
lǐ huò
  • tally
  1. 港口航运业的萧条势必导致理货行业的发展。

    Port industry slump will inevitably result in tally industry development .

  2. 理货行业串谋现象博弈分析与防范研究

    Game Analysis and Countermeasure Research on Collusion Problem in Tally Industry

  3. 我们按理货收费率的100%收取附加费

    We charge extra fee at 100 % of the rates of tallying fees .

  4. 为做好终端营销工作,C企业在终端营销团队建设上设置了三种营销岗位,分别是:业务员、理货员和导购员。

    C enterprise sets up three kinds of marketing positions for the construction of the supermarket marketing team , they are : salesman , stock keeper , and purchasing guider .

  5. 配送是由备货、理货和送货三个基本环节组成的。

    Distribution is composed by stocking , cargo handling and delivery .

  6. 这就说明在特定的港口机械理货并不是绝对可靠的。

    This reflects that calculators aren 't absolutely reliable at certain ports .

  7. 对不起,你是不是理货班长?

    Excuse me , but are you the Chief Tally ?

  8. 路透社-面包工人马杜戈文迪在货架上理货

    Bakery worker Madhu Govind stocks the shelves in Dee Why , a

  9. 我们按理货收费率的100%收取附加费。

    We charge extra fee at100 % of the rates of tallying fees .

  10. 装货港的理货数字有争议吗?

    Are there any disputes over the tally figures at the loading port ?

  11. 理货新启航&写在中国外轮理货公司成立45周年之际

    The 45 anniversary of China Ocean Shipping Tally Company

  12. 我们通常每条路安排一个理货员。

    We usually arrange one tallyman for each gang .

  13. 理货员,把这些破包放在甲板上,他们需要缝补。

    Put these torn bags on deck , they should be sewed up .

  14. 理货组长,现在是01:00,你们什么时候装完啊?

    Chief tallyman , now it is01:00 , what time can you finish loading ?

  15. 理货组长,请等到所有捆扎结束并被检查好了,好吗?

    Chief tallyman , please wait until lashing is finished and checked , ok ?

  16. 如果你疏忽大意漏掉一勾,理货数字就不正确了。

    If you miss out one sling inadvertently , the tally figure will be inaccurate .

  17. 因理货员罢工,码头上易腐烂的货物堆积如山。

    Perishable goods are piling up at the docks because of the strike of tally-clerks .

  18. 舱中理货员主管装卸货物或重武器的飞机机组人员。

    An aircraft crew member in charge of loading and unloading cargo or heavy weapons .

  19. 内理根据记有数量的理货小票检查关内数量。

    The warehouse keeper checks up the quantity in the slings according to the numbered tally tickets .

  20. 请告诉理货员严格按照给定的各个数字装货。

    Please tell the tally clerks to load the cargo strictly according to the given respective figures .

  21. 理货员╱查员检查单据及货物,并协助收货。

    Tally Clerk / Checker Checks documents and cargo to meet the requirements and assists in receiving cargo .

  22. 理货作为第三方公正性质的服务型行业,是国际海上物流业必不可少的一个环节。

    Tally as a third party impartiality service industry is an essential part of international maritime logistics industry .

  23. 长期以来,中国外轮理货总公司一直保持着对理货行业的独家垄断经营。

    Since long , the China Ocean Shipping Tally Corporation has maintained monopoly management to the tally profession .

  24. 最后本文对外轮理货业务信息平台系统的现状进行了总结并提出了展望。

    Finally , this paper summarized the current situation of tally information system platform and suggested an expectation .

  25. 理货长来船,核对昨日卸货数量,无异议。(航海日志)

    The Chief Tallyman came to check the number of discharged cargoes , had no objection . ( logbook )

  26. 我是上外轮理货有限公司派来的理货组长,我想与你谈谈有关理货的工作。

    I 'm the chief tally from SHOST . I 'd like to talk with you something about tallying .

  27. 另外,理货行业业务针对性强,导致公司经营范围较为局限,竞争力不断下降。

    The tally business targeted , leading to the business scope of the company is limited , the declining competitiveness .

  28. 理货组长,有个冷箱温度有问题,或许马达坏了。

    Chief tallyman , the temperature of a RF container is in problem ; maybe the motor is out of order .

  29. 如果重理数字与原理数字不一致,重理费由我们理货公司承担。

    If the retallied figure doesn 't correspond to the original one , our tally company will undertake the cost of retallying .

  30. 然而随着经济全球化的深入以及金融危机的影响,理货行业面临着从未有过的危机与挑战。

    However , with the deepening of economic globalization and the influence of the financial crisis , tally industry faces crisis and challenges .