
bǎi huò diàn
  • department store;general store;bazaar
  1. 你有什么适于百货店工作的资历吗?

    What qualifications do you have for department store work ?

  2. 百货店就开在十字路口。

    The department store is located at the intersection .

  3. 那家百货店周六减价抛售货物。

    The store is closing out on saturday .

  4. 30岁的莎拉·奇瓦亚(SarahChiwaya)是曼哈顿的一名律师。去年春天,她要去萨克斯第五大道精品百货店参加一场时尚活动。

    Last spring Sarah Chiwaya , 30 , a lawyer in Manhattan , attended a fashion event at Saks Fifth Avenue .

  5. 美国的OpeningCeremony及伦敦的布朗百货店(Brown’s)也开始囤积WalkofShameMoscow的货,这是设计师安德雷•阿尔捷莫夫(AndreyArtemov)最新设立的时尚品牌。

    Opening Ceremony in the US and Brown 's in London have also begun stocking Walk of Shame Moscow , a new brand by Andrey Artemov .

  6. TheRow是Matchesfashion.com网店上的销量第一的品牌,罗奇售价980美元的厚毛衣(fishermansweater)更是在巴尼斯百货店(Barneys)被抢一空。

    The Row is a bestseller on Matchesfashion.com , and Roche 's $ 980 fisherman sweater sold out at Barneys this season .

  7. 后来萨克斯第五大道精品百货店(SaksFifthAvenue)给了曼哈顿旗舰店鞋履楼层一个专属的邮编(10022-SHOE)。

    Saks Fifth Avenue later gave its Manhattan flagship 's shoe floor a ZIP code ( 10022-SHOE ) .

  8. 据日本百货店协会(JapanDepartmentStoresAssociation)表示,日本百货公司的销售额已经大幅下跌,其中艺术品、昂贵的珠宝和腕表受到的冲击尤为沉重。此类商品10月份的销售额下降了13.5%。

    In Japan , department store sales have slumped , with art , expensive jewellery and watches hard hit , according to the Japan Department Stores Association , which said sales were down 13.5 per cent in October in that category .

  9. 萨克斯第五大道精品百货店(SaksFifthAvenue)不再甘心于只为有强烈需求的客户服务,正在转型为价格更加高昂的精英购物场所。

    Saks Fifth Avenue , no longer willing to settle for the merely aspirational client , is making itself over as a far more expensive , elite place to shop .

  10. 据报道,黑客窃取了数百万在SaksFifthAvenue(萨克斯第五大道精品百货店)、SaksOff5th(萨克斯第五大道精品百货折扣店)和Lord&Taylor(罗德泰勒百货)等门店使用过借记卡或信用卡的顾客的信息。

    It is reported that hackers stole information from millions of customers who used debit or credit cards at Saks Fifth Avenue , Saks Off 5th and Lord & Taylor stores .

  11. 塞尔福里奇(selfridges)百货店今春将发布一个在线评论平台,以配合网络零售活动。

    This spring Selfridges department store is launching an online editorial platform to partner its Web retail .

  12. 萨克斯第五大道精品百货店与美国电话电报公司(AT&T)合作,在44家门店内安装了WiFi,他们更愿意提供这方面的信息。

    Saks Fifth Avenue , which has equipped its 44 stores with Wi-Fi in partnership with at & T ( T ) , was a little more forthcoming .

  13. 就在圣诞季之前,像塔吉特(Target)、彭尼公司(J.C.Penney)和萨克斯第五大道精品百货店(SaksFifthAvenue)这样的大型零售商在全店安装了免费的WiFi。

    Just before the holiday season , big retailers like target ( TGT ) , J.C. Penney ( JCP ) and Saks Fifth Avenue ( sks ) installed free Wi-Fi throughout their stores .

  14. 她最近不再像往常那样去高级百货店Nordstrom为丈夫买衬衫,而是在仓储式连锁店Costco以单价16.99美元买了两件白衬衫。

    Rather than shopping for his shirts at Nordstrom as usual , she recently bought him two white-collar shirts at Costco for $ 16.99 apiece .

  15. 亚马逊(Amazon)和谷歌(Google)这样的网络巨头纷纷在大商场里签订短期租约,展示自己的新产品。而全美连锁的高档百货店诺德斯特龙(Nordstrom)也与网络珠宝商BaubleBar和时尚品牌TopShop合作,在自己的门店内设置专柜。

    Major online brands like Amazon ( AMZN ) and Google ( GOOG ) have experimented with short-term leases to showcase new products while national retailer Nordstrom has collaborated with online jewelry marketplace BaubleBar and fashion brand Top Shop to set up within the department store .

  16. 波道夫·古德曼精品百货店(BergdorfGoodman)男装总监布鲁斯·派斯克(BrucePask)说:“口袋让裤子多了有趣的元素,让它不再是一条平淡无奇的裤子了。”

    It gives the pants just a little extra interest , rather than just a regular flat-front trouser , ' said Bruce Pask , men 's fashion director at Bergdorf Goodman .

  17. 如今,大型百货店的传统仍在延续,百盛(parksons)等连锁百货店都制定了雄心勃勃的扩张计划。

    Today the tradition of large department stores continues with chains such as Parksons on ambitious expansion programmes .

  18. 与此同时,随着MichaelKors产品在全球400个自营零售店以及在3700家百货店和专卖店销售,一些华尔街的分析人士和投资者越来越确信,MichaelKors扩张速度过快,折扣力度开始变大。

    Meanwhile , with Michael Kors products sold in its own 400 retail stores and in 3,700 department and specialty stores world-wide , some Wall Street analysts and investors are increasingly convinced Kors has expanded too fast and is starting to discount more .

  19. 特效设计师参与迪斯尼以及卢卡斯影业(Lucasfilm)组织的为伦敦大奥蒙德街儿科医院慈善募捐的《星球大战激发时尚灵感》(StarWars:FashionFindstheForce)活动,设计的慈善T恤在塞尔福里奇百货店(Selfridges)公开销售。

    Designers featured participated in Disney and Lucasfilm 's ' Star Wars : Fashion Finds the Force " event , in aid of Great Ormond Street Hospital . Charity sweatshirts are available at Selfridges stores . ' Star Wars : The Force Awakens " is in UK cinemas from December 17

  20. 布鲁明戴尔百货店(Bloomingdale's)男装部主管乔希・派斯科维茨(JoshPeskowitz)说,由带饰钉的橡胶制成且被Church's和Paraboot等高端鞋品牌采用的Dainite鞋底“是在湿滑天气里避免摔得颜面尽失的最讲究的方式”。

    A Dainite sole , which is made of studded rubber and is used by high-end footwear brands like Church 's and Paraboot , ' is the dressiest way to not fall on your face when it 's slippery , ' said Josh Peskowitz , men 's fashion director at Bloomingdale 's.

  21. 我在巴黎男装周现场询问一位来自伦敦某大型百货店的买手:英国脱欧(Brexit)公投影响了生意吗?他立马变得神情紧张。

    Out here at the Paris menswear shows , I asked a buyer from a major London store : how will the Brexit vote affect their business ? He breathed heavily .

  22. 他把那间小商店扩展成为一家大型百货店。

    He developed his little store into a big department store .

  23. 是家男子服装店,就在百货店隔壁。

    A clothes shop for men next to the department store .

  24. 我们的目的是要加速本百货店的库存周转

    We aim for a quick turnover of stock In our store

  25. 那家百货店以敲诈顾客而闻名。

    That store is known for ripping off the customers .

  26. 中国百货店:现状判断与趋势研究

    Chinese department store : present situation judgment and tendency research

  27. 大型百货店效益滑坡的分析与对策

    Analysis on the Declining Economic Benefits of Large-scale Department Store and the Countermeasures

  28. 请问,这一带有大众百货店吗?

    Excuse me , but is there a dime store in this area ?

  29. 村里有家大百货店。

    There is a large store in the village .

  30. 打造我国百货店新的竞争模式

    New Modes of Competition for Department Stores in China