
bái yáng diàn
  • Baiyangdian Lake;Baiyang Lake
白洋淀[bái yáng diàn]
  1. 对白洋淀目前面临的生态环境问题进行了分析,提出了白洋淀生态环境保护的措施,并对白洋淀旅游资源的进一步开发提出了设想。

    This paper gives an analysis on the present ecological environment of Baiyang Lake . It advances some measures to protect it , and also envisages a further exploitation of the tourist resources of Baiyang Lake .

  2. 幸亏这些年轻妇女,白洋淀长大的。

    Luckily , these young women grow up in Baiyang lake .

  3. MODISNDVI在白洋淀蝗虫害监测中的应用

    Application of MODIS_NDVI to monitoring locust pest in Baiyang Shallow Lake

  4. 应用条件价值法(CVM)评估白洋淀湿地非使用价值是维持白洋淀湿地可持续发展的前提,而个人支付意愿又是CVM的核心内容。

    The application of CVM to evaluate non-use value of Baiyangdian wetland is the premise of continuable-development for Baiyangdian wetland .

  5. 运用季节性Kendall检验法对2000&2004年的水质监测数据进行趋势分析,白洋淀湿地水体有机污染物呈上升趋势。

    The thesis use " seasonal Kendall " methord combine water quality monitoring data of 2000-2004 to calculate , the last conclusion is that the organic pollution of Baiyang Lake is on the rise .

  6. 从保定市护城河及白洋淀底泥中富集分离出6株光合细菌,分别编号为PSB-1、PSB-2A、PSB-2B、PSB-3、PSB-4、PSB-5。

    Eight strains of Photosynthetic Bacteria , numbered PSB-1 . PSB-2A . PSB-2B PSB-3.PSB-4.PSB-5 were isolated from the mud sample of Baoding city . Their pure culture have been identified through morphological , biochemical characteristics .

  7. 论综合治理白洋淀的必要性与可能性

    Tentative discussion on necessity and possibility of comprehensive management of Baiyang take

  8. 总之,在中国现代主义诗歌发展史上,白洋淀诗人和他们的诗歌一样,都将具有永远的意义。

    In short , poets and their poetry , will be forever .

  9. 白洋淀水生植被蔬菜类儿童食品的研制方向及技术难点

    The new trends and technology difficulties of children foods made from vegetables

  10. 酰胺类农药在白洋淀典型农田土壤上的吸附行为

    Adsorption of acetanilide pesticides on soils of Baiyang Lake

  11. 华北平原最大的淡水湖泊&白洋淀就位于安新境内。

    North China Plain , the largest freshwater lake-Baiyangdian is located in an new .

  12. 白洋淀地区近16年芦苇湿地面积变化与水位的关系

    Reed Land Change and Its Relationship to Water Level in Baiyang Lake Since 1987

  13. 白洋淀水量和水资源承载能力研究。

    Second , the research of water quantity and carrying capacity of The Baiyang Wetlands .

  14. 对白洋淀芦苇湿地的退化状况、退化原因以及保护白洋淀湿地的重要性进行了分析。

    The degradation status , reasons and the importance of protection the reed wetland are analyzed .

  15. 白洋淀水环境变化对安新县经济发展的影响

    Influence of water environment variation of Baiyang Lake on the growth of economy of Anxin County

  16. 白洋淀诗歌群落文学地理学视野中的审美期待

    Aesthetic Expectations of the " Poetry Community of Baiyangdian " from the Perspective of Literary Geography

  17. 白洋淀的情况也不容乐观,2005-2006年的调查结果显示白洋淀处于重度富营养化。

    The survey results showed that the lake had existed severe eutrophication in 2005 and 2006 .

  18. 计算表明,白洋淀对局地气候有调节和改良作用。

    The calculation shows that the Baiyangdian Lake has an regulative and progressive effect on the local climate .

  19. 白洋淀是华北地区最大的淡水湖泊,目前面临着严重的生态环境问题。

    Baiyang Dian , the biggest fresh water lake in North China , faces the most serious environmental problem now .

  20. 目前,一座新兴的“水城”和“风景旅游城”正崛起在白洋淀畔。

    At present , an emerging " water city " and the " Scenic City " have emerged in Baiyangdian River .

  21. 近年来,由于各种因素的影响,水域环境污染问题已经成为制约白洋淀经济发展的一大障碍。

    In recent years , water environmental pollution has been a large barrier limiting economic development of Baiyangdian because of various reasons .

  22. 幸亏是这些青年妇女,白洋淀长大的,她们摇的小船飞快。

    It was lucky that all these young wives had grown up by the river : their boat went like the wind .

  23. 如何对白洋淀的生态环境进行保护,并进一步开发其旅游资源,对当地经济发展有很大的影响。

    How to protect the environment and further develop its tourist resources have great influence on the development of its regional economy .

  24. 黄河北流从未进入河北平原的中-西部的白洋淀流域区。

    The northward removal channel of the Huanghe River had never entered into Baiyangdian drainage area in the middle-west part of Hebei Plain .

  25. 河北的白洋淀是华北最大的湖泊,目前已缩小35%并濒临乾涸。

    Hebei s Baiyangdian Lake , north Chinas largest lake , has shrunk by35 % and is in danger of completely drying up .

  26. 摘要白洋淀湿地是华北地区最大的淡水湖泊,近年来,生态环境退化现象十分严重,面临着干淀的威胁。

    Bai Yang Dian wet land is the biggest freshwater lake in North-China and its eco-environment deteriotes seriously and the lake is drying up .

  27. 其次是持续的干旱、地面水资源的萎缩等自然环境的变化造成了白洋淀急需大量补水而又无水可补的尴尬境地;

    Then , the continued arid and water resources reduction cause the lake badly in need of the water replenishment but nowhere to be found .

  28. 论文主要从文学地理学语境入手,研究“白洋淀诗歌群落”的形成背景及诗歌理论。

    Starting from the context of literary geography , this paper aims to explore the formation background of the Baiyangdian poet community and its poetic theory .

  29. 为了给北京蓄水,王快水库已经停止将水提供给河北的白洋淀&中国北方最大的淡水湖。

    In order to store water for Beijing , Wangkuai has stopped supplying water to Hebei 's Baiyangdian , the largest freshwater lake in northern China .

  30. 应用浮游植物群落资料通过指示生物法、藻商值、营养状态指数和物种多样性指数评价了白洋淀水质,同时利用理化分析方法对水质进行监测,两种评价结果是一致的。

    In the meantime , another evaluation of water quality was carried out by using physical-chemical index . The results of two evaluation were the same .