nipples .

  4. 燃后这队送葬的队伍沿着原路,在森林的拱形建筑物下,一堆一堆的丛林中间,走过了很长的珊瑚丛,总是往上走,向着诺第留斯号回来。

    Then the funeral party went back up the path to the Nautilus , returning beneath the arches of the forest , through the thickets , along the coral bushes , going steadily higher .

  5. 但在这里的,不是孤立隔开的珊瑚丛,不是低树林的丛木,而是,广大的森林,巨大的矿物草木,粗大的石树,由那些海葛藤,漂亮好看的羽毛草花圈坏结合起来,受到各样色彩和反光的点缀,非常好看。

    But here it was no longer some isolated bush or a modest grove of low timber . It was an immense forest , huge mineral vegetation , enormous petrified trees linked by garlands of elegant hydras from the genus Plumularia , those tropical creepers of the sea , all decked out in shades and gleams .