
bìng hài
  • disease;plant disease
病害 [bìng hài]
  • [plant disease] 植物体发育不良、枯萎或死亡,一般由细菌、真菌、病毒、藻类或不适宜的气候与土壤等因素造成

病害[bìng hài]
  1. 对这些植物定期做病害检查。

    The plants are regularly inspected for disease .

  2. 这一病害使叶绿素遭到不同程度的破坏。

    The disease causes varying degrees of destruction of the chlorophyll .

  3. 她是小麦病害方面的权威。

    She is a leading authority on wheat diseases .

  4. 动植物病害传播极快。

    Animal and vegetable pests propagate with extreme rapidity .

  5. 利用ANSYS的二次开发对连续刚构桥进行分析是桥梁病害分析领域的一种创新。

    ANSYS secondary development is an originality innovation in continuous rigid frame bridge analysis field .

  6. 并对三种计算病害增长速率的办法进行了比较,得出以回归法求出的r值对实测病情的拟合误差较小。

    Three methods of calculating infection rate have been checked and the result shows that regression method with less statistical discrepancy is better than others .

  7. 通过风险性分析和计算,得出拟松材线虫是松树的重要病害种类,其R值为1.74,属于中度危险的林业有害生物。

    Analysis and calculation found that B.mucronatus is an important pest of pine trees in Guizhou with the R value of 1.74 , belong to medium danger pest .

  8. VA菌根与植物病害

    VA Fungus and Plant Diseases

  9. 此外,林地内的土壤元素含量在病害侵入前后也会发生一定的变化:受到轻度砍伐的林地内其P、K含量较高,有利于提高树木对病虫害的抵抗能力。

    Furthermore , proportion of total N 、 available P 、 available K in soil are dissimilar after the disease invaded : Capacities of resistance on disease will be enhanced if infect trees are cut appropriate .

  10. 随着该项技术在植物研究领域的普及,在果树上的应用也越来越广泛,特别是在基因表达研究与果树病害的病原检测上,实时PCR技术已越来越成为果树研究的一项常规技术。

    As the application in plant research growing , real-time PCR has become an important and routine technique for fruit researchers , especially for whom carrying out studies on gene expression and pathogen detection .

  11. 病毒、霜霉和细菌性软腐是中国大白菜(Brassicapekinensis)的3种重要病害。

    The downy mildew , bacterial soft rot and virus diseases are three kinds of serious disease on chinese cabbage ( Brassica pekinensis ) .

  12. 由Ecc,Ech,Eca三种主要病原菌引起的软腐病是世界农业生产上危害很严重的病害之一。

    The soft rot disease , caused by Ecc , Ech and Eca , is one of the most serious plant diseases throughout the world .

  13. 通过风险分析,认为SDS病菌是大豆生产上的毁灭性病害,经济影响大,符合检疫性有害生物的地理和管理标准及经济影响标准,是我国应关注的检疫性有害生物。

    The results of the pest risk analysis showed that SDS is a destructive soybean disease with significant economic impact to China and satisfies the quarantine pest definition in geographical , management and economic criterions .

  14. 植物源杀菌剂LS-1防治3种蔬菜病害的田间药效试验

    Effect of LS-1 on three kinds of vegetable disease

  15. 研究了粘红酵母(Rhodotorulaglutinis)不同处理方法对柑橘果实采后病害(指状青霉)的抑制效果。

    Effects of different treatments of Rhodotorula glutinis on biocontrol efficiency of postharvest disease ( blue mold ) were studied on citrus .

  16. QuorumSensing是细菌中的一种环境信号感受系统。干扰病原细菌quorum-sensing系统的正常功能,可成为防治细菌病害的新策略。

    Quorum sensing is an environmental-signal-sensing system in bacteria , it is believed that interfering of the normal function of quorum-sensing system could be developed as a new strategy for bacterial disease control .

  17. oryzicola(Xooc)引起的一种细菌性病害,是我国南方稻区的主要病害。

    Oryzicola ( Xooc ) is one of the major rice diseases in South China .

  18. 银杏内生真菌No.1028的培养条件及其代谢产物对作物真菌病害的抑制作用

    Culture Conditions of Endophytic Fungus No.1028 from Gingko Plant and Inhibition of Its Metabolites on Crop Fungal Diseases

  19. 小麦白粉病是由白粉病菌(Erysiphegraminisf.sp.tritici)引起的真菌病害,是世界各麦区的主要病害之一。

    Powdery mildew , caused by Erysiphe graminis f. sp. tritici , is one of the most serious diseases of wheat ( Triticum aestivwm ) throughout the world , and it has become a major threat to wheat production .

  20. 棉花曲叶病(Cottonleafcurldisease,CLCuD)是棉花上的重要病害,在巴基斯坦和印度已造成严重危害。

    Cotton leaf curl disease ( CLCuD ) is a severe disease of cotton . It caused destructive damage on cotton production in Pakistan and India .

  21. 番木瓜环斑病毒西瓜株系(PRSV-W)和小西葫芦黄化花叶病毒中国株系(ZYMV-CH)是危害我国西瓜的主要病害。

    The Papaya ringspot virus watermelon strain ( PRSV-W ) and the Zucchini yellow mosaic virus Chinese strain ( ZYMV-CH ) are two main viruses that cause severe losses in watermelon .

  22. 利用拮抗细菌(B-9l6、H-91、G-329、P-6854和JND)对茄果类蔬菜几种常见病害(根腐病、猝倒病和早疫病)进行室内外生物防治试验。

    In this experiment , the control effects of antagonistic bacterium ( B-916 , H-91 , G-329 , P-6854 and JND ) a-gainst some common diseases in solanaceous vegetables ( root rot , damping-off and early blight of tomato ) were studied .

  23. 连作对草莓生长发育和根部病害发生的影响

    Effect of continuous cropping on growth and root diseases of strawberry

  24. 新疆北部豆科饲用植物的寄生真菌及真菌病害的初步研究

    Parasitic fungi and fungal diseases on Forage Legumes in Northern Xinjiang

  25. 高寒地区公路涎流冰病害的治理

    Prevention and cure for ice motion on road in cold regions

  26. 高速公路路况病害信息系统的开发

    The Development of Freeway Information System on Diseases of Road Status

  27. 病害的发生程度与经营水平呈负相关性。

    The occurrence degree and the management levels present negative relativity .

  28. 车辙是沥青路面的主要病害。

    Rutting is a kind of main damages of asphalt surfaces .

  29. 贵州牧草病害及其防治

    Major Fugal Diseases of Pasture Crops and Their Control in Guizhou

  30. 福建草莓线虫病害及线虫种类鉴定

    Identification of Plant Nematodes Species on Strawberry in Fujian , China