
bìng jī
  • pathogenesis;interpretation of the cause, onset and process of an illness
病机[bìng jī]
  1. SARS的中医发病特点及病机浅析

    An Approach to Features of SARS 's Etiology and Pathogenesis in TCM

  2. 肝郁气滞可能是PCOS的主要病机之一。

    The stagnation of liver-QI may be one chief pathogenesis of PCOS . 4 .

  3. 基于本体的WEB挖掘在信息检索中的设计与实现中医症状病机实体识别及其关系挖掘研究

    The Designment and Implementation in Information Retrieval for WEB Mining Based on Ontology Research on Symptoms and Pathogenesis Recognition of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Its Relations

  4. 由于PD病因病机的复杂性,目前尚无理想的治疗方法。

    Because of the complex pathology and pathogenesis , there are no ideal therapies of PD at present .

  5. 从黄斑厚度探讨AMD中医病机的临床研究

    Macular Thickness From AMD to Explore the TCM : Clinical research

  6. 在初期EMs患者中,血瘀、气滞、寒凝病机所占比例较大。

    Among early EMs patients , blood stasis , qi stagnation and cold coagulation are in large proportion .

  7. 结论热、痰和瘀是SIRS的主要病机;

    Conclusions : Heat , Phlegm and Stagnation are the main pathogens of SIRS .

  8. 结论:,瘀血是IUD导致月经量多的核心病因病机,瘀血是病理物质基础,瘀久化热,瘀热是病机转归;

    Conclusion : Fever due to blood stasis is the major etiology and pathogenesis .

  9. IL-1β、IL-6、IL-10变化规律与温病营分证病机关系研究

    Research on Relation between the Change Regularity of IL-1 β, IL-6 , IL-10 and Mechanism of Yingfen Syndrome in Epidemic Febrile Disease

  10. 本课题归纳总结了中医学、西医学对FD的认识和研究,主要临床表现、病因病机、诊断、治则治法、药物等。

    In all of them the etiology , clinical manifestations , pathogenesis , diagnosis , treatment and medications are discussed .

  11. PCOS的病机目前尚不清楚,但最主要的病损是胰岛素抵抗导致的胰岛素过多。

    The pathogenesis of PCOS is not clear , but the main lesion is excessive insulin caused by insulin resistance .

  12. 文章从温病学的角度,对SARS的疾病性质、病因病机与温疫进行了比较分析,并运用温病学治疗温病的原则和方法,针对SARS发病过程中的不同阶段介绍了不同的治疗方法。

    The article analysis the relation between the character , etiological factor and mechanism of SARS and epidemic febrile diseases from the warm diseases theory .

  13. 心脏X综合征病因多为情志不遂,病机多为气滞痰阻血瘀导致心脉痹阻;

    The analysis of the syndrome showed that the patients with CSX were duo to emotional upset , Qi stagnation , phlegm stagnation and blood stasis which lead to obstruction of heart channel .

  14. 目的:探讨PCOS患者的临床症状分布规律和证候分布规律,探讨其发病的主要病因病机。

    Objective To summarize the syndrome and symptoms distribution regularity and to explore the major cause , pathogenesis of PCOS patients .

  15. 目的探讨全身炎症反应综合征(SIRS)的中医学病机及治疗对策。

    Objective : To investigate the pathogenesis of TCM of systemic inflammatory response syndrome ( SIRS ) and the treatment strategy .

  16. 方法:根据PV存在血瘀、瘀热伤阴的病机,应用以活血养阴为主的治疗方法治疗10例PV患者。

    Methods : Considering that blood-stasis and stagnated heat damaging yin as the pathogenesis of PV , 10 cases of PV were treated with method of ABNY .

  17. LVH的中医基本病机是痰浊、血瘀、阳亢。

    The basic pathogenesis of Traditional Chinese Medicine to LVH is Turbid Phlegm , Blood stasis and Yang hyperactivity .

  18. 多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)的核心病机是卵子发育延迟和排出障碍,符合肾虚血瘀的基本病理。

    Ovum hypoevolutism and ejection handicap were the nuclear pathogenesis of PCOS , its basic pathology accorded with deficiency of kidney and blood stasis .

  19. 指出单纯的外感致病论及内伤致病论不足以反映SLE复杂多变之病情,内外合邪致病论更利于从整体上把握SLE的病因病机;

    Only exopathogen or internal injury is not enough to reflect the complication of SLE , both together are beneficial to grasp the etiology and pathogenesis of SLE .

  20. MHD患者微炎症状态病机特点以气阴两虚为本,湿热、血瘀为标,湿浊是重要病理因素。

    The pathogenesis of MHD patients micro-inflammation is characterized by Qi-Yi deficiency , dampness and blood stasis , and dampness is an important pathological factor .

  21. 高脂饮食是NAFLD的主要病因,肝脾功能失调可能是NAFLD的主要病机。

    High fat diet is a major cause of NAFLD , while liver and spleen dysfunction may be the main pathogenesis . 3 .

  22. 目的:从临床、实验研究两方面对不稳定型心绞痛(UA)的病因病机、治疗方药进行较为系统地探讨。

    Objective : Systematically explores the etiological factors and therapeutic methods of unstable angina pectoris ( UA ) in active phase from both experimental and clinical aspects .

  23. 经分析得出:元阳不足,精化气障碍是SLE发病的根本病机;外邪入侵是SLE发病的重要条件。

    The data showed that kidney-yang deficiency , essence changed into Qi barrier was the basic pathogenesis of SLE , and external evil invasion was an important pathogenic factor of this disease .

  24. 参考西医学AD病程分期方法,将AD分为初期、中期、末期3个阶段,并对这3个阶段的中医病因病机和治则进行了考察。

    We classified the symptom progression into three stages , including early stage , middle stage and last stage according to the classification method in western medicine and explored the etiology , pathogenesis and treatment of TCM at each stage of AD.

  25. 目的:研究骨性关节炎(OA)的中医病因病机,探讨健骨胶囊对实验性OA软骨及滑膜病变影响的作用机理。

    Objective : To study epidemiology and pathogenesis of osteoarthritis ( OA ) in TCM , and to study the effect of Jiangu capsules on pathology of cartilage and synovia of OA on experimental rabbits .

  26. 由于慢性肾脏疾病的病理病机复杂,目前对其发病机制尚不清楚,还没有任何有效的治疗方法以延缓和治疗慢性肾脏疾病,最终导致CRF是毫无疑问的。

    As complex pathology and pathogenesis of chronic kidney disease and its pathogenesis is unclear at the moment , there are no effective treatments to slow and treatment of chronic kidney disease .

  27. 对疾病名称、病因病机、中医证候、治疗方法等资料建立word文件、SPPS数据库,进行归纳整理、统计学分析。

    Word files and SPPS data base were established with the data of disease names , Etiological factors , pathogenesis , presentation , iatric and nonconforming therapeutics . It was coordinated and analyzed with statistics .

  28. 根据这一新的病机理论,我们拟定了中药复方制剂肺络通合剂,并进行了临床观察,观察其对COPD急性加重期的诱导痰液中IL-8和肺功能的影响。

    According to this theory , we make a compound Chinese herb named Fei Luo Tong He Ji and observe it 's influence on IL-8 production in COPD . Aim To study pharmacokinetics of compound chinese herb preparation .

  29. 目的:调查香港地区20-50岁人群疲劳与慢性疲劳综合征(chronicfatiguesyndrome,CFS)的发病情况及其中医证型与症状,探讨CFS的病机。

    Objective : Our purpose is to conduct an epidemiological study of chronic fatigue syndrome ( CFS ) and its syndrome types and symptoms of traditional Chinese medicine ( TCM ) among adults ( 20-50 years old ) in Hong Kong , and to discuss the TCM pathogenesis .

  30. Meige综合征病机为肝脾功能失调,治疗强调疏肝运脾、化痰理血。

    It is argued that Meige 's syndrome results from liver and spleen disharmony and its treatment concentrates on discharging liver and regulating spleen , resolving phlegm and regulating blood .