
yán jī
  • base
  1. 酸雨pH越低,越易使盐基离子发生淋溶。

    The lower pH was , the easier base cations leached .

  2. 凋落叶中的盐基阳离子总浓度与其对酸雨的缓冲能力大小(表现为模拟酸雨pH的变化)一致。

    The concentration of base cations in litter was Consistent to its buffering capacity .

  3. 天然防腐剂在不同冷藏期鲜羊肉中的挥发性盐基氮和pH值变化研究

    Studies of Natural Preservative Value of Fresh Mutton During Cold Storage

  4. 聚铝溶液pH值及盐基度的相关性研究

    Studies of the interrelations between pH and alkalized degree of polyaluminum aqueous solution

  5. 无机盐活化剂&氨基酸盐基溶液捕集温室气体CO2

    CO_2 capture through membrane gas Absorption with aqueous solution of inorganic salts-amino acid salts

  6. 铵态氮与土壤pH值、交换性盐基总量、交换性酸含量均不相关。

    Ammonium nitrogen had no significantly correlated with pH value , total exchangeable bases and exchangeable acidity .

  7. LED用稀土Eu掺杂硅酸盐基荧光粉的研究进展稀土掺杂硅酸盐体系长余辉发光材料研究进展

    RESEARCHES PROGRESS OF WHITE-LIGHT-EMITTING DIODES USING EUROPIUM ACTIVATED SILICATES Advances in phosphorescent materials of rare-earths ions doped silicate system

  8. 土壤pH值与水溶态盐基离子占交换态盐基离子的百分比呈极显著的负相关性。

    Soil pH value has a significance negative correlation to the proportion of water-soluble base cations in exchangeable base cations .

  9. 表层土壤盐基离子变化较大,说明盐基离子发生淋洗。土壤溶液Ca/AI;

    Large variation of base cations in surface soil indicated leaching of base cations was occurred .

  10. 本研究将质构、挥发性盐基氮、和pH值用于评定贝肉品质。

    The texture , total volatile basic nitrogen ( TVB-N ) and pH were measured to value the quality of mussel flesh .

  11. 结果表明,模拟酸雨淋洗后土壤中有极少量的Al和一定量的Si及盐基离子淋出。

    Results showed that little Al , some Si and base ions were leached out from the soils with simulated acid rain .

  12. 与非根际土壤相比,根际土壤pH、交换性Ca、Mg和盐基饱和度明显降低,而交换性K高于非根际土壤。

    Compared to bulk soil , rhizosphere soil showed lower pH , exchangeable Ca , Mg and base saturation but a higher exchangeable K.

  13. CuO掺杂铌酸盐基无铅压电陶瓷的性能研究

    Study on CuO Doping Effects of Potassium Niobate-Based Lead-Free Piezoelectric Ceramics

  14. 低盐基土壤K、Ca、Mg的交互作用对水稻生长与养分吸收的影响

    Effect of interactions of k , Ca and Mg applied to soils with low base content on growth and nutrient uptake by rice plant

  15. 土壤pH与盐基饱和度呈非线性正相关,且主要受占优势的交换性Ca2+制约。

    The soil pH is also significant positive correlation with Base Saturation , which is mainly restricted by Exchangeable Base Ca ~ ( 2 + ) .

  16. PAC中氧化铝和盐基度的测定

    Determination of alumina and basicity in the PAC

  17. 结果表明:三个工业系列样品中Al的形态分布规律基本一致,Ala随盐基度的升高而逐渐降低;

    The results show that the Al species distribution of the three series of industrial specimens is consistent on the whole .

  18. 根据江津市柑橘果园土壤71个灰棕紫泥土样的分析资料,应用统计方法,探讨pH和盐基饱和度的关系。

    According to analyzed data of grey brown purple soil samples of Jiangjin orange orchard , We discussed application , Statistic method , and relation between pH and cation saturation .

  19. 在pH≥3.5处理下,土壤次级缓冲体系可使盐基离子总淋失浓度维持在一定水平。

    When treated by SAR of pH ≥ 3.5 , the total concentrations of base cations washed away were maintained by the secondary buffering system of soil at a stable level .

  20. 本试验通过pH值、细菌总数、挥发性盐基氮的测定,对注水白条肉鸡新鲜度进行检验。

    The experiment has been hold to test the freshness of raw and eviscerated chicken injected with water by measuring pH value , bacterial amount and Contents of volatile basic nitrogen .

  21. 结果表明,随栽参年限的增加,土壤有机质、全氮、有效硅、交换性盐基离子含量、pH值和C/N比下降;

    The results showed that the contents of organic matter , total nitrogen , available silicon , base exchangeable ions and the values of pH and C / N of soil were decreased ;

  22. 试验结果显示:(1)低蛋白质氨基酸平衡饲粮使仔猪血浆挥发性盐基氨含量、血浆尿素氨含量和腹泻指数降低(P<0.05或0.01)。

    The results showed ,( 1 ) A A-balanced , low CP diets wereeffective ( P < 0.05 or 0.01 ) to reduce the diarrhoea score and the contents of plasma volatile basic nitrogen and urea nitrogen .

  23. 首先,制备PVC混炼片,以硬脂酸钙为润滑剂、DOP为增塑剂、三盐基性硫酸铅为稳定剂。

    First , preparation of PVC mixing films , acid calcium as lubricant , DOP as plasticizer , three base lead sulfate as stabilizer .

  24. 结果表明,随着含氮浸提液体积或浸提次数增加,土壤中Al的溶出总量、盐基离子的溶出量均随之增加。

    The results show that the amount of the release of Al and base cations from soil increases with the increase of both the volume of N fertilizer applied and the times of digestion .

  25. 当土壤pH值处于小于4.5区段时,对酸化过程的抑制能力明显减弱,pH值的降低与交换性盐基离子Ca+2的脱除速度呈明显正相关,而与交换性Mg+2的关系不明显;

    When soil pH dropped to 4.5 , the buffering capacity of the soil to the process of acidification weakened significantly and exchangeable base Ca ~ ( + 2 ) desaturation decreased together with soil pH.

  26. 结果表明,三盐基硫酸铅、二盐基亚磷酸铅、硬脂酸铅和柠檬酸对发泡剂AC都有较强的活化作用,属于加速型发泡助剂;

    The results showed that tribasic lead sulfate , dibasic lead phosphite , lead stearate and citric acid were the fast secondary blowing agents and had a stronger activating effect on blowing agent AC ;

  27. 结果表明,在适宜的pH值和投加量条件下,聚合硫酸铁的盐基度在10%~16%时,絮凝效果较好,色度去除率为80%以上。

    The results showed that , a good flocculation effect with more than 80 % decoloration was obtained under the condition of appropriate pH value and input dosage and also 10 % ~ 16 % alkalinity of PFS ;

  28. 结果表明:土壤的pH值和CEC含量越高,盐基离子释放量越大,土壤酸缓冲容量越大;

    The results indicated that the higher the pH value and CEC content of the soil , the greater the basic ions and acid buffering capacity of the soil would be .

  29. 结果表明,随模拟酸雨pH值下降,土壤pH值和盐基饱和度明显降低,而交换性酸度明显增加,污染土壤中交换性氢含量比未污染土壤高,而交换性铝含量比未污染土壤低。

    The results showed a decrease of pH and base saturation , and increase content of exchangeable acidity in both uncontaminated and contaminated red soil and yellow red soil within the pH decreasing of simulated acid rain , significantly .

  30. 低分子量有机酸(Low-molecular-weightorganicacids,简称LOAs)能促进土壤中磷素及盐基离子的活化,加速土壤矿物溶解,早已被人们认识。

    As is well known that Low-molecular-weight organic acids ( LOAs ) can promote activation of P and base ion from soil , and accelerate dissolution of soil minerals .