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bái sè
  • white;whiteness;off-white;reactionary;albedo;counter-revolutionary
白色 [bái sè]
  • (1) [white]∶牛奶那样的颜色

  • (2) [counter-revolutionary;reactiorary]∶用以特指一切反动的势力

白色[bái sè]
  1. 他穿着白色晚礼服显得十分出众。

    He cut a striking figure in his white dinner jacket .

  2. 大教堂白色的塔楼优雅庄重地耸入云霄。

    The cathedral 's white towers climb gracefully into the sky .

  3. 他那夹克的米黄色与乳白色的衬衫非常协调。

    The beige of his jacket toned with the cream shirt .

  4. 墙壁粉刷成了略呈桃红的白色。

    The walls were painted white with a hint of peach .

  5. 雄鸟的头上有明显的白色斑纹。

    The male bird has distinctive white markings on its head .

  6. 我觉得卧室里用白色未免太素了。

    I think white would be too stark for the bedroom .

  7. 在西方文化中,白色一向象征纯洁。

    White has always been a symbol of purity in Western cultures .

  8. 这一物种的雄性有一条白色的尾巴。

    The male of the species has a white tail .

  9. 我打算把墙壁刷成白色,把天花板刷成粉红色。

    I 'm going to paint the walls white and the ceiling pink .

  10. 那匹马几乎是纯白色。

    The horse was almost pure white in colour .

  11. 她裹在一条白色大毛巾里。

    She was enveloped in a huge white towel .

  12. 大雪把树冠变成了白色。

    Snow had whitened the tops of the trees .

  13. 别把白色衣服和带颜色的衣服一起洗。

    Don 't wash whites and colors together .

  14. 她穿着镶白色网眼纱边的衣服美极了。

    She was a vision in white lace .

  15. 这个疯子开着一辆白色货车直接冲到了我前面!

    This lunatic in a white van pulled out right in front of me !

  16. 别把白色衣服和带颜色的衣服一块洗。

    Don 't wash whites and coloureds together .

  17. 房间漆成了杏黄色和白色。

    The room was painted apricot and white .

  18. 新娘身穿白色礼服。

    The bride was dressed in white .

  19. 这所房子全都粉刷成了白色。

    The house was painted white throughout .

  20. 她穿着一身白色的衣服。

    She was dressed all in white .

  21. 酒店是这条路上唯一的白色建筑——你不会看不见的。

    The hotel is the only white building on the road ─ you can 't miss it .

  22. 他身着棕色灯芯绒裤子和白色棉衬衫。

    He wore brown corduroy pants and a white cotton shirt .

  23. 我穿着一件带有白色蕾丝花边的格子呢睡衣。

    I am wearing a plaid nightgown trimmed with white lace .

  24. 该镇在古时以其白色公牛闻名。

    The town was famous in antiquity for its white bulls .

  25. 她身穿一条开叉开到了大腿的白色连衣裙。

    She was wearing a white dress slit to the thigh .

  26. 最初的白色铅质颜料氧化后变成了黑色。

    The original white lead pigments have oxidized and turned black .

  27. 很快,一个穿着白色外套的年轻女子走了进来。

    Presently , a young woman in a white coat came in

  28. 现在,顶灯已装上了一个白色球状罩子。

    The overhead light was covered now with a white globe .

  29. 因为天气暖和,戴维只穿了一件白色的棉衬衣。

    Because it was warm , David wore only a white cotton shirt

  30. 在春天,这种乳白色的花朵分外迷人。

    The creamy white flowers are attractive in the spring .