
huáng guān
  • crown;imperial crown;royal crown
皇冠 [huáng guān]
  • [imperial crown] 由君主戴的象征至高权力的帽子,一般由贵重金属制作,镶有宝石

皇冠[huáng guān]
  1. WTO的争端解决机制被公认为WTO皇冠上的明珠。

    The WTO dispute settlement mechanism is recognized as the pearl on the imperial crown of WTO .

  2. 软土隧道拱顶与地表沉降关系研究WTO的争端解决机制被公认为WTO皇冠上的明珠。

    Study on Relation Between Crown and Ground Settlement Above Weak Tunnel The WTO dispute settlement mechanism is recognized as the pearl on the imperial crown of WTO .

  3. 皇冠是王位的象征。

    The crown is an attribute of kingship .

  4. 超市里的苹果选择有限,有些人习惯了购买金色皇冠和皇家嘎啦,而当他们看到保存下来的古老苹果品种,比如罗马人种植的德乔苹果(Decio)时,真的会感到大开眼界。

    To people who are used to the limited choice of apples such as Golden Delicious and Royal Gala in supermarkets , it can be quite an eye opener to see the range of classical apples still in existence , such as Decio which was grown by the Romans .

  5. 又一个在我阴影之下的公主觊觎我的皇冠。

    Another princess in my shadow come to covet2 my crown .

  6. 这枚硬币反面的图案是个戴皇冠的狮子

    The coin has a crowned lion on its reverse .

  7. 自然犹如我等,时常没戴皇冠。

    Nature like us is sometimes caught without diadem .

  8. 镶有宝石的皇冠

    a crown studded with gems

  9. 海南皇冠假日滨海温泉酒店TEATREESPA:美女之泉

    Tea Tree SPA of Crowne Plaza Hainan Spa & Beach Resort : Spring of Beauty

  10. 直到在去年卖给杰夫o贝佐斯之前,《华盛顿邮报》(WashingtonPost)一直是格雷厄姆控股公司皇冠上的宝石。

    Until its sale to Jeff Bezos last year , the Washington Post was Graham Holdings ' crown jewel .

  11. 玻利瓦尔皇冠(BolivarRoyalCorona),浓郁型雪茄,混合了巧克力及咖啡香调。

    Bolivar Royal Corona Richly complex with hints of chocolate and coffee .

  12. 你可以意愿通过皇冠顶轮来明白,就象Mila一样。

    One can intend to know by reading through the crown like Mila .

  13. 那名骑士为了爱人而背叛国家。n.皇冠vt.为……加冕

    That knight betrayed his country for his lover .

  14. 杰瑞身穿一件红色超短裙,上面有英国国旗的图案,她还搭配了一顶金色的Halo&Co品牌皇冠头饰。

    Meanwhile , Geri rocked a super-short red dress with Union Jack detailing , which she paired with a Halo & Co gold filigree tiara .

  15. 香港皇冠酒窖(CrownWineCellars)总经理迪耶伯(GregoryDe'eb)说,名贵的整箱葡萄酒在过去都是密封保存的。

    It used to be that premium wine cases were kept sealed , says Gregory De'eb , general manager for Crown Wine Cellars .

  16. 采访人告诉女王,有一名图书管理员取下了皇冠上的珠宝,把它们放在了一个BathOliver的饼干盒里,并藏在了伯克郡。

    He revealed that a librarian removed the stones out of the jewels and placed them into a Bath Oliver biscuit tin before hiding them in Berkshire .

  17. 对Mila而言,她的意识通过她的皇冠顶轮被抽出而向上输送给高维度,而这造成了脑中风。

    For Mila her consciousness was drawn up the dimensions through her crown and this led to strokes .

  18. Blair很突兀的穿着粉红色的泡泡裙,带着皇冠。这让人觉得这很有可能不是真的!

    Blair is oddly dressed in a pink puffy gown and wearing a crown , which leads people to believe this is NOT real life .

  19. Ramirez的律师称,现在皇冠仍属于Ramirez。

    Ramirez 's lawyer claims Domonique still has the crown .

  20. XML常量(XMLLiterals)、成员、命名空间以及LINQ都是VB9皇冠上的明珠,它们也均将毫无疑问地得到支持。

    XML Literals , Members , and Namespaces , which along with LINQ are the crown jewels of VB9 , will be supported .

  21. 争端解决机制是WTO皇冠上的明珠,但这颗明珠是否真的璀璨夺目,则取决于DSB报告执行制度。

    Dispute settlement mechanism is the bright pearl on the crown of WTO . However , whether it is really lustrous and brilliant depends on the implementation institution of DSB report .

  22. 选美皇后DomoniqueRamirez在被摘掉皇冠的那出表演上哭了。

    Beauty queen Domonique Ramirez is in tears over the drama that stripped her of her crown .

  23. 在Mila跟她老师学习的时候,她被告知从皇冠脉轮进行解读,而不是用第三眼。

    At the time Mila studied with her teacher , she was told to read from her crown chakra rather than her third eye .

  24. 泰姬酒店还拥有位于伦敦圣詹姆斯白金汉门的皇冠假日酒店(CrownePlaza),但它希望将其更名为泰姬品牌。

    The group owns the Crowne Plaza hotel at Buckingham Gate in St James , London , but wants to re-brand it as a Taj .

  25. 美国在线时代华纳已成过去式,但HBO的价值增长了不少;福克斯对时代华纳发出收购,最想摘取的就是HBO这颗“皇冠上的明珠”。

    AOL Time Warner is no more , but HBO 's value has grown hugely - it is the jewel Fox most wants to seize in Time Warner 's crown .

  26. 在目前所有货运船舶中,LNG船技术最复杂,难度最高,被称为世界造船皇冠上的明珠。

    LNG carrier technology is the most complex and difficult during all the traffic ships and goes by the name of " The bright pearl on imperial crown " in the international shipbuilding field .

  27. AIA是这家保险集团皇冠上的宝石,通过发行有望筹资50亿至100亿美元,确切数字将取决于发行的股份。

    AIA is one of the insurer 's crown jewels and is expected to raise between $ 5bn - $ 10bn depending on the precise stake sold .

  28. 他们称之为勿需营销:JK罗琳新书内容的写作过程,在今天的出版市场上就像皇冠上的宝石。

    They call it denial marketing : the process whereby the contents of JK Rowling 's books are guarded like the crown jewels until publication day .

  29. 介绍了一辆丰田皇冠MS132-AEPQES轿车在行驶7.6万km时,发动机气缸垫损坏,经更换新气缸垫后,出现了发动机着火后不久就熄火的故障。

    After replacement of new engine cylinder head gasket instead of the broken one , a Toyota Crown car engine of 76 thousand km operating mileage encounters with the trouble of miss-fire as soon as the engine ignited .

  30. 虽然HarryStyles可能是OneDirection最时尚的成员之一,但这位具有时代标志的歌手的皇冠意外地被MTVEMA的新人和前乐队的伴侣ZAYN抢走了。

    While Harry Styles might have a reputation for being one of the most stylish members of One Direction , the Sign of the Times singer had his crown stolen by surprise MTV EMAs newcomer and former band mate , ZAYN .