
  • 网络Virus library;ESET;norton antivirus;IVDF
  1. 基于CAM分组的模式匹配引擎有较强的通用性,除了适用于IDS规则库,也适用于各种病毒库的检测匹配。

    The first PME , pattern-matching engine using grouping CAM , is a universal one . Besides the IDS rules , it also fits pattern-matching for many virus libraries .

  2. 请及时下载更新病毒库进行杀毒并对你的电脑进行复原。

    Please install updates for worm elimination and your computer restoring .

  3. 病毒库和程序更新可以执行或关闭线。

    Virus database and program updates can be performed on or off line .

  4. 上述系统已通过国家863计划中计算机病毒库建设项目验收并投入使用。

    The above project has passed the National 863 project " Computer virus database construct " and put into applying .

  5. 能正常发挥作用,但是病毒库不能正常更新,建议最好重新安装。

    Can produce effect normally , but virus library cannot be updated normally , suggest to had better be reinstalled .

  6. 及时升级病毒库是减少新病毒的攻击的最有效手段;

    Upgrading virus database in time , the third way , can also reduce the chance being attacked by new virus effectively .

  7. 其中的报告即为来信附件中文件的分析结果,并将反映在下一次的病毒库升级中。

    The report contains information on what the verdicts on the files ( if any in the letter ) makes antivirus with latest updates .

  8. 如果可疑文件是一个我们所不知的新的威胁,在这时我们会及时更新我们的病毒库。

    If the suspicious file contains a new malware which is unknown to us at this point in time we will update our signature database .

  9. 使用增量的更新机制,让下载时间减少到最低水平,使我们一天能够释放更多的病毒库包,以改善防护。

    Using the incremental update mechanism , so download time is reduced to a minimum so that we one day be able to release more virus database packages in order to improve protection .

  10. 普通商业病毒库在没有经过国家行政机关授权的前提下,无法使用这些涉密的病毒样本,从而使得普通商业手机杀毒软件无法用于检测涉密人员的手机。

    Without authorized of the administrative organs , the common commercial virus database cannot use the classification virus samples . Therefore , common commercial mobile phone anti-virus software cannot be used to detect the smart phones of classified staffs .

  11. 查阅NCBI病毒基因库,比对同源序列,设计丙型肝炎病毒RNA5′末端非编码区的通用PCR引物,并用地高辛标记。

    Consult in gene bank at NCBI to compare the homologous sequences , and then design common PCR primers in HCV 5-non-coding region with digoxin labels .

  12. 抗戊型肝炎病毒噬菌体抗体库的构建与筛选

    Construction and screening of hepatitis E virus-specific phage antibody combinatorial library

  13. 人源抗狂犬病毒单链抗体库的构建及体外亲和筛选

    Construction of human phage-displayed scFv library and selection of the ScFv against rabies virus

  14. 要对抗新病毒,病毒库定义不再有效,反病毒程序可以使用试探法。

    To protect against new viruses for which definitions are not yet available , AV programs can use heuristics .

  15. 如果你怀疑你的电脑上有键盘记录器,更新你的反病毒软件的病毒库,并且把它完整的运行一遍。

    If you suspect a keylogger is on your PC , update your antivirus software of choice and give it a full run .

  16. 该系统主要利用专家们研究计算机病毒所得的知识和经验构造而成的规则库以及已知病毒的档案库,运用正向不精确的推理机制,来鉴别某一程序是否染毒。

    In order to determine that a given program has been infected by viruses , VDES is based on the rule set formed by knowledge and experience of experts and a forward inexact inference method is used .

  17. 结合复杂网络理论提出了监控和防御即时通讯病毒的一条思路,引入杀毒软件的病毒库的概念,使即时通讯软件能对已知病毒免疫。

    Based on the complex network theories , several methods are proposed to slow down and control IM worm , and monitor its outbreak as well . The virus database is introduced to Instant Message software , with which IM software can be immune to the known IM worms .

  18. 静态扫描技术是建立在对程序静态分析的基础上,主要选用程序的机器码,字符串等作为病毒样本的特征,在病毒检测时通过搜索病毒特征库查找是否存在相匹配的病毒特征来发现病毒。

    The static scanning technique is primarily based on static analysis of virus and to choose the machine codes or strings in the virus as its signature . When scanning a new file , the virus detection program searches the virus signature database to find if there are matched signatures .

  19. 禽流感病毒(AvianInfluenzavirus,AIV)在野生鸟类中分布广泛,特别是野生水禽被认为是禽流感病毒的天然储库,因此,野生鸟类在禽流感传播过程中具有不容忽视的作用。

    Avian influenza viruses ( AIV ) are widely distributed in wild birds . The wild waterfowls are particularly natural reservoirs of avian influenza virus . Migration of wild birds could not be overlooked during the prevalence of avian influenza virus .

  20. 基于病毒特征标识码的扫描方法能够准确地检测已知病毒,但由于特征标识码容易被改变,因而需要频繁更新用户端病毒特征标识库的内容。

    The traditional signature-based scanner is exact for known viruses , while customers ' signature bases should be updated very frequently as those signatures could be changed easily by computer virus authors .