
pí fū lì shén màn bìnɡ
  • cutaneous leishmaniasis
  1. 应用双抗体夹心Dot-ELISA法诊断新疆皮肤利什曼病患者的循环抗原或抗原&抗体复合物获得较好的结果。

    The diagnosis of cutaneous leishmaniasis circulating antigen or antibody-antigen complex has been expressed by using double-antibody sandwich Dot-ELISA .

  2. 在法属圭亚那对人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染和非HIV感染患者的皮肤利什曼病的对比性研究

    Comparative study of cutaneous leishmaniasis in human immunodeficiency virus ( HI V ) - infected patients and non-HIV-infected patients in French Guiana

  3. 耐瑟兰(Netherlands)地区传入性皮肤利什曼病模式的改变

    Changing pattern of imported cutaneous leishmaniasis in the Netherlands

  4. 双抗体夹心Dot-ELISA诊断新疆地区皮肤利什曼病

    Sandwich Dot-ELISA in diagnosis of cutaneous leishmaniasis in xinjiang , China

  5. 用PCR扩增及Southern印迹杂交对新疆克拉玛依地区皮肤利什曼病病原体kDNA同源性研究

    Analysis of sequence homologies in kDNA of Leishmania species causing cutaneous leishmaniasis in karamay , Xinjiang by PCR and Southern hybridization

  6. 我国新疆皮肤利什曼病病原体ssurDNA多变区序列分析

    Sequence analysis of SSU rDNA variable region of cutaneous leishmaniasis pathogen from xinjiang , china

  7. 沙特阿拉伯动物传染性皮肤利什曼病的临床和病理学特征

    Clinical and histopathological features of zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis in Saudi Arabia

  8. 美国皮肤利什曼病皮损中浸润细胞的流式细胞检测分析

    Flow cytometric analysis of cellular infiltrate from American tegumentary leishmaniasis lesions

  9. 伊拉克驻守士兵皮肤利什曼病

    Cutaneous leishmaniasis in soldiers returning from deployment to Iraq

  10. 热带利什曼原虫所致皮肤利什曼病表皮朗汉斯细胞的定量研究

    A quantitative study of epidermal Langerhans cells in cutaneous leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania tropica

  11. 锑酸葡胺联用己酮可可碱的系统疗法在治疗皮肤利什曼病中的疗效

    Effect of combination therapy with systemic glucantime and pentoxifylline in the treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis

  12. 依曲康唑治疗皮肤利什曼病的随机、双盲、安慰剂对照临床试验

    A randomized , double-blind , placebo-controlled clinical trial of itraconazole in the treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis

  13. 从伊拉克战场返回肯塔基州坎贝尔堡的军人中的皮肤利什曼病引起对其诊断和治疗方法的重视

    Cutaneous leishmaniasis in soldiers from Fort Campbell , Kentucky returning from Operation Iraqi Freedom highlights diagnostic and therapeutic options

  14. 目的:研究克拉玛依地区皮肤利什曼病的临床类型及病理。

    AIM : To study the clinical forms of cutaneous leishmaniasis ( CL ) basing on pathological changes in Karamay of Xinjiang .

  15. 结论:当地皮肤利什曼病的病原体为婴儿利什曼原虫,硕大白蛉吴氏亚种为该病的媒介。

    CONCLUSION : Leishmania infantum is the pathogen of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Karamay , Xinjiang , and P.major wui , the vector of this disease .