
  • 网络Ecological Function Regionalization;ecological function zoning
  1. 采取一种较新的方法进行生态功能区划。

    Adopting a newer method on the ecological function regionalization .

  2. 北京典型山镇生态功能区划研究&以昌平区流村镇为例

    Study on the Ecological Function Regionalization of Typical Hill Towns in Beijing

  3. 基于3S技术的厦门市生态功能区划

    Ecological-function Regionalization of Xiamen City Based on 3S Technologies

  4. 第五章围绕第四章的两种WebGIS实现模式,实现了一个原型系统&基于WebGIS的长乐市生态功能区划网络信息系统。

    The fifth chapter based on the fourth chapter , design a prototype system & " Changle ecology function plan web information system based on WebGIS " .

  5. 我国生态功能区划的目标、原则与体系

    Goals , principles , and systems of eco-functional regionalization in China

  6. 生态功能区划与主体功能区划关系探讨

    Discussion on connection between ecological-functional zone division and main-functional zone division

  7. 抚顺市中心城区生态功能区划

    Study on Division of Ecology Function for Urban Districts of FuShun

  8. 黑河流域生态功能区划遥感制图方法

    Cartographic Method with RS for Eco-functional Regionalization in Heihe River Basin

  9. 江西省生态功能区划原理与分区体系

    Principles and Systems for Ecological Function Zoning of Jiangxi Province

  10. 生态功能区划及其在生态安徽建设中的作用

    Regionalization of Ecological Function and Its Effect on the Development of Eco-Anhui

  11. 编制城市生态功能区划的相关思考

    Correlative thought of making urban ecological functional district planning

  12. 河北省沙河市域生态功能区划和主导功能分析

    Analysis of Eco-functional Division and Dominance Function of Shahe Region in Hebei Province

  13. 四川省生态功能区划探讨

    Discussion of Ecological Function Division in Sichuan Province

  14. 厦门生态功能区划及功能调控研究

    Ecological zoning and functional control of Xiamen

  15. 新疆生态功能区划初探

    Discussion on the Xinjiang Ecological Function Division

  16. 湖北十堰市茅箭区生态功能区划研究

    Study on the Ecological Function Regionalization of Maojian District of Shiyan City in Hubei Province

  17. 论述了利用遥感信息和非遥感信息结合,编制生态功能区划图的方法。

    Cartographic method of eco-functional regionalization with RS and other information were discussed in the paper .

  18. 基于主体功能框架下县域生态功能区划及配套环境政策研究

    The Study of the Division of Eco-functional County Region Based on the Frame of the Main-function

  19. 园林病虫防治中的农药污染及对策乌鲁木齐景观生态功能区划及生态调控研究

    Division of urban landscape functional districts and its ecological control in urumqi , xinjiang , China

  20. 基于多重分析的山东省水土保持生态功能区划研究

    Study on Ecological Functional Classification for Soil and Water Conservation Based on Multiple Analysis in Shandong Province

  21. 基于景观生态学的生态功能区划研究&以重庆市长寿区为例

    Ecological Function Regionalization Based on Landscape Ecology & A Case Study of Changshou District of Chongqing City

  22. 生态功能区划是实施区域生态环境保护建设和科学管理的基础。

    Ecological function regionalization is the foundation of the scientific management for the regional eco-environmental conservation and construction .

  23. 长江三峡库区(重庆段)沿江区域生态功能区划

    Studies on the Ecological Function Regionalization in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area : The Case of Chongqing Section

  24. 生态功能区划的提出从生态学的角度,为科学合理、可持续性的保护和利用生态环境及自然资源提供了依据和方向。

    The ecological function regionalization , has provided basis and direction for science protection reasonable and sustainable development of ecosystem .

  25. 农业贫困县生态功能区划及环境友好型土地模式研究&以延寿县为例

    Study on Regionalization of Land Ecological Function and Environment-friendly Land-use Patterns in Poverty Agriculture Areas & As an Example of Yanshou County

  26. 介绍了生态功能区划图的制图原则、方法,以及制图分类系统。

    On the basis of the mentioned above , Cartographic principles and methods and the system of classification for eco-functional regionalization were introduced .

  27. 生态功能区划是依据生态系统胁迫过程与效应、生态环境敏感性、服务功能重要性等特征空间分异规律而进行的地理空间分区。

    Ecological function regionalization is a kind of geographic spatial division , which based on the layout of ecosystem stress and effect , ecological sensitivity and ecological service importance .

  28. 通过生态功能区划明确各种区域保护与开发的方向,指导经济社会与生态保护的科学、合理布局。

    Identify a clear variety of regional protection and development direction to guide the economic and social and ecological protection , scientific , rational distribution of ecological functional division .

  29. 然后结合生态功能区划,分析了研究区路域外乡土植被及路域内各环境敏感点绿化植被的建设对策。

    Then combined with ecological function zoning , the study area road and road within the extraterritorial native vegetation in environmentally sensitive points of the green vegetation in development .

  30. 本文是使生态功能区划建立在客观分析基础上的一次尝试,力争为增强生态功能区划工作的科学性和规范性作出一点有益的探索。

    This thesis is an attempt to make eco-functional regionalization base on objective analysis , trying to make some contribution to increase the scientific level and standardization of the eco-functional regionalization .