
  • 网络Financial Awareness
  1. 本文就对财务主管理财意识的提高进行了讨论。

    This thesis discussed the improvement of financial awareness of financial executive .

  2. 当前,随着国民收入的不断提高,理财意识不断增强,人们越来越关注自身资产的保值增值与结构合理化。

    With the improvement of living standard and financial awareness , people start paying more attention to the increase of assets value and the rationalization of the structure .

  3. 增强现代理财意识加强企业财务管理

    Heightening Modern Sense of Finance and Tightening up Financial Management in Enterprises

  4. 提高理财意识强化社会保险基金管理

    Enhance financing sense , intensify management of social insurance fund

  5. 不过他在生意上运气较好,并显示了更为敏锐的理财意识。

    But he had better luck in business and showed more financial sense .

  6. 同时,我国居民理财意识不断加强,顾客的需求日益多样化和个性化。

    At the same time , the financial management awareness of Chinese residents was strengthened which brought increasingly diverse and personalized customer demand .

  7. 当前,我国居民个人总体收入的逐年上升,群众理财意识空前高涨。

    At present , the overall income of individual of our country dweller is increasing year by year , the financial consciousness is all-time and rising .

  8. 改革开放以来,随着居民收入的不断提高和金融市场的发展,居民理财意识不断增强。

    Since reform and opening-up , with the continuous improvement of the income of residents and the development of financial markets , financial awareness of residents is growing .

  9. 近几年以来,中国经济呈现出快速,持续的增长态势,居民的家庭财富不断地积累,同时也伴随着日益增强的金融理财意识。

    The Chinese economy has shown a rapid and sustained growth in recent years , the wealth of residents is continuing increasing , along with the growing financial awareness .

  10. 以数学建模和研究性学习为例,给出了理财意识在数学课程中渗透的教学方法和评估。

    Constructs take mathematics traces with the investigative study as the example , has given the managing finances consciousness the teaching method which and the appraisal seeps in mathematics curriculum .

  11. 随着风险意识和投资理财意识的增强,保险作为一种金融工具,已为越来越多的人了解和关注。

    With the enhancement of the sense of risk and the awareness of investment , as a financial tool , insurance has been known and concerned by more and more people .

  12. 税收筹划是现代企业一种积极的理财意识,可以通过合法的手段将税负控制在合理水平,有助于企业实现价值最大化。

    Tax Planning is a positive fiscal awareness in modern enterprise , through legitimate means to control the tax burden at a reasonable level is helpful to maximize the value of enterprise .

  13. 我国居民总体收入水平和户均资产在不断攀升,居民的个人理财意识逐步加强,各商业银行大力发行理财产品,产品销售规模不断刷新历史记录。

    As Our residents overall income levels and household assets continued to rise , residents gradually strengthen awareness of personal finance , commercial banks issued more financial products than ever before , the amount of products has refreshed history .

  14. 为优化资本结构,农业上市公司需要强化理财意识,提高公司的绩效,还需要防范风险,适度负债,并需要优化公司的治理结构。

    It is necessary to strengthen the financing consciousness , improve the corporate performance , keep the risk away , get into debt within measure , and optimize the corporate governance structure to optimize the capital structure of agricultural listed companies .

  15. 最后,本文提出了高校需要从转变观念、提高财务理财意识、强化预算管理、多渠道筹措教育资金、各部门落实成本核算等多个方面去解决存在的问题。

    Finally , we proposed solutions to the problems of the higher educational institutions , such as converting of concept , enhancing consciousness of financial management , strengthening budget management , multi-channel raising money and cost checking of every sector et al .

  16. 我国居民个人资产的增加以及个人理财意识的提高,必然需要全面系统的理财服务,这为我国商业银行发展个人理财业务提供了物质基础。

    With the increase of personal asset and the raise of personal financial awareness , there is an inevitable need for comprehensive and systemic financial service , which provides a material basis for the development of personal financial business for commercial banks .

  17. 而同时,随着个人知识和对金融市场认识的不断提高,国内居民理财意识越来越强,希望通过多种投资组合使资产得到增值。

    Meanwhile , with the continuous enlargement in personal knowledge and continued improvement in their understanding to the financial markets , domestic residents ' financial awareness is becoming more and more consciously , in the hope of grasping asset appreciation through a variety of investment portfolio .

  18. 随着我国经济的快速的持续增长,居民财富的也随之增加,在居民理财意识增强的情况下,居民对金融服务需求日趋多样化,个人理财在中国逐渐受到了居民的重视。

    With the continued growth of Chinese economy , the wealth of the residents has increased . In the case of resident financial awareness , resident demand for financial services is becoming more diverse . personal financial services has been the attention of resident in China gradually .

  19. 我国大众理财应重在理财意识的培养上。

    Our country populace manage finances should again in the managing finances consciousness raise .

  20. 纳格尔表示,由几十年前致富的成功商人成立的家族理财室,首先意识到新一代令人激动的创业家已经涌现。

    Family offices founded by successful business people who made their fortunes decades ago have been among the first to realise that an exciting new generation of entrepreneurs has emerged , according to Mr Nagel .

  21. 我们就风险投资模式是否已经不适用与我们的投资者进行了讨论,结果发现,家族理财室等投资者意识到情况已发生变化,他表示,机会更多了,但追踪这些机会的资金变少了。

    We have had discussions with our investors about whether the venture capital model is broken , and we find that family offices are among those who have realised that something has changed , he says . There is less capital chasing more opportunities .