
  • 网络growth lines;Stretch mark
  1. 研究表明:(1)随着黄铁矿晶体由简单变复杂,其晶面的STM形貌,由具生长纹的有序细粒向粗粒结构及胶状结构方向演化,有序性变差。

    The results showed that : ( 1 ) with the pyrite crystal developing from simple to complex structure , the surface of grain developed from fine to coarse and to latex like texture which is worse in crystal order .

  2. 3块样品均可见到较明显的细密的弯曲生长纹,表明其为焰熔法合成产物。

    All of these three specimens show obvious closed-arranged curved growth striations , indicating an origin of flame fusion .

  3. 奥陶纪以来生物贝壳生长纹层与地月轨道参数的演化

    The growth laminates of biological shell and the evolution of orbital parameters of the Earth-Moon from Ordovician to Quaternary

  4. 弹性模量的各向异性主要来自于珍珠层微观组织结构和贝壳生长纹结构的特点。

    The laminated microstructure of nacre and unique growing trace on the shell of mollusk contribute to the anisotropic modulus of elasticity .

  5. 对来自西沙群岛的双壳类鳞砗磲壳体沿着其生长纹取样并系统地作了锶同位素的分析,得出了该生物壳体的锶同位素生长变化曲线。

    The authors collected systematic samples from the growth layers of Tridacna squasama in the Xisha Islands , determined Sr isotopic composition and obtained Sr isotopic growth curve of the mollusk .

  6. H&M在网站上展示了许多泳装模特们的照片,在其中一张照片上,模特的臀部和大腿处有明显的生长纹。

    In dozens of photographs on its website , H & M shows beachwear models , such as the one pictured , with noticeable stretch marks on their bottoms and thighs .

  7. H&M成为第一家不去美化模特的生长纹、疤痕,甚至腋毛的重要高街零售商。

    H & M has become the first of the big high street retailers not to airbrush out models ' stretch marks , as well as scars and even hairy arms .

  8. 一位女性写道:“真实地展现模特的身体,而且不会修掉照片上的生长纹,这一点做得很好。他们非常支持自然的身体,我喜欢这一点,也很为H&M骄傲。”

    One wrote : ' Well done for showing body positivity with your models and not Photoshopping stretch marks out of your photos ' and ' I 'm so proud of H & M , like they 're really supporting natural bodies , I love it . '

  9. 本文在代表体积单元中嵌入能够刻划银纹萌生与生长的银纹单元,运用有限元方法对银纹化过程进行了数值模拟。

    In representative volume element ( RVE ) of glassy polymer , several craze elements strip are embedded and the crazing model in glassy polymer is simulated with finite element method .

  10. 晶体主要是以阶梯流形式生长,可见平行的生长纹和层状生长。

    The crystal grows mainly the form of step flow , and shows the paralleled and layered growth pattern . 4 .