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  • 网络samsara;transmigration
  1. 这个是因为我们不健全的身、口、意所造的业,才使我们在生死轮回中一直轮转。

    It is unwholesome actions of body , mouth , and mind that are keeping us revolving in samsara .

  2. 海子不相信东方民族的生死轮回观念,在诗歌中极度渲染死亡的终极性和不可避免性。

    Hai Zi doubted the theory of samsara in eastern race , played up the ultimacy and inevitability of death in his poems .

  3. 所以,没有自己的约束跟修持的时候,会把我们系缚在生死轮回中无法解脱。

    Self-restraint and shame are not what is holding us back from liberation .

  4. 它是人类生死轮回的成因。

    It is responsible for the round of man 's birth and death .

  5. 服务是慈航。借着它你便能横越生死轮回的海洋。

    Service is the ship by which one can cross the ocean of Samsara .

  6. 如同永恒的生死轮回大海。

    In the infinite ocean of samsara .

  7. 大自然已经在生死轮回的游戏中比任何公司存活得都要久了

    that 's been in the business of life and death for longer than any company ?

  8. 藏传佛教认为,由于“我执”,人们会有消极的情绪,那是因为他们对真相的无知,从而陷入生死轮回。

    Buddhism believes that human beings have negative emotions because of self-grasping , which results from their ignorance of the truth .

  9. 那是印度最神圣的水域。由此死者可以获得梵我合一&超脱生死轮回,重生以获得神启。

    This is so the dead can achieve moksha & breaking the cycle of birth , death and rebirth to gain enlightenment .

  10. 即使它有着自己臭名昭著的生死轮回规律,但是在过去的5年里,投行业务也经历了一个“让人感到反胃”的过程。

    EVEN by its own notoriously cyclical standards , investment banking has been on a stomach-churning ride in the past five years .

  11. 我们的行为把我们系缚在不断循环的生死轮回之中。

    Our actions keeps us bound to the continuous cycle of worldly existence , to the endless round of birth and death .

  12. 任何修行人只要没有这八种错误都能达到大海,达到大海的意思就是他解脱了生死轮回、解脱了一切痛苦。

    When he has reached the ocean he has got free from the round of existence and got rid of suffering ( Dukkha ) .

  13. 当死亡的时刻来临时,即便那些已经超越生死轮回的伟大的瑜伽行者,也会有短暂的恐惧。

    When the moment of death arrives , even great yogis who have transcended the cycle of existence , are for a moment fearful .

  14. 《荒原》中所叙述的不死鸟及生死轮回的传说则体现了东方的印度宗教文化。

    The legend of the immortal bird and the narration of nirvana and incarnation implied in The Waste Land has relation with the oriental religion culture .

  15. 2002年致力于解除疾病、畸形和死亡的业力,那已经造成地球上所有物种生死轮回的周期。

    The year of2002 was devoted to the release of disease , deformity and death karma that has caused the reincarnation cycles of all species upon earth .

  16. 这使我与自己的躯体认同,连续不断地在物质世界的生死轮回中游荡,受三重苦烧灼的痛苦。

    Therefore I have identified myself with my body and wandered continuously in the cycle of birth and death in the material world , suffering the burning , three fold miseries .

  17. 尽管我面见了能终止人们生死轮回的至尊主,却竟又向祂祈求不断生死轮回的苦况。

    Just see how unfortunate I am , for in spite of meeting the Supreme Lord , who can cut one 's link with birth and death , I have prayed for the same conditions again .

  18. 整个故事充满了寓言:代代相传的薪火、生死轮回以及人类与神灵共存。

    The story is full of allegory . There is the fire that is passed from one generation to the next ; the cycles of life and death ; and the coexistence of mankind and the Spirits .

  19. 魔幻现实主义作家注重于对生死轮回的原始宗教信仰的描写与挖掘,并以此作为表现民族文化的实质性的内涵,实现民族文化的艺术追求目标。

    Magical Realism writers insist on depicting and digging up the faith of life and death cycle in primitive religion , and take it as real contents that display national culture and as the goal of realizing artistic pursuits of national culture .

  20. 南北朝时期佛教盛行,佛教中的生死轮回、善恶报应观念在当时发挥了无与伦比的约束力,士大夫和民间均将其作为维持伦理道德的最有力的精神支柱。

    The transmigration of life and death in Buddhism , the concept of retribution of good and evil at the time has played a unique binding , scholar-officials and civil society maintain the moral and ethical as the most powerful spiritual pillar .

  21. 走在我们前头或后头的人们,注定的生死之路,轮回的季节,我们跻身于这庞大的群体,持续这旅程。

    People who walk ahead and behind us , the destined road of life and death , the rotating seasons , we take part in this huge group , continuing this journey .