
  1. 技术发展对城市建设用地指标的影响

    Consequence of Technique on the Index of the City Construction Area

  2. 云南省农村住宅用地指标分析

    Analysis of Lad Needing Index for Rural Dwelling Buildings in Yunnan Province

  3. 工业用地指标可以优先保障。

    The land for industry purpose can be guaranteed preferentially .

  4. 新增建设用地指标分解技术方法研究

    Study on Computing Technique about Decomposing Additional Construction Land Quota

  5. 大学城中校园规划建设用地指标分析

    An analysis of construction land norm for college campus in university district

  6. 论经济与环境和谐的规划用地指标

    Economy and Environment Friendly Land Development Planning Indexes

  7. 小城镇建设用地指标配置模式&以重庆市为例

    On Allocation Model of Construction Land Quota in Small-town & Case study in Chongqing City

  8. 完善建设用地指标标准,加强建设用地指标管理;

    Improving the index standard of constructed land and enforcing the management of constructed land index ;

  9. 比如上海,当前已经把2020年以前的建设用地指标接近透支完毕。

    For example , index of construction lands in Shanghai before 2020 has been nearly overdrawn .

  10. 科学分解新增建设用地指标,是促进社会经济和谐发展的客观需要。

    Scientific analysis of new construction land , to promote the harmonious development of the socio-economic objective need .

  11. 新增建设用地指标分解是土地利用总体规划的核心任务之一。

    The demand allocation of newly-adding construction land is one of the core tasks of the land use general plan .

  12. 另外,探讨了实现建设用地指标资本化,为城乡建设用地增减挂钩提供支持,也为进一步的研究提供了参考和借鉴。

    In addition , actively pursuing the construction land capitalization , linking to the support of rural-urban construction land change .

  13. 对“3010”工程项目,优先安排申报省重点工程项目及用地指标。

    " 3010 " Projects will be given priority to arrange applying the provincial-level key projects and land use index .

  14. 最后阐述了精神卫生中心的建设用地指标和建筑面积指标。

    Lastly , this paper elaborated mental health centers construction land targets and indicators of building area of the mental health center .

  15. 同时,城市特色、城市人口素质以及不同的城市现有规模也将会对规划建设用地指标产生一定的影响。

    At the same time , it is effected by the characteristic of the city , the civil quality and the different city dimensions , etc.

  16. 推进现行建设用地指标使用制度改革,是完善土地规划与计划实施机制的根本要求。

    Promotion of the reform of construction land index is the fundamental requirement for the perfection of land planning and operational mechanism of the plans .

  17. 耕地利用的计划管理制度中引入市场因素,是解决耕地保护和建设用地指标不足的一个方向。

    Putting market factor to land use planning management system is a method to solve the contradictions between inadequate construction sites and cultivated land protection .

  18. 在建设用地指标有限性的制约条件下,优化配置新增建设用地指标对于提高建设用地的利用效率十分重要。

    Limited construction land quota of under the restriction , to optimizing configuration new construction land is very useful improving construction land quota utilization efficiency .

  19. 科学、合理地估算农村居民点整理增加耕地和腾出建设用地指标潜力是国家提出农村居民点整理战略部署、开展农村居民点整理工作的前提和依据。

    A scientific and reasonable estimation of the index potentiality of increasing arable land as well as making room for construction land is the premise and basis of rural residential land consolidation .

  20. 本文以南岸区为例,根据人口预测模型和人均建设用地指标预测城镇建设用地需求规模;

    Taken Nan ' an district of Chongqing as an example , the scale of construction land was gained through model of population forecasting and the guideline of construction land demand per person .

  21. 研究结论:引入概念规划理念与方法,强化土地利用战略研究,引导空间分区,指导用地指标分解以及用途管制规则,促使指标控制与分区控制相结合。

    The ideas and approaches of conceptual plan can be useful in strengthening land use strategic study , conducting land use zoning , guiding land quota allocation and making land use control rules .

  22. 土地开发整理作为土地管理业务中一个重要的组成部分,涉及现状变更、耕地保护、建设用地指标控制、总体规划等诸多方面,并且需要大量的图件。

    Land development the sorting be used as the land manage business inside an importance constitute part , involve the present condition change , farmland protect , developments use the ground index sign control , etc.

  23. 土地利用总体规划中的新增建设用地指标,是控制城市盲目扩张,控制乱占农地的约束性指标。

    The index of new construction land of land use in the overall planning , which is the index that it controls the blind expansion of the city and the unlawful appropriation of agricultural land .

  24. 各地政府都投入大量资金用于农村土地整理以实现耕地占补平衡,换取用地指标,发展地方经济,并使发展的成果惠及于民众。

    Governments put into large funds for land consolidation to achieve cultivated land requisition-compensation balance , battering for land use target , local economic development , and let people obtain benefit from the fruits of development .

  25. 采用人均建设用地指标法对枣阳市的农村居民点整理的理论潜力进行测算。

    There have a large consolidation potential of rural habitat in Zaoyang . ( 2 ) Using the method of per capita construction land criterion , it calculated the theoretical potential of rural habitat consolidation in Zaoyang .

  26. 建设用地指标和耕地指标不能按规划落实,违法违规用地现象大量存在,各级各类开发区土地利用效率低下等问题十分普遍,土地资产收益大量流失。

    Construction targets and farm land target can not be met according to plan . A plenty of land is used improperly . It is common that the land use efficiency is low for all kinds of developing areas .

  27. 研究表明地票指标有利于打破国家计划指标完全垄断土地市场造成失灵的状况,但形成的地票指标与国家计划用地指标替代效应配比关系需要更深入研究。

    Research shows that land trading indicators help break the monopoly of national planning indicators which always cause failure situation , but we need to study further on proportion of substitution effect between land trading indicators and national planning indicators .

  28. 研究结果:可持续发展的小城镇建设用地指标配置模式,解决了小城镇建设用地总规模问题、建设用地结构配置以及小城镇建设用地供给速度问题。

    The results indicate that the allocation model of construction land quota in small town can solve the scale / structure and speed of supply . Then it was concluded that the local reality should be considered to decide the scale of small town .

  29. 然而,在经济建设取得显著成就的同时,也面临着产业转移园用地指标严重不足及低水平利用,融资困难,入园项目质量低,园区合作机制不完善等问题。

    However , has made remarkable achievements in economic construction , while also facing the indicators of the industry transfer park land is a serious shortage of low-level use , financing difficulties , the low quality of the park project , the cooperation mechanism of the park imperfect .

  30. 节约和集约用地评价指标体系研究

    Study on Indictors for the Assessment of Land Saving and Intensive Use