
shēnɡ shí ɡāo
  • gypsum;plaster stone
生石膏 [shēng shí gāo]
  • [gypsum] 石膏

  1. 硫酸钙晶须是由生石膏制备而成的新型非金属材料。

    Calcium sulphate whisker is a new nonmetal material prepared from gypsum .

  2. 生石膏是我国储量丰富的天然矿藏,电厂脱硫石膏是目前大量存在的工业副产品,目前由于工艺技术限制,市场上对二者的应用仅限于建筑行业等领域。

    Gypsum is one kind of the richest natural minerals in China , and a large number of FGD gypsum existing as industrial by-products now . However , limited to the current technology , both are only applied in the construction industry .

  3. 生石膏对发热兔解热作用的实验研究

    Antipyretic effect of gypsum on hyperthermic rabbits in Experiment Research

  4. 生石膏在不同溶液中的溶解性能研究

    Research on Solubility Properties of Plaster Stone in Different Solutions

  5. 生石膏在水泥系深层搅拌法中的试验研究

    Experimental study of plaster stone in cement deep mixing method

  6. 生石膏和煅石膏;

    Hydrated gypsum and calcined gypsum ;

  7. 深层搅拌桩外掺生石膏的应用及分析

    The Application and Analysis of the Deep-seated Cement and Soil Puddled Pile Mixed with Gypsum Plaster

  8. 生石膏的合理应用

    Rational application of gypsum Fibrosum

  9. 结合某工程实例,证明在深层搅拌水泥土桩施工中掺加适量的生石膏后,桩体强度、单桩及单桩复合地基承载力均有提高。

    Through analyzing a practical engineering , it has been proved that the pile intensity , the bearing capacity of single pile and the bearing capacity of composite subgrade with single pile increased by mixing proper plaster gypsum .

  10. 结果煅石膏治疗组与模型组和生石膏治疗组比较,大鼠创口成纤维细胞数、肉芽组织中毛细血管数和肉芽组织中毛细血管面积均明显增加,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);

    Results : The number of fibroblasts , the number of capillary tubes and the area of capillary tubes in granulation tissue of wounds in the Gypsum Fibrosum Preparatum-treated group were significantly higher than those in the untreated group and Gypsum Fibrosum-treated group ( P < 0.01 ) .

  11. 介绍了煤矸石、生石灰、石膏等主要原材料及其配合比,胶结料的生产、混合料的制备、砌块成型、养护、成品堆放等工艺及相关参数。

    This paper introduces main raw materials such as coal gangue , lime and gypsum , and their mix ratio the processes and relative parameters for production of cementing material , preparation of mixture , forming and curing of block , and piling of finished product .

  12. 以生石灰、生石膏为激发剂,采用化学激发、水热激发与机械磨细相结合的高效复合活化技术对低等级湿排粉煤灰进行活化处理,可得到高活性粉煤灰掺合料。

    The highly active fly ash admixture was obtained by activation treatment of low grade wet fly ash with efficient composite activating techniques of chemical activation , hydrothermal activation and mechanical grinding , using quicklime and raw gypsum as activators .

  13. 研究了生石灰和熟石灰、生石膏和熟石膏对无熟料白水泥的影响差异,确定了最优石灰和石膏类型。

    The difference of effects of burnt lime and hydrated lime , raw gypsum and burnt gypsum on white cement was studied , and the optimal type of lime and gypsum was determined .