
  • 【辩证法】theoretical prediction
  1. 介绍了可能比金刚石还硬的氮化碳材料的理论预见和实验研究进展。

    The theoretical prediction and experimental progress on carbon nitride , which might be harder than diamond , are introduced in this paper .

  2. 由今天的知识水准看来,胡适的两阶段理论预见了20世纪学术发展的真实轨迹,代表着古史辨派中一个比较正确的方向。

    A retrospection reveals that Hu Shi 's " Two stages " predicated the academic development of the 20th century , which represented the right direction .

  3. 经过长期的实践,化学家虽然合成出成千上万的化合物,但由于对新材料的需求,人们期望有一套科学的方法来减少材料研究的盲目性,增加理论预见性。

    Although chemists have synthesized thousands upon thousands compounds through practice for a long time , people are expecting a suit of scientific methods to decrease the blindness of material research and increase the theory forecast with the requirement of new material .

  4. 这只不过证实了凭借常识和初级凯恩斯理论就能预见到的情形。

    This only confirms what common sense and elementary Keynesian theory would lead one to expect .

  5. 硅胶在不同流速下的行为符合物料平衡方程理论的预见。

    The behavoir of NWG under different flow velocities is in accord with the expectation of the material balance equation theory of GPC .

  6. 这一理论从未预见到哪一次股市大跌,显然也未能使这个世界变得更加公平,或更令人愉悦。

    The theory has not foreseen a single stock market crash and has evidently failed to make the world any fairer or more pleasant .

  7. 从行为主义的角度来说,心理学是自然科学的一个纯客观的实验分支,它的理论目标在于预见和控制行为。

    In behaviorist perspective , the purpose of psychology , a purely objective experimental science branch , is to predict and control behaviors .

  8. 第二章分析了合理预见规则的理论基础:合理预见规则体现了合同的意思自治与合同的公平正义原则,并且有利于控制交易成本、提高合同效率。

    Chapter ⅱ analyzes the theoretical basis of Rule of Reasonable Foresight .

  9. 情事变更原则从最初萌芽至今已经经历了几百年的发展演变,形成了交易基础理论、不可预见理论、义务根本改变理论等。

    The principle of changed circumstances has experienced several hundred years of evolution from the initial embryonic . It generates transaction basis theory , unforeseen theory , the theory of obligations fundamental change .

  10. 笔者认为确立旅游合同违约精神损害赔偿制度的理论依据主要有正义价值理论、契约自由理论、合理预见性规则、完全赔偿原则、商业化理论、合同关系扩张理论。

    The author considers the main reasons to establish the compensation system for moral damage in breach of travel contract are justice value theory , the freedom of contract theory , rational predictability rules , the complete compensation principle , the commercialization theory and the expansion of contract theory .