
shèng kāi
  • be in full bloom
盛开 [shèng kāi]
  • [be in full bloom] 形容花朵开得又多又好

  • 玫瑰花盛开

  • 浪花往上抛,形成千万朵盛开的白莲。--《天山景物记》

盛开[shèng kāi]
  1. 不是每一只蝴蝶都可以轻舞飞扬,不是每一朵鲜花都可以生机怏然地盛开,而幸福往往与美丽无关。

    Be not that every one butterfly can make light of dance feiyang , be not fresh flower per one being able to lease of life Yang but the field is be in full bloom , but happy sometimes with beautiful independence .

  2. 水仙花盛开了。

    The daffodils were in full bloom .

  3. 这些花已过了盛开的季节。

    The flowers are past their best .

  4. 树上鲜花盛开。

    The trees are in blossom .

  5. 这是天竺葵和矮牵牛盛开的时节。

    This is when geraniums and petunias come into their own .

  6. 城市公园是理想去处,那里几乎一年四季鲜花盛开。

    Town gardens are ideal because they produce flowers nearly all year round

  7. 一株植物凋谢了,另一株又会盛开。

    As one plant fades , another comes into flower .

  8. 尤其是在四五月份,不计其数的野花盛开,山谷里一片绚烂色彩。

    Millions of wild flowers colour the valleys , especially in April and May

  9. 我们园子里的郁金香已经盛开。

    The tulips in our garden are in bloom now .

  10. 我的花园里鲜花盛开。

    My garden abounds with flowers .

  11. 夏威夷常年百花盛开。

    In Hawaii there are flowers all the year round .

  12. 百花盛开,万紫千红。

    Flowers of all sorts are blooming in a riot of colour .

  13. 桃花盛开。

    The peach trees are in full bloom . ; The peach blossoms are out .

  14. 樱花盛开。

    The oriental cherry is in full blossom .

  15. 百花盛开。

    All flowers are in full bloom .

  16. 百花盛开春满园是今日文坛的写照。

    The world of letters can be portrayed today as a garden with a hundred flowers in bloom .

  17. 中国的科学界向着讲文明的标准迈进了一步,西方人认为这种文明之花只在本国盛开。

    And Chinese science has taken a step towards the standards of civilised discourse that Westerners like to think prevail in their own countries .

  18. 当鲜花盛开时,这个公园的景色美极了。

    The park is a picture when flowers are in bloom .

  19. 花园里的花盛开。

    The flowers in the garden are now in full bloom .

  20. 玫瑰会盛开,随即又凋零,

    A rose will bloom , it then will fade

  21. 园中百花盛开。

    The garden is aglow with many flowers .

  22. 樱花盛开标志着春天的到来,反映了大自然稍纵即逝的美丽。

    The blossom marks the arrival of spring and reflects the transient beauty of nature .

  23. 阵列中的每个ZnO花束都是由管状结构的花瓣组成,从花束中心一点向外呈放射状盛开。

    Each ZnO bouquet was composed of many tube-like petals radiating from the center outwards .

  24. 恋爱之花在仆人们当中盛开,庄严的卡森先生(Mr.Carson,吉姆·卡特[JimCarter]饰)终于向和蔼的休斯女士(Mrs.Hughes,菲利斯·罗根[PhyllisLogan]饰)求婚。

    Love bloomed in the servants " quarters , where the stately Mr. Carson ( Jim Carter ) at long last proposed to the kindly Mrs. Hughes ( Phyllis Logan ) .

  25. 趁着花儿盛开,爱的玫瑰及时采。

    Gather the rose of love , whilst yet in time .

  26. 在公园里盛开的花朵随处可见。

    Flowers in full bloom are seen anywhere in the park .

  27. 道路两旁点缀着盛开的杜鹃花。

    The road was fringed with [ by ] flowering azaleas .

  28. 等待已经逝去的日子,爱的种子只会发芽,不会盛开。

    The seed of love only sprouted but didn 't flourish .

  29. 女士们可以期盼紧腰宽裙和阿尔卑斯山上盛开的花朵。

    The ladies can look forward to dirndls and alpine flowers .

  30. 两边各自打开的双铡刀车门远望犹如盛开的莲花。

    Double scissor doors open on each side like lotus blossoms .