
  • class activity
  1. 理解与教育:班级活动的价值取向

    Understanding and Education - - the Value Direction of Class Activity

  2. 主题班会的开展,是班级活动的重要组成部分,是班级文化建设的有效途径,也是学校进行德育管理的重要途径之一。

    The subject class meeting is very important part of class activity and efficient way of the class construction , and it is one of the important ways on management of moral education in schools .

  3. 师范大学生班级活动的基本框架构想

    Basic Framework of Class Activities for Normal College Students

  4. 利用实验室和其他班级活动。

    Take advantage of labs and other class activities .

  5. 幼儿园班级活动规则下儿童精神的缺失

    Children 's Spirit Lose under Kindergarten 's Rules

  6. 中等职业学校班主任问卷主要分为四个维度:学生观、班级活动、学生评价、管理方式。

    The questionnaire for head-teachers includes : students ' concept , class activities , students ' self-assessment , and methods of management .

  7. 二是通过一些班级活动及时的引导或者纠正学生的行为。

    Second , through the guidance of a number of class activities in a timely manner , or to correct student behavior .

  8. 它们之中的大部分有着耳熟能详的曲调,是很好的班级活动素材,能帮助孩子们对环保问题产生兴趣。

    Many follow well-known tunes . These make a fantastic classroom activity and help younger children to become interested in environmental topics .

  9. 对于如此的危机,学校本身应从教育与管理开始,关爱学生,以生为本,丰富班级活动;

    For such a crisis , the school itself and management education should be started , the students love to Health-oriented activities of the rich class ;

  10. 这个班级活动问我们然后准备一张纸经过它到我们的同学让他们写下他们觉得我的个性。

    This class activities asked we prepare a piece of paper then pass it to our classmates let them write down the personality they think of me .

  11. 上述方面规限了学困生参与班级活动和语言实践的机会,是造成初中英语学困生的形成因素。

    The above-mentioned aspects restrain the opportunities of the underachievers to actively participate in classroom activities and language practice , therefore are the causes of the difficulty of the underachievers in learning English .

  12. 在班集体建设中应该给非正式群体以正式的承认,可以以非正式群体为基础组织小组,以小组为单位组织班级活动,小组的目标确立是小组管理的首要考虑。

    We should give the informal groups formal admission , and make small groups with the informal groups , then organize class activities according to the small groups , the aim of the small groups is the most important point .

  13. 沉溺于网络媒介拟态环境中的他们,大多游离于班级活动和同学视野之外,抽象的电子语言成为他们主要的交流方式,而虚拟的网络世界也成为他们观察世界的主要窗口。

    Addicted to network media " mimetic environment " of them , most of the students in the class activities and free of sight , the abstract electronic language become their main communication way , and virtual network world as the main window observing the world .

  14. 双主体下班级文化活动建设研究

    Study on the Design of Class Curriculum Activities under " Dual Subjects " System

  15. 非专门途径,包括在学科教学中渗透人格教育、在班级团队活动中渗透人格教育和环境熏陶。

    Amateurish ways , including creating suitable environment , among teaching of different subjects and class activities .

  16. 在此相簿里,我们将贴上一些校友们近期的活动相片,这些相片是校友间的互动、不是个别班级的活动照片。

    In this Album we will post pictures of recent multi-class activities which are not individual class activities .

  17. 拼充实,展风采:积极参加学校及班级的活动,敢于展示、锻炼自己,让大学生活更充实精彩。

    Participate in school activities and classes actively , dare to show ourselves so that campus life is more wonderful .

  18. 教学过程中采用学生参与式教学的班级的活动形式要比采用传统教学方式的班级要丰富,实验班强调合作互补,而传统班强调竞争。

    The course of participating teaching is more reach than the traditional course , the new class emphasis cooperative and complementary and traditional class emphasizes competition ;

  19. 今后的研究要注意延长试验时间和加强班级课堂活动的管理。

    For further research we will pay more attention to these questions , namely , adding longer experimental time and reinforcing the regulation of class activities .

  20. 在参加课外体育锻炼的形式选择上,男女生相同。首选都是与同伴锻炼,其次是个人锻炼。班级体育活动和俱乐部锻炼形式也是男女大学生的主要选择。

    Both male and female students like to do physical exercise with classmate , then individually , class physical exercise and join club are also their choice .

  21. 结果显示两个个案的家长及老师对个案在参与治疗取向的班级艺术活动后的评价分数较参与前皆有不同程度的提升。

    The result shows that the marks given by the parents and the teachers after the two cases participate in the therapeutically-oriented class art activities are higher . 4 .

  22. 班级教育活动必须依赖班级的管理活动而存在,班级管理活动则是由于班级教育活动的需要而产生和发展。

    The existence of class education activities must be dependent on class management activities ; the class management activity is due to the need of education activity classes generated and development .

  23. 通过与家长和老师的沟通访谈,进一步了解到在参与治疗取向的班级艺术活动后,两个个案在情绪与行为表现方面都有不同程度的进步与提高。

    Through interviewing the parents and the teachers , the researcher learns that after the two cases participate in the therapeutically-oriented class art activities , their emotional and behavioral performance both improve .

  24. 结果显示两个个案在参与治疗取向的班级艺术活动后,其画面内容与呈现的特质都有不同程度的改善。

    The result shows that after the two cases participate in the therapeutically-oriented class art activities , the content and the feature of their art works improve by different degrees . 3 .

  25. 从而提出在学习活动、班级日常活动、常规管理工作等方面突出学生主体性;加上教师自身主体性的发挥,才能合理地构建新型的师生关系。

    Therefore , the writer points out that we can form reasonably the new style relations between teachers and students if we elaborate teachers ' entity and stress the students ' entity in the studying , class daily activities and conventional management .

  26. 那些老师指定了五个成员的委员会去计划班级的野餐活动。

    The teachers appointed a committee of five members to plan the class picnic .

  27. 班级一日活动安排也与他们在家中所做的事不同。

    The classroom routines may also be different from what they did at home .

  28. 能够积极参加学校及班级组织的活动,并能在活动中充分发挥出自己的作用。

    Im actively to participate in school activities class organization can fully exert their effects .

  29. 班级是教学活动中的基本单位,也是一个浓缩的社会。

    Class is the basic unit of education activities , and it is a concentrated society .

  30. 对学生的管理,班级、学校活动的开展也离不开家长的配合和支持。

    The management of students , classes , school activities are also inseparable from the parents to carry out cooperation and support .